This time Lucien knew what was happening, and turned around quickly... but not quickly enough. Before he could stop him, Gregory had touched the Stone.
“Aaaaarrrggghhh!!! Nooooo!!!!!!”
“Gregory cast an earth spell at Lucien, sending him flying backwards.
*I told you that you couldn’t defeat me. Now I will prove it.” Gregory cast another massive spell, consisting of earth, water, ice, smoke, shadow, and blood. Lucien also cast a spell of about the same strength, and both of them groaned as they felt the force of the other hit them. Then Gregory had an idea. He cast a tiny little teleportation spell just behind the Stone while Lucien was occupied, to give himself a good method of access to the Stone.
While he was doing this however, Lucien caught him by surprise with a chilling ice spell, which made his veins burn with pain. This ice spell was much greater that the others Lucien had cast, because he had only cast ice and not any other elements. As foolishly walked up to Gregory, intending to make the last blow, Gregory sent a surge of fire towards Lucien, taking away his sight temporarily and melting the ice holding Gregory.
After this, they both jumped up to touch the Stone of Jas. For a moment, they stared at each other menacingly. Then Gregory laughed,
“Just think, we are fighting each other as if there will be an end to this fight, but when you think of it, this battle will never end. The Stone of Jas is here for the touching, and as soon as one of us is weakened, we will touch the Stone for the replenishment of our powers. I say we call it a truce, and end this fight for now.*
30-Nov-2011 06:41:05