
Pincho the Hermit Crab Part II

Quick find code: 49-50-420-65204713

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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*The two hermit crabs make it to the graveyard*
*Pinchatoshi sees his shell smoking a cigarette*
Pinchatoshi: Shell....? *Looks at his shell with a sad look on his face*
Draconian Shell: Pinchatoshi... Why come back, I told you it is over, our relationship as crab and shell is done.
Pinchatoshi: me just wanted to apologize for being such a slob!
Draconian Shell: Then What is Pinchanetto doing here?
Pinchanetto: Ok this ends here Draconian Shell! You are coming back to-a the Shell Vault!
Draconian Shell: Don't make me kick you into the realm of Scaperune...
PInchanetto: Threats are useless against-a the Rimni Tribe *draws out his hammer* If you no come with Pinchanetto, I take you by force...
Draconian Shell: Then come at me, Pinchanetto, son of Tokkapincha! *Pinchanetto charges at The Draconian shell *The Draconian Shell kicks Pinchanetto into the realm of Scaperune*
Pinchanetto: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH HEEEEEEERMITONYO CONGERERO PIIIIIIIIIIIIIINCH!!!!!!! *goes through the Scaperune Portal* *portal closes*
Draconian Shell: Now Pinchatoshi: Come at me! SO I CAN SUCK OUT YOUR SOUL!!!!
Pinchatoshi fires a bolt at The Draconian Shell *Wounds it*
Draconian Shell: OW!!! runs away but summons 700 zombies that chase away Pinchatoshi.
Pinchatoshi: OH **** run faster, Pinchatoshi! :( Nice Zombies... This is so unfair, me just wanted shell back! *gets picked up by Emo Muslim. *Emo Muslim Summons 7 steel Titans to cover his escape*
*Emo Muslim Takes Pinchatoshi to Falador*
Emo Muslim: you survived the Draconian SHell's attack and live to tell about it.
Pinchatoshi: ...
Emo Muslim: but your friend is lost....
Pinchatoshi: .....
Emo Muslim: Yet hope remains.. For you can get him back...
Pinchatoshi: Shell nearly got me killed! Tell me what I must do.
Emo Muslim: You do know that Your shell must die
Pinchatoshi: Tell me.
Emo Muslim: seek out Wildman's Stone When you wake up tomorrow.
End of part 2
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

21-Apr-2014 00:21:40

Apr Member 2010


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Hmm... so what happens if one of the two shells breaks? Does Daruphinsea go free or is he destroyed once and for all? Or do they both still try to find each other? Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

01-May-2014 03:15:58

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Unfortunately, The shells cannot be destroyed by normal weapons, They must be blessed by Shelkabora in order to break the shells. Not that Pinchatoshi or Pincho would want to, because then Darauphinisea would be free and the world would end. Kind of. Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

03-May-2014 22:27:31

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Charactor Application

Name: Shellroy
Age: 67
Friend/enemy of Pincho: friend
Aura: good/evil/ inspired by personal interest: Good when Sober, absolutely diabolical when drunk

Bio: Shellroy is a hermit crab redneck obsesed with moonshine and distilling moonshine. He also has a knack for explosives and loves blowing things up. He is very old for a hermit crab (they live up to 80 years) and is the only hermit crab known to have a fluffy beard, which he uses to hide his explosives in. He also likes getting drunk off his moonshine, during which he is the most evil drunk you will ever meet. He is busy making his next batch of Moonshine when suddenly the zombie hermit crabs blow it up. Threatened by this, he takes all of his brew and tags along with Pincho.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

03-May-2014 22:33:28 - Last edited on 03-May-2014 22:44:16 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Part 3
*Inside the palace*
Pincho: So what you are saying is that we will need followers?
Shelly: yes, And unfortunately, the Humans are too concerned with the millions upon millions of rogue adventurer/ murderers killing everything in sight.
Pinchy: Not even the Duke of Lumbridge can help us?
Shelly: Horatio has cut all contact with us, thanks to Pincho
Pincho: :D
Pinchy: Brimhaven it is then, And into Shilo Village.
Pincho: heh... Maybe we'll run into the Rimni Tribe. Those guys are loads of fun
Pinchy: from there, we'll book passage from Shilo Village into Lletya where we meet with those bow wielding lunatics pinchpinch D:
???: Sorry, queen, the Zombie hermit crabs have broken through the walls. They destroyeded all ma moonshine making equiyipment, stiill Hermit crab ready to go!
Shelly: Oh yeah, This is Shellroy, he's volunteered to guide you to Lletya.
Shellroy: Yyyep, OH SUCH TERRIFFIC FUN WE"LL HAVE EVADING THOSE ZOMBIE HERMIT CRABS! *Drinks some of his moonshine* *speaks in a super evil accent* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! I WILL BURN THE WORLD!!!!
Pinchy: Uh oh....
Shellroy: Hey Pinchy, Do you have a wedge*!
Pinchy: No I haven't had one since *Shellroy grabs Pinchy by his underwear and hangs him by the flagpole*
Pinchy: OWOWOWOWOWO! You cretin! Get me down from here before me Pinch you to pieces! Pincho, Help!
*Shellroy hangs Pincho by his underwear on the same flagpole as Pinchy*
Pincho: Me hate you already!
Pincho Jr.: Daddy? how'd you get up *Shelroy hangs Pincho Jr on the same flagpole as Pincho and Pinchy*
Pincho Jr. Not cool, owww owowowowo *starts crying*
Pincho: You ass hole! you done made my kid cry!
Shellroy: AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! YES MY PLAN IS COMING TO FRUITION SOON I WILL- *Shelly picks up a frying pan and knocks Shellroy out*
Shelly: Oh dear. Let me get you down from there *lets The three hermit crabs down*
*2 hours later*
*Shellroy is chained to a table*
Shellroy: what happened
Pincho: You Scumbag...
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

04-May-2014 03:25:55

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Shellroy: where is me?
Pinchy: You sir are so demented
Pincho Jr.: You should be ashamed hanging a hermit crab child by his undies...
Pincho: You sir reminded Pinchy and me of hermit crab middle school
Pinchy: We are determined to make you pay
Shellroy: *gulp*
*1 hour later*
*Shellroy is cleaning Shell city's garbage dump*
Shellroy: THIS IS DISGUSTING! YUCK BANANNA PEELS AND Slop *places an explosive on the trash *runs and blows it up once he is at a safe distance* Gets burried under some of the trash he blew up*
Shellroy: Why are you doing this? *gets covered in feces*
Pincho Jr.: **** happens. Here! have more trash! *dumps a metric ton of slop and diarhea on Shellroy from a bulldozer*
Shellroy: *Barfs*
Pinchy: Don't get soft on us now! there's an entire section you missed back there *points to the area behind Shellroy*
*Rokk Tarr appears driving an entire bulldozer full of diarhrea*
Rokk Tarr: ROKK TARR HAVE SPECIAL DELIVERY FOR SHELLROY!!! *dumps the diahrhea on Shellroy*
Shellroy: Oh dear Guthix *barfs*
Pincho: You sorry yet?
Pincho: hey it's ok you only have another 42 days of cleaning the garbage dump remaining!
Shellroy: Ow**hh :( .... Me will never feel clean again!
end of part 3
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

04-May-2014 03:48:06 - Last edited on 25-Aug-2015 17:09:15 by Pink 4 Twink

Apr Member 2010


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Pink 4 Twink said :
Making this as disgusting as I can so that Shellroy learns not to cross Pincho
Oh. Understandable.

But want disgusting? Have people puke blood and brain fluids. Smells disgusting, too...
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

24-May-2014 03:28:26

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Part 4
Shellroy: Ok, me no do that to you again, Me sorry...
Pincho Jr. You swear not to do that again?
Shellroy: yes...
Pincho Jr.: Under forfeiture of your moonshine
Shellroy: now hold on, we no say anything of-*Sees Jad banging his club against his hand as an attempt to intimidate him* uh me mean Sure! :( By the way are you an important hermit crab?
Pincho Jr: Of course me important, now shine my staff, if you know what I mean
Pincho: Jr., go play with Pinchena or something.
Pincho Jr.: Ok! *runs off to go see Pinchena*
Pincho: Oh dear, where did Jr. pick that phrase up from? Now tell us the route, Shellroy.
Shellroy: Well first we take the ship over to Karamja
Pincho: uh huh.
Shellroy: then we go through Brimhaven
Shellroy: now here's where it gets tricky. We go through East Ardougne, but instead of going through the gates to the woodland realm, we take a shortcut through the brush just next to the gate. the elves no figure it out, there's a hole in the fence big enough for a hermit crab to squeeze into.
Pincho: uh huh
Shellroy: then from there it's a straight shot to Lletya, assuming we no run into humans, demons, giant spiders, zombie hermit crabs, or werewolves in forest
so when we head out?
Pincho: tonight, We no allow zombie hermit crabs to catch us.
*pincho Jr. is spying on his father*
Pincho Jr.: Hermit crab telling you, Pinchena, there is something about Shellroy, besides the fact that he is an abusive drunk that me no like.
Pinchena: yeah me sense it too, Shellroy just reeks of betrayal. best keep this conversation secret from your father, but me taken that route, me think he is trying to get us killed. There is a giant battle between Khazard troopers, and gnomic armies right in our path. it's a death sentence.
Pinchy: Me think you should tell them.
Pinchena: dad, why?
Pinchy: if you are certain that this route is dangerous then why keep it a secret?
Pincho Jr.: but daddy will hurt me if me tell him!
Pinchy: No, he won't I promise you
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

27-May-2014 19:41:33

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