"Without meaning to sound rude, I think you miss the point of punctuation. It's there to make a sentence make sense. Saying you 'mentally add' it is like saying you mentally correct a spelling; it's still inexcusable for me to write a poem and spell the word "juxtaposition" as "justapositin", isn't it? The same applies to punctuation - it's not something you think. "
punctuation is used to separate a sentence in order to make it make sense, which i've done already without using it. You can't tell me reading that sentence you wrote is any harder without punctuation than it is with.
there is a difference when you mentally add punctuation than when you mentally correct a spelling. when it comes to punctuation, if there is a missing mark, its not always the end of the world when it comes to your train of thought. "the red white and blue shirt" doesn't affect your reading of it, as you think of it like "the red, white, and blue shirt". That's why punctuation has become so underused, its simply not completely mandatory for communication. If it is completely underused, like if i wrote this entire thing without punctuation, that's a different story. Poetry, however, isn't written like this. It has its own breaks, rhythm, and creative style that can compensate for punctuation, like i have done.
"Saying you 'mentally add' it is like saying you mentally correct a spelling; it's still inexcusable for me to write a poem and spell the word "juxtaposition" as "justapositin", isn't it? The same applies to punctuation - it's not something you think. "
people intentionally mispell words in poetry in order to get a certain rythm or rhyme, so its not inexcusable if it works. however, if it interferes with communication, its different. i point you again to e.e. c(c)ummings. You take mental note of misspellings- that's not the same with punctuation. that is, if you're not a grammar freak like me. you DO think punctuation, that's how they work.
24-May-2010 20:18:40