
Short Stories

Quick find code: 49-50-526-31637980

Anne Lauten

Anne Lauten

Posts: 3,830 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I decided to just call this "The Fight."


Tenling stopped, motioning to the others to stay back,

"What is it?" whispered Shi, taking a firmer grip on her dagger, "is it the Shadows?"

Keppon frowned at her, placing his finger on his lips. After about thirty seconds, Tenling crept back, the tip of his spear brushing a low-hanging branch,

"It's the Shadows, they were here only a few minutes ago." and he held up a scrap of black cloth, ripped off no doubt, when its owner had stumbled into one of the multiple brambles that lined the narrow path.

"They will pay for Ravena's death," Lacin hissed, clenching her scimatar in one sweaty hand, "yess, they will pay."

The others looked at her in suprise, for she rarely spoke, and when she did, it was mostly to point out a mistake somebody had made, however, she was the secend best fighter in the Gang of Midnight and that more then made up for her rudeness.

"We should go, if we tarry to long then they will lose us in the plains."

Tenling considered this.

"Good idea Keppon, I first, then Lacin, then you and lastly, Shi."

Shi looked up from tracing a pattern of lines on the dirt with her toe.

"Oh come on," she grumbled, "why do I always have to be last?"

Tenling took a deep breath,

"Shi, you have the least experince in fighting, so you go last, I don't want what happened to Ravana to happen to you, understood?"

"Yeah, whatever." she said, lifting her hand and giving him a sharp salute. All the others, except Lacin, tried not to laugh; Shi was the only one who could talk to Tenling like that, and go unpunished.

"Follow me, guys, weapons out all," he paused, "except Keppon, of course."

Keppon grinned, the only weapon he had were his fists, and they were all the weapon he needed.

27-Sep-2006 19:34:22

Anne Lauten

Anne Lauten

Posts: 3,830 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They followed Tenling into the woods, walking softly and holding the low branches out of their way so they didn't snap back and betray their location. They walked on and eventully reached a clearing.

"This doesn't look right," said Tenling, examining the bushes, "we should.."

At that minute a man, dressed all in black, lept from the bushes,

"Talon!?" Shi gasped, backing up, Talon whistled, and the rest of the Shadows****<cen>*, Kor, Scrim and Zenthon, came out of their hiding places, and gathered around their leader.

Talon began giving orders.

"Jexon on Shi, Scrim on Lacin, Kor takes Keppon, and Zenthon and I on Tenling."


Shi jumped, doging the vicous attack of Jexon, a dark haired girl with a short sword.

"You will die." sneered Jexon, lunging foward. Shi parried the blow, and returned one of her own, that pirced the dark fabric of Jexon's tunic, and buried itself in her chest.

"Who will die?" asked Shi, panting, as Jexon fell back, red blood flowing from the wound and staining the ground crimson.

"You will never win." Jexon gasped, defying Shi with her last breath. Shi pulled her weapon from the dead body and turned, ready to help whoever needed it.


Keppon jumped aside, barely missing Kor's mace.

Ha! He thought to himself, missed me there!, and then, feeling a sudden pain in his midsection, he looked down, amazed to see Kor's hidden dagger embedded there.

Keppon fell, the jolt of his landing making the dagger fall from the wound, Kor ended his pain quickly, slicing his head from his body in two fast strokes of his dagger; and then he fell as well, feeling the cold steel of Shi<cen>'s weapon pass through his own neck.

27-Sep-2006 19:35:33 - Last edited on 27-Sep-2006 19:40:45 by Anne Lauten

Anne Lauten

Anne Lauten

Posts: 3,830 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surveying the others, Shi saw that Lacin had ended the life of Scrim, but had colasped by the body, holding her leg with tears of pain streaming down her face. Tenling had killed Zenthon, and now faced the rival leader, Talon.

Tenling gave her a look; don't help me, it said, I need to deal with this myself.

Shi turned her attention to Lacin, who had a deep cut in her leg, Shi tore the cloak from one of the bodies, and helped Lacin to bind her wound.

Meanwhile, Tenling had cut Talon's left arm, which now hung uesless by his side.

"You will never beat me." grunted Talon, slashing at his oppstion.

"What was that?" grinned Tenling, inflicting more damage on Talon'* hurt arm. That only gave fuel to Talon's rage, and he lunged foward, caring nothing for his own safety, plunging his sword into Tenling's leg.

Tenling fell back, moaning in pain, and, as Talon came to deliver the blow that would kill him, tried the easiest trick in swordplay.

"What's that!" he yelled, gazing up at the darkening sky above him, Talon glanced up, only for a second, but enough time for Tenling to plunge his spear into Talon's chest, spitting him like a chicken ready for the roast.

Talon staggered back, and fell upon the ground. Tenling crawled over, and, as the light passed from Talon's eyes, two words passed his lips,

"Good.. Fight." he whispered.

27-Sep-2006 19:39:04

Anne Lauten

Anne Lauten

Posts: 3,830 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lynx sat down by a tree,

"When will these darn woods ever stop?" he asked himself, frowning.

It had been almost four months since he had first started chasing the murderer of his village, and he wondered if he was ever going to catch up. The trail of the killer had led him to the woods where he now rested, leaning back against the rough bark of the tree.

A faint noise alerted him, and he crouched behind the tree, on the watch for anything or anybody.

A man entered the clearing, dressed all in green, head down as he looked for something; Lynx drew in a quick breath, maybe this was who he was looking for! Then he relized something, he didn't even have the faintest idea as to what the killer looked like. He had been expecting to track down the fellow, and then have him say something like,
"I am the one who killed your village, do you want to fight?" that was the way it happened in stories.

The man in green turned towards him, and then he noticed that it wasn't a man, but a woman, and a darn good-looking woman at that.

"Come out now!" she said, voice quavering a bit. Lynx crawled out, how much could this girl do to him anyway?

"Hi," she said, "I'm lost."

"Where are you from?" he asked her, "maybe I can help you get home."

She looked up, releif written plainly on her face, "Thank you!" she exclaimed, "I'm so tired, I've been wandering around for ages now."

"I'll help," he said, "what's your name, and where are you from?"

"I'm from Calen, and my name is.. Um.. Mary." she said quickly, glancing up at him to see if he noticed her hesitation.

"What's your name?"

"Lynx." he answered, he was busy thinking, and didn't see the gleam in her eye as he told his name,

"I'm so tired," she said, lying down, "Watch to see that nothing eats me, ok?"

30-Sep-2006 23:13:57

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