
Pincho the Hermit Crab Part II

Quick find code: 49-50-420-65204713

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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part 7
*at Pinchanya's house*
Pincho: *Knocks on the door* *the wallto the left of the door collapses * oops...
Pinchanya: GRRRRRRRRRR. *gives Pincho an insanely angry look
Pincho: No please don't hurt me, Pinchanya!
*Pinchanya whacks Pincho with a rolling pin*
Pinchanya: Pincho, Clean this sht up! *hands Pincho a broom* nice to see you by the way.
Pincho: *Starts cleaning up the collapsed walls* Pinchanya, we need to leave Pinchville. I was hoping that you will be able to come up with me to Shell City.
Pinchanya: Pinchy already asked me to come and me said "yes" I was packing up.
*Pinchena calls for Pinchanya*
Pinchanya: excuse me for a sec. *goes to Pinchena's room*
Pinchanya: yes?
Pinchena: *stares at Pincho Jr. from her window* how do me ask a boy out?
Pinchanya: You have a crush on Pincho Jr.?
Pinchena: yes.
Pinchanya: just tell him your feelings for him. he will understand. by the way, usually the boy asks the girl out. now pack your things, we are heading for Shell City to do some..... shopping.
Pinchena: Oh My Guthix, ME LOVE SHOPPING!
Pinchanya: me need to talk some more with Pincho. stay here and pack.
*back to Pincho*
Pinchanya: Pinchena is coming with me, it is too dangerous for her to remain here.
Pincho: me agree, Most of Pinchville is emptied. We just have one more loose end.
Pinchanya: you mean Mister Clark and Herman.
Pincho: And Pinchatoshi. we have 2 hours until we leave, I also have a feeling that Pinchanetto will join in.
Pinchanya: you still trust him?
Pincho: He betrayed us to save his family, he wouldn't have done that without a reason. everything he has done was to protect those that he loved. me still trust him.
besides, he'll have to.
Pinchanya: you'll have to leave, me have much preparing to do.
Pincho: of course... *leaves*
end of part 7
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

24-Dec-2013 18:01:09 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2013 18:02:36 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
part 8
* at Mister Clark Herman and Pinchatoshi's house*
*Chicken ****-a-doodle doos* * chicken's head explodes*
farmer: Ha, Ah jerst shot dat damn chicken, take dat, mofo!
Herman: *drinks a cup of coffee* goodmorningeveryone! howareyou? suchabeutifulmorning.
Mister Clark: methinks that you should try decaf...
Pinchatoshi: *get's out of bed* :( oh no where on runescape did my shell go.
*Pinchatoshi sees a note on his bed*
Note: dear Pinchatoshi, You were a complete slob of a hermit crab, you ate Doritos and used me as a table for the crumbs, you used me as a bowl for barbecue sauce dipping, and you used me as a bowl for nacho cheese! Therefore, I left you in hopes of finding another hermit crab. yours with absolute hatred- your shell
Pinchatoshi: :( *starts crying*
*someone knocks at the door*
*Mister Clark opens the door*
Mister Clark: Oh My Guthix! PINCHO!!! *gives Pincho a hug* Pincho Jr. is on top of his dad's shell
Mister Clark: Come in, don't mind Pinchatoshi, he lost his shell.
Pincho: I will pay it no mind, I need you guys to come with me and My son to Shell City, it's dangerous here. The Zombie Hermit Crabs are coming....
Herman: You don't have to ask me twice, me coming.
Mister Clark: me too
Pincho: What about Pinchatoshi?
Pinchatoshi: me no come, me must find shell.
Pincho: Pinchatoshi, sometimes things don't work out between a hermit crab and his shell
sometimes all a hermit crab can do is move on.
Pinchatoshi: no me must apologize to it.
Pincho: Queen Shelly will have far more resources for you than if you freelance.
Pinchatoshi: ok me coming.
*10 minutes later*
*at the meeting place for the hermit crabs*
Pincho well let's move. *they leave Pinchville as they reach the hill, they hear a loud
Pinchy: me do something first.
boom, they turn around and see that Pinchville is on fire*
*back at Pinchville*
Zombie hermit crabs: BRAAAAAAINSSSSS..... hmmmm no brains here!
*sees pink banners* AHH *800 zombie hermit crabs turns into ashes

end of chapter one
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

24-Dec-2013 18:28:11 - Last edited on 02-Jan-2014 20:59:40 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
by the way, Rokk Tarr is a boy. Like I said, All trolls are inherently bi, so it is no surprise that Jad ends up in a relationship with him. However, these relationships never really last long. They have a falling out later on in the story he does eventually find a girl troll to love, though. ****Spoiler Alert***** Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

24-Dec-2013 18:44:01 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2013 19:15:17 by Pink 4 Twink

Apr Member 2010


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Ah. So, there will be a female troll? Ok. Gud. Want my little boy Jad to have a blood son/daughter.

Keep in mind: trolls are named after the first thing they eat [EDIT: apparently they're also named after the first sound they've made. Sorry, trying to follow lore!]. Hence why there are trolls named "Dad", "My Arm", "Crate", "Egg", and why you feed the baby troll pet something to give it a name. And why Jad is named after TzTok-Jad. If the lady troll is named something like that, like Har-Aken (wink wink), then dats bawss.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

25-Dec-2013 06:00:19 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2014 07:58:00 by Jimothey

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Chapter 2: The Battle begins
part 1: Pinchanetto's gambit

*At the Pinderlands*
Pinchanetto:... And then-a Pinchanetto-a tells them-a "Your wife-a is a serial killer," To
which-a the poor Bastardo (******* ) tells me "your wife is a filanderer", Pinches me, not knowing that Pinchanetto cannot feel puny pinches from little hermit crab children.
Pinchanetto's friend: Hahahahahaha! XD
Pinchanetto: hold on-a Pinchanetto needs-a drink *calls the bartender* Hey, Get me two Martinis- hermit crab size, di grazzia (please)
Bartender: youve had 8 beers, You are really drunk.
Pinchanetto: ME MUST GET-A DRUNKER!!! :D
Bartender: *sigh* here... *gives Pinchanetto 8 hermit crab shots of tequilla
Pinchanetto: Grazie (thank you) *drinks the 8 shots of Tequilla* *faints*
Pinchanetto's friend: *picks up his friend* oh Guthix, please don't let Pinchanetto get this drunk again...
Bandos: Guthix died so I will keep him from getting drunk on Guthix's behalf
Pinchanetto's friend: ohh thank the gods.
10 hours later
Pinchanetto: Oh, Pinchanetto's head! what happened?
Pinchanetto's friend: you passed out. again, you've been getting drunk every day for the past two weeks, this time, you've went too far, prior to passing out you destroyed a hermit crab wedding, defiled a shrine to Shellkabora, stole my precious family heirloom and sold it, and pinched the chief.
Pinchanetto: Anything else?
Pinchanetto's friend: As a matter of fact, there is. Rumor has it that Pinchville has been overrun by Zombie Hermit Crabs
Pinchanetto: *Sigh* Pincho! I have to find him!
Pinchanetto's friend: What value does he have to you?
Pinchanetto: None, I raised him, and since the kids have grown up, I have no purpose, now I have one. get my things, we're off to Shell City, It's the closest city to Pinchville.
Pinchanetto's friend: and do something about your alchohalism..
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

02-Jan-2014 20:40:15

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Shellkabora is the Rimni Tribes creator god. It is said that he created all the shells and gave the Rimni the gift of alcohol, the rules of bar fights, lots drinking games, and their signature weapon: the molotov cocktail.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

02-Jan-2014 20:45:38

Apr Member 2010


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Pink 4 Twink said :
Shellkabora is the Rimni Tribes creator god. It is said that he created all the shells and gave the Rimni the gift of alcohol, the rules of bar fights, lots drinking games, and their signature weapon: the molotov cocktail.
So Shelkabora is the god of shells and drinking? Noice.

And I'm glad that you didn't choose Sliske to keep Pinchanetto from getting drunk. It's a warmongering god, but hey, at least he's more honest than Sliske. Glad you chose the better of two evils.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

05-Jan-2014 13:55:25

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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part 2: Pinchanetto's gambit: part 2

*on a ship*
Pinchanetto: Nasir, how long-a until a-we get-a to Shell City?
Nasir: a week at most, Tell me Pinchanetto, have you been on a ship before?
Pinchanetto: no, why do you ask?
Nasir: because you are about to vomit.
Pinchanetto: *pukes up all the alcohol he drank back at the bar*
Facebooko: Oh! Mother Facebook look what you just did!
Pinchanetto: sorry. Oh by the way Nasir...?
Nasir: yeah
Pinchanetto: *PINCH*
Nasir: YOW! what was that for?
Pinchanetto: I have to pinch a-something, Pinchanetto getting nervous!
Nasir: *sigh* glad I could help *mutters under his breath* "stupid hermit crab"
Facebooko: *sniff sniff* me smell smoke!
Nasir: yeah I smell it too, Someone climb the crow's nest
Random crew member: *climbs up the crow's nest* Holy Guthix....!
*Thousands of ships are on fire*
Nasir: Oh hell! Facebooko- steer carefully!
Facebooko: yes sir.
Facebooko is steering and hears a loud crash, sending Facebooko flying
*Facebooko turns into a star and disappears.
*Meanwhile on shore*
Drog: Sisters, our trap worked!
Zog: lemme see! *takes the eye* predictable pirates sail right into our trap everytime
Smog: lemme see* takes the eye* I do love it when our traps actually work :)
*Smog get shot in the head with an arrow* *dies*
Crog: What just happened?
*on the mountain*
Pinchanetto: Stupid a-trolls-a *puts bow and arrow down*
*back on shore*
Crog Drog and Zog: ****** RUN!!!!
*Crog runs into a wall, Drog runs into the cliff face and Zog makes it back to the cave because she has the eye*
*2 hours later*
Drog and crog: How could this happen, we lost our sister!
Dark presence: The Name of your sister's killer is Pinchanetto, he is a very clever hermit crab. KILL HIM AND AVENGE YOUR SISTER!
Drog, let's hunt us a hermit crab!
end of part 2
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

05-Jan-2014 19:07:12

Apr Member 2010


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Didn't exactly expect the death of Smog- WAIT... The Desolation of Smaug ...

~~~~~B <thumbs up if you can't tell
~~[ :D ]/

Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

25-Jan-2014 07:56:10

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