"You say Fareed was mortified? Give him another chance guarding Meadin."
"Yes, my Lord. I'll have Dendora pass along the orders this afternoon."
Zaros grunted and pounded his face on the table. Then, he looked up at the two silent brothers on the opposite wall. "You've been awfully quiet, Mesta. You too, Viggora. Why are you here?"
"Security, Lord Zaros," Viggora replied. "About a week ago, a routine inspection of your chamber revealed that your belongings had been ruffled through."
Zaros perked up. "Someone was in my chamber?"
"Yes, Lord," answered Mesta. "Nothing was taken. We have reason to believe that the perpetrator was looking for this." They held up Zaros's sword, a beautiful silver blade with eight jewels encrusted on the hilt. It had a decorative hilt added just before Zaros's coronation, but the blade was the original blade that defeated the former Emperor, Raldeir.
"Thanks, you two. If you could, would you please go check my room once more, as well as Esther and Calina's chambers? This Cormac business is getting me a little uncertain."
"Of course, Lord Zaros," they replied, and they left the room.
Zaros turned to Azzanadra. "You think there is a traitor in the Palace?"
"I'm not sure," Azzanadra replied. "I guess anyone could be, but no one has shown any signs. We'll keep our eyes open."
"There may be some in the army or the guard. Tell Zamorak and Akthanakos to inspect their forces."
"Will do."
Zaros held up his sword. "Why would anyone want this?" Zaros asked.
"Well, it is the sword that killed Raldeir. It probably has the same effect on his sons. Also, I'm not sure if you've noticed it, but it has absorbed your unique powers. It is the most powerful sword on Gielinor."
Zaros grinned wryly. "Not anymore." He showed Azzanadra the empty notch where one of the gems was missing.
Azzanadra smiled. "So, the power is there only when all the gems are in the hilt. Impressive magic."
11-Jul-2008 23:37:21