"They're the most knowledgeable, it seems," Caelidorus replied. "So of course it would make the most sense to rely on them for studying auras... Though if their knowledge lacks on it, I do not know what the best course of action is."
"Ah, but you are making one fatal flaw, for that plan will not work," Caelidorus said, grinning as well. "For I will not leave my treasure at my cave! Nay, I shall eat it so I can take it with me, and then leave decoys and traps for you to find."
Frilarth blinked, having heard this part of the conversation.
"...Eating... things... to carry them? Why didn't I think of that!?"
"Perhaps we should make his name into an actual word..." Caelidorus mused, chuckling. "And have the word be meant to describe one with such an oddity about them that no other word sufficiently describes them."
Forlirn frowned slightly, squinting as he looked into the distance. Eventually, he blinked, seeming to nod slightly.
"We near the coast..."
10-Oct-2011 06:21:20