Elena let out a light smirk, absorbing Raphael's words and holding them to her heart. She shook her head, agreeing with the young leader. The two then stared forward, mentally and physically prepared for what may come their way. They then boldly walked forward, their hands clenching onto the other's.
Their feet beat down upon the cobblestone pathway, stepping down a long stretch of road that was not too far from home. Just minutes away from there, apprehension began to seep into her heart through cracks in the walls of her confidence. But she knew she had to face whatever would come her way. Finally, they had arrived within the town of Lumbridge.
The River Lum was the only life that twinkled in this land. Everything and everyone was so dead and soulless. They wore no emotions on their faces, they appeared much like mindless zombies aimlessly wandering the streets. The city was a mixed lot, some houses still somewhat stood while other houses were literally burnt down to the bone.
The foundations of homes and businesses were like gravestones, so hopelessly and sorrowfully reminding all of the events that had occurred. Rubble laid all around the area, burnt up portraits of families were where they should not be. And the dead still lined the streets as soldiers still had to tend to the wounded.
Bands of black feathered birds fought over the corpses, the strongest picked them clean. Wherever one would look, a broken body would lay with soulless eyes. Blood ruled the streets like its a king, the rancid combination of burnt away flesh and rotting carcasses its queen. Some of the bodies had even been stripped of all things valuable, leaving them with but tattered clothing.
The people who lived were completely numb, standing amongst the ruins of the places they loved. But then, the spark that relit the flames of the anger and hatred blew in from the north. She along with their leader walked to them, side-by-side. It was enough to bring them back to life.
The end
is only
the beginning...
09-Aug-2013 21:46:19
- Last edited on
27-Sep-2013 18:18:40
Serene End