The term "Ivory Tower" is a modern saying derived from a biblical description. Nowadays it is used as a symbol of intellectual elitism. However, in tradition, it is used to describe noble purity. It is also mentioned in the Odyssey, in the form of a gate where dreams are categorised into true or false "There are two gates of sleep. One is of horn, easy passage for the shades of truth; the other, of gleaming white ivory, permits false dreams to ascend to the upper air." I use this term both traditionally and modernly as well as ironically. Simply put, I entertain the idea that the Western world has elitist views about their Middle Eastern brothers through economy, religion and morals. And traditionally by the fact that the American dream is a false one, and ascends metaphorically in growth and physically in a tower, or two. I try to use glass, sand and mirrors too as symbols of self-reflectance and the development of civilisation. Note that I'm not saying that 9/11 was good, but I'm pushing some concrete boundaries around the subject.
I rarely discuss my writing to that detail, I prefer the reader to discover it. However, often I think I write for myself, I'm sure you couldn't have got half of that from my poem, which is only my fault as a writer.
07-Oct-2012 21:49:23