
The Monolith

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Form for Bios
Name: Ciris (Pronounced Cir-Is.)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Appearance: Green and burly, Has a chipped tusk giving him the name Chiptooth. Wears a black and green robe with spikes coming out of it. His choice of weapon would be Potent water magic. Able to summon water elementals to help him in battle. When not using magic he uses a heavily spiked Water Staff.
Religion: Bandos, Big High WarGod.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
History: Is a Druid of Bandos, constantly doing whatever his god commands. Was raised with the help of Water Elementals and his orc parents. Has traveled to the Monolith's Continet to destroy all who seek it, keeping it on the Continet forever, In an attempt to Prevent the Worst war of all. The reasons for his doing so is because Bandos knows that even himself will be destroyed if this war happens! Is able to Raise up ORCISH undead to help him on his quest, When he raises the Undead Orcs it causes his eyes to glow bright grey. His undead are specially blessed by Bandos himself, Making them unable to be Dispelled by even the Strongest Magics. The Undead are still able to be defeated though, Even if their master can will them to repair themselves, but it will take time. When Ciris summons his Undead Orcs he is drained of virtually most of his strenth making him unable to battle without help from both Water Elementals and Undead Orcs. (note he is only able to summon Undead Orcs, He cannot raise any other type of the dead!) (Also he can only summon water elementals if they choose to appear. Meaning that they can refuse to help him if they wish not too, Has a water elemental "Brother" which was raised with him to help his water magiks increase. This "Brother" is loyal to Ciris and will usually help him out of love for his closest friend and brother.)

29-Jun-2010 17:08:34 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2010 17:09:22 by Zirk78



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sorry, had a busy day yesterday, the add will be up today. "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

30-Jun-2010 12:01:30



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Void Knights stared at the charred remnants of the jungle with a mix of sorrow and disbelief; it was never easy for a Guthixian to look at such a desecration of nature. Thankfully, for the knights, they had noticed the fire early enough to carry away their provisions and escape the conflagration.
“Well,” sighed one of the Void Knight’s captains, “We have no choice but to assume the worst; Lord Dentro and Lord Chris are dead, and those seeking the Monolith still live.”
“Captain,” objected one of the knights, “Certainly they wouldn’t die so easily.”
The captain sighed. “Perhaps not, but in times like this you must assume the worst while hoping for the best. We must prepare to enter this desolated jungle and find those seeking the Monolith.”
“Yes sir,* the knights replied soberly.
“Alright,” said the captain, “Gather up our supplies, and prepare to head out.”
“Sir! Something approaches!”
The captain turned to where his subordinate was pointing and indeed saw a figure making its way through the desert. It took a while for the green and black object to get close enough for the knights to identify it, and once they did, several gasped in shock; it was an orc wearing robes and bearing a staff.
“An orc mage?” asked the captain, “That’s something you see once in a lifetime.”
It seemed the orc mage had noticed them too, as it now made its way purposely to the knights, and once close, looked over them spitefully before saying, “In name of Big High War God, intruders must die! But, me hate fighting in desert, no much water here.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

01-Jul-2010 11:42:09



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Void Knights took this declaration as a sign of hostility and brandished their weapons. A few decided not to wait for the orc to attack and charged toward him. The orc blinked at these, and once one of them was in range, slammed its spiked staff into the knight’s head. The spikes stuck fast, causing the flesh to be ripped from the knight’s face as the orc pulled its staff out, and spraying both the orc and the other nearby knights with blood.
Shocked by this attack, the knights made the foolish mistake of stopping, allowing the orc to smash its staff into another of the Void Knights, killing him as well. The remaining Void Knights took a hint from this and put a distance between themselves and the orc.
“There be many of you,” the orc observed, “And one of me, that not fair… Me know, me call dead brothers to make fair.”
The Void Knights gave questioning looks to one another, but soon figured out what the orc was talking about as several skeletons emerged from the sands, each clearly having belonged to an orc. However, these skeletons seemed to have belonged to bigger and stronger ancestors of the modern day orc, making them all the more formidable.
As the knights looked at these undead orcs in a shock, the orc mage shouted, “In name of Big High War God, people after shining stone must die!”
At this announcement, a look of realization crossed the Void Knight captain’s face and he shouted, “Stop!” drawing confused looks from his men.
“Excuse me,” the captain said to the orc mage, “Are you by chance trying to stop the Monolith from being retrieved?”
“Man-o-what?” asked the orc, “Me trying to stop people from taking shiny rock in part of island; Big High War God say so.”
“We are also trying to stop people from getting the… shiny rock,” said the Void Knight, “Instead of fighting, we should be helping each other.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

01-Jul-2010 11:44:48



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The orc mage stopped, and seemed to be in thought, finally, he said, “Me no know if me believe you. How me know if you telling the truth?”
“I swear by Lord Guthix we are trying to stop people from getting the shiny rock,” said the Void Knight.
The orc mage blinked and replied, “Me no care if you swear by god of trees and flowers, maybe if you swear by Big High War God me believe you though.”
The Void Knight sighed at the absurdity of a Guthixian swearing by Bandos, but nonetheless said, “I swear by the Big High War God that we are trying to stop people from getting the shining stone.”
“Oh,” said the orc mage, nodding in approval, “Why not you say so? Okay dead brothers, you die ‘gain, me no need you.” With this, the orc skeletons sunk into the ground. “Me Chiptooth,” the orc told the Void Knights, “Now, we go to burned wasteland, and find people looking for shining stone, then kill them. Hurry now, no keep Big High War God waiting.”
The knights looked to their captain for confirmation, and, at his nod, followed the orc into the remnants of the jungle.

“The path of fire seems an apt name for this place,” commented Linksona.
“Agreed, I’ve never seen so much magma in one place,” added Chris, “Incidentally, have any of you noticed any enemies about?”
“Not yet at least,” replied Linksona, “Why?”
“Give me a moment,” replied the warrior, stripping off his armor so that he was left wearing the wool shirt and pants he wore underneath. The former of these, he also removed, and stashed both it and his armor within his bag.
“That’s better,” he said, “It’s too hot in that armor.”
“Alex maybe you should join him,” commented Hekate, “The heat’s clearly affecting you; why, your face has already turned red, that might be a sign of heatstroke.”
“Er, fine,” said Alex, who likewise stripped off his armor and shirt. As he did so, Chris raised an eyebrow, something Alex did*’t miss.
*What is it?” he asked.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

01-Jul-2010 11:47:23



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Nothing,” replied Chris, “I was just… thinking about something.”
“Linksona, you too!” exclaimed Hekate.
“Nope,” said Linksona, “I’m used to heat like this; besides, aren’t you just trying to surround yourself with eye candy in the form of shirtless guys?”
“No,” replied Hekate in a way that did*’t sound sincere in the least.
“She is,” Chris and Alex said together.
“Still, you really might have been getting heatstroke,” Chris told Alex, “So you probably shouldn’t put your armor back on.”
“Um, okay,” replied Alex, “As long as you don’t either, I don’t want Hekate staring at me the entire time we’re in these caverns, it gives me the creeps.”
“Fair enough,” agreed Chris.
“I agree too!” exclaimed Hekate.
“You realize that encourages them to put their armor back on?” questioned Linksoma.
“Nevermind,” said Hekate.
“We already heard,” said Chris.
“Aw…” sighed Hekate.
“Honestly, you people have the most bizarre conversations.” As this was said, a fire burst forth in front of the group, and a young man with short red hair and orange eyes emerged from it.
“Who are you?” questioned Linksoma.
“I am Fountona, Warrior Prantiqeth of the House of Fire,” replied the young man, “And the ‘sage’ of these caverns.”
“Another of you?” questioned Alex.
“Indeed,” replied Fountona, “And unlike Gichoma, I will battle with you personally, prepare yourself.” So saying Fountona summoned a blade made of some golden metal and pointed it at the group.
Alex grabbed his own sword in response, but Hekate motioned for him to stop. “We have no chance,” she said, “This guy’s a Prantiqeth; meaning that for all practical purposes, he’s a god. We’d be killed in an instant.”
“I see one of you understands the situation here,” said Fountona, “Don’t worry, if you don’t resist I can guarantee this will be quick and painless.”
“Fountona, stop!” a new voice called.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

01-Jul-2010 11:49:58



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Fountona looked annoyed, but did not move any closer to the group. A moment later, another young man, this one with long cyan hair and sparkling blue eyes appeared.
“Why are you getting in my way, Nuphar?” asked Fountona.
“You see,” said the newcomer, and he leaned over and whispered something to Fountona, as he did so, he seemed to motion toward Chris and Alex. When he finished Fountona gave him an exasperated look.
“You’re seriously asking me to stay my hand because of that?” he questioned Nuphar, “As much as you might enjoy it, we have a duty to perform.”
“Perhaps not,* said Nuphar, “Have you heard from Gichoma recently?”
“No, why?” asked Fountona.
“Apparently, another group was saved from her trap; the person who saved them was a thaumaturge,” replied Nuphar.
“Is she certain of this?!” questioned Fountona.
“Beyond reasonable doubt,” replied Nuphar.
“This complicates matters,” sighed Fountona, “If Apolytos is involved…”
Nuphar nodded, “Then we have no right to interfere… or rather, we may meet our deaths if we do.”
“Annoying,” sighed Fountona, “What do you propose?”
“We hold back and observe for now,* replied Nuphar
“Alright,” sighed Fountona, turning to the group he said, “We’ve decided to not get involved directly… for now, see you later.” With this, both he and Nuphar vanished.
“What was all that about?” asked Alex.
“It seems something else is going on here, beyond our knowledge,” observed Linksona, “For now, I suggest we continue our journey.”
The others nodded in agreement, and continued into the caverns.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

01-Jul-2010 11:51:58



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-By the way this post is really meant for Prefix Three, so there's no reason to read if you aren't him.-
By the way, Prefix, (I'm hoping you're still reading.) If possible, I'd like to talk to you on game, I haven't heard from you since I dodged that question... if you really want to know I'll tell you. I can't tell if you're mad at me for that, or if you just haven't had time to get on with all of the stuff your dealing with...
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

01-Jul-2010 11:54:55

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