Sorry, I have taken a break from Runescape and such due to Finals and increased school work. I'm back!
In response to your song/poem, I feel like it's too repetitive without being parallel. In the first two lines, you have a Subject, verb, noun; Music is what. The rest of the piece you have a subject, verb, verb sort of deal; Music can make/take/harm. Then you switch back to 'Music is.' Now, repetition of a line is a strong rhetorical strategy, to emphasize your point. But generally, unless it's a deep, strong and extremely important topic, the line or phrase is repeted three times. Three times. Three times. And more, and it get's boring. Additionally, Subject-verb sentence beginnings (Music is. Music can.) are the most commonly used beginnings, and therefore become very boring in everyday speech. In order to truly make your writing pop and get your point across, you need to add tone and inflection into your piece, often done through throwing in questions, dependant clause', or prepositions... When I read your poem, I read it in sort of a monotone because I got very little feel and emotion from it. Otherwise, your piece is interesting and you have some good ideas about music that are definately worth sharing through the art of poetry. Good start, but I think it needs a bit of work.
03-Jun-2010 05:41:31