There is a garden made for our delight,
Where all the dreams we dare not dream come true.
I know it, but I do not know the way.
We slip and tumble in the doubtful night,
Where everything is difficult and new,
And clouds our breath has made obscure the day.
Yet there the garden blows with rose on rose,
The sunny, shadow-dappled lawns are there;
There the immortal lilies, heavenly sweet.
O roses, that for us shall not unclose!
O lilies, that we shall not pluck or wear!
O dewy lawns untrodden by our feet!
Please tell me what you think of the poem, and if it should enhance or cut back on susquipedalianism, thank you. (Yrolg, sesquipedalianism is putting a word with multiple syllables into a poem or a story, a susquipedalian is what you put in. Well, at least that's what I thought.)
03-May-2010 02:00:29
- Last edited on
04-May-2010 20:29:38