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Cigam Mai

Cigam Mai

Posts: 1,781 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Circadian Rhythm Sanity Check for Couples

by Cigam_mai -- September 1, 2013

Out of sync and out of phase
I like nights and you like days.
I’m always hot, you’re always cold.
You’re kind of shy, while I’m so bold.

Nature girl, you plant and sow;
I love plants… when they don’t grow.
I’m fine that gardening is for you,
But why demand I garden, too?

If you’re odd, it’s just a quirk,
Odd in me, makes me a jerk.
You always make the best of time.
But my pursuits… are less sublime.

Our Circadian Measure
Causes you great displeasure.
Be warned! And I offer this fact:
Opposites… don’t always attract!

02-Sep-2013 20:51:50

Cigam Mai

Cigam Mai

Posts: 1,781 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dazed and Eclipsed

by Cigam_mai -- September 11, 2013

I really wish it were not so.
I never thought I'd see you go.
That one so thoughtful and refined
Should wound my heart with: "I've resigned."

You’ve been a teacher, and a friend.
Where most would flee, you would not bend.
You lived your word (and so few do).
You honored us, I honor you.

But you should hear, before you go
You’ve helped me more than you can know.
I don’t know how I’ll brave this test.
Guess I’ll just wish you: “All the best!”

[I wrote this to commemorate the resignation of a good friend (Daze Eclipse) from our clan.]

11-Sep-2013 11:58:09

Cigam Mai

Cigam Mai

Posts: 1,781 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
John Herrman wrote the following eulogy back in 2009:

On March 15th, 2009, a bat clung to the Space Shuttle Discovery as it was thrust toward the great beyond. Goodbye and Godspeed, magnificent Space Bat.

During the countdown, Space Bat was spotted latched to the foam of the external fuel tank, occasionally moving but never letting go. Wildlife experts deduced that he had injured his wing and shoulder, leaving him with little chance of survival. He remained on the tank until launch. NASA's cold report? “The animal likely perished quickly during Discovery's climb into orbit.”

True! But here's how it should have read:

Bereft of his ability to fly, and with nowhere to go, a courageous bat climbed aboard Discovery with stars in his weak little eyes. The launch commenced, and Space Bat trembled as his frail mammalian body was pushed skyward. For the last time, he felt the primal joy of flight; for the first, the indescribable feeling of ascending toward his dream—a place far away from piercing screeches and crowded caves, stretching forever into fathomless blackness.

Whether he was consumed in the exhaust flames or frozen solid in the stratosphere is of no concern. Space Bat died, but his dream will live on in all of us.

John H Reiher, Jr offered a rewrite of the poem High Flight by John Magee:

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on leather-skinned wings;
Moonward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of moon-split clouds, - and done a hundred things

You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the moonlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager wings through footless halls of air…

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or ever eagle flew -
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high un-trespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my wing, and touched the face of God

14-Sep-2013 10:13:20

Cigam Mai

Cigam Mai

Posts: 1,781 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For Glory

by Cigam_mai -- September 21, 2013

When I am set upon by the fair Muse,
Then greedily I clutch her to my 'breast;
Her presence is a gift I can’t refuse.
When she is near, there is no time for rest.

I’m human, but the Muse’s call I hear
And human, recognition’s what I crave.
But History’s drumbeat stokes my greatest fear:
Fame often finds most poets… in the grave.

I must embrace a truth, both cold and stark,
That though illumination is my goal
The vast bulk of my work falls in the dark
It’s joy… if I can light up just one soul.

And while the road I travel’s not oft trod
It draws me to a life I can’t resist.
Though rarely does my verse receive a nod
It seems, I must for Glory, still persist.

[I wrote this in iambic pentameter to thank Yrolg for the thoughtfulness of a kind review.]

21-Sep-2013 22:08:12 - Last edited on 04-Oct-2013 10:15:19 by Cigam Mai

Cigam Mai

Cigam Mai

Posts: 1,781 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have a friend of amazing talents who changes her FB profile picture quite a bit. That may only be noteworthy to lumbering dinosaurs of my generation who haven’t changed their profile picture since the last century, but her mercurial changes often inspire my imagination. Sometimes, the inspiration will bubble over into some form of poetic expression… this is one of those creative moments:

Ever Changing Profile

by Cigam_mai - October 12, 2013

She turns her head and gazes out
Oh, what has caught her eye?
A sunset sparkle on a wave,
Or something in the sky?

There is a joy that most outgrow
Left in our childish youth:
The beauty that’s in everything;
A glorious, hidden truth.

What we already overlooked
Has caught her questing sight
And when we look again, we find,
We bask in her delight!

Some call her “Angel”; others, “Muse”;
What more could heaven send?
I know she stirs a joy in me…
I’m blessed to call her friend.

14-Oct-2013 08:52:44

Old Gnomish
Jul Member 2023

Old Gnomish

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In Passing

Doors open and we sluggishly shuffle in,
some waver for a moment and contemplate where to sit. I
don’t pause and quickly find a place by the window,
opposite a woman with auburn hair
and glasses that sit on the tip of her nose. She looks up for a moment,
briefly flashes a smile. She’s writing letters.
I watch her mechanically, her hand moving like a violinist’s
As she writes; then, a clean lick of the tongue along the envelope,
and a firm press of the thumb to apply the stamp.

Prestwick. A few scramble off, a few more shuffle on;
Cigarette smoke is now aboard and it invades our carriage--
our carriage.
I look out, observe the way the track meanders
around council housing and the dead land.
But the train’s still living: I know this because I hear her rhythmic
heartbeat, the sudden judder every now and then to remind us
everything is irregular.
Cobbled streets, a dog in someone’s window,
empty packet of Walkers ghost-walking,
It’s easy to not even notice such things, but in passing I do.
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17-Oct-2013 21:23:24

Cigam Mai

Cigam Mai

Posts: 1,781 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Terah: Alligator Slayer

by Cigam_mai -- October 18, 2013

Alligator, alligator
You’re such a crafty muse.
After I ran over you
I made you into shoes.

[My friend Terah ran over an alligator today; I just HAD to commemorate the event!]

18-Oct-2013 11:43:42

Cigam Mai

Cigam Mai

Posts: 1,781 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Here’s a peek inside my creative process. Mind you, the process is not the same all the time, but this time might prove interesting. The idea for Draconis Infinitas (Infinite Dragon) sprang from the thought that dragons might be infinitely more powerful and different than anything else on the planet. What if it were pure human hubris that declared dragons extinct? What if they were not cold-blooded or warm-blooded, but something much more elemental? What if they were merely inert at this millennial moment… dozing, so to speak?

So I wrote down all those thoughts, grouping them semi-coherently into a free verse poem. Perhaps I might awaken from my doze sometime to set it to rhyme and meter, and create an ode to dragons.

Draconis Infinitas

by Cigam_mai -- October 26, 2013

We doze.
Well, not exactly
Your kind might call it more: hibernation.
For my kind, however, it’s a doze.

Generally aware of the world
Too lethargic to move
Actually, the inertia of not moving
Just seems too great to overcome… at the moment.

The geology of the planet is
Too cold
Too slow
To beckon our kind… at the moment.

Your kind has all but forgotten us
We live on in your stories and myths
Poorly understood by your kind
Out of sight, out of mind.

To doze, we plunge into the earth
Seemingly inert for millennia
Only geologists recognize us
Correctly naming our exposed bits.

Those ridges in the mountains
Those up thrusts on the shore
Those impossible formations:
Dragon’s teeth, Dragon’s back, Dragon’s tail.

Should we shudder just a bit in our dozing
Your cities quake
And oceans rise and fall
Pray we doze a few millennia more.

26-Oct-2013 11:24:53

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