Elvl0 B0y,
Hello. I would focus on word economy. With such a short poem, it's important that every word makes the most of the space it's taking up. Try to eliminate unnecessary words and replace those that you can with ones of more significance or meaning. A double entendre of appropriate substance is a great idea in poetry.
Hello. I wouldn't worry too much about punctuation, as your poem is almost clearly defined without it. Perhaps one or two periods would help to add closure to the different ideas, but even these would be purely cosmetic.
What I would focus on is your capitalisation. Instead of capitaising each word in the new line, why not emphasise those that are meant to be capitalised? By changing how you arrange your capital letters, you'll alter how many reader interpret your poem.
The Smurfett,
Hello. Your poem is fine, but what I think could use improvement is the consistency and development. What you have right now is merely a bunch of lines focused around a single theme. If you could improve these lines to relate to the theme in similar ways and then develop their order so that it is logical and leads somewhere, you can really leave a great mark. I suggest rewriting the poem so that it leads to a single theme at the end, as, if done correctly, this theme will be stuck in the reader's mind.
Crimson Fur,
Hello. What you've got is a good emotional base. But it seems elementary. I think this is because there's no real story or scene associated with what you've written. If you could incorporate the idea and emotion you've already created into a more substantive scene, I think the poem could really leave a great impression.
23-May-2010 17:14:17
- Last edited on
23-May-2010 17:22:39