
The Gnomic Wars

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chapter 25 continued...
The air force from the armada launched off and flew circles over the ships while they formed up in bombardment formation. Destroyers up front, Battleships in middle, and the crusiers with their far-firing projecticles in the third line, and finally in the back of the order were the Glider launchers and support ships guarded by the super battleships. The ships opened fire mercilessly, the quest tutors home was leavled after a few volleys from the destroyers. The battleships tore up Chef tutor's home and the surrounding fields. The crusiers ordance went farther then the rest tearing up the fishing lake and main Tutorial Island Complex. Finally came the fighters and bombers flying over the far eastern side of the island tearing up the prayer tutor and welcome buildings. The anti-glider ballistas took their tolls. Mostly on the bombers who were slow and cumbersome. The fighters quick and agile dodged the shots as if it were a game laughing at the missed crews and the gunners aiming straight at the human gunners heads. Eventually(and with some unnesacary bomber losses) the gun crews on the ground were subdued and the gliders rained mayhem on the open ground. Some of the people still out in the open ground ran for the underground tunnels shouting "don't shoot us we're only level 3's". The gnomes just laughed and kept killing, never letting up.
The aquatic mines didn't work the gnomic ships never attempted to land on the island and as a result the gnomes never knew about them. The ballistas while taking down 2 bombers for every gun crew that went down, still eventually fell. So tutorial island was added to the list of places that the Gnomes had bombarded and subdued, blindly butchered and massacred innocents in the name of what they were told was revenge for King Borelin's death. Glough meanwhile laughed at the destruction he had wrought and prepared for Ardougne.

21-Sep-2007 23:03:37 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2008 06:42:32 by Mikedog12



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Paku watched the Gnomic Armada sail up to Mudskipper point, he noticed the ships themselves were untouched. "So the mines didnt work, or atleast they werent used, good that means they weren't noticed, so they won't know to look for the other ones we hid connected to Entrana".
The Glider reinforcements from Asgarnia and Mis*thania were forming up and meeting up with the Gnomic Armada. "Now is our chance", thought Paku "while they land the new gliders and reform the squadrons". So he lead his Mage Army on their mighty ice block down unto the Gnomic ranks.
The ships were caught by total suprise, they hadn't expected anything of the sort, nor ever dreamnt of a human air strike, so they had no anti-air defenses to speak of at all. Paku's men wrought hell, they saw which ships the gliders were landing and parked on and struck those first. The result was devasating, picking the water up out of the waves and water, they slashed through the carriers. Then once the decks were drenched they would freeze the water into ice. The resulting effect cracked the wooden hulls of the ships, and the gashes of water tore through the decks and mainframes like giant swords. Three of the five armada-sized carriers were sinking within 10 minutes of the strike. The lesser fleet-sized carriers, with thinner hulls, were not as lucky, and only one of the orignal ten limped away from the fight. The mighty super battleships and battleships were not so easily opened. But the crusiers were light enough that they the waves were bent so as to pick them up and smash them against the rocks of Mudskipper Point. The destroyers were cracked open like a crisp lobster. Pa*u, seeing that the gnomes were starting to bring their mages and archers up onto the decks of the remaining ships, ordered his men to retreat back to the rendevous point at Witchaven. The gnomes were devastated, in additon to the carriers lost, 17 destroyers, and 8 crusiers were also sunk, amazingly the support ships left untouched.

22-Sep-2007 05:13:10 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2008 06:54:51 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 26, A Slight Mistake
Glough ordered his men to continue onward. The dead left to sink to the bottom and along with those who couldnt swim to the shore of Mudskipper point to join them. "We must push onward" he urged "these dirty humans last stronghold in the mighty west stands ahead of us for the taking. I tell you my comrades in arms, while we land at Ardougne i shall dispatch one of the sister superbattleships to Catherby to tell Zooknock and his men to march forward and besiege Camelot. While both of their sides are under attack the humans will be surrounded and killed like animals for the slaughter. I tell you brave warriors we are about to make history, we are about to make THE SLAUGHTER AT ARDOUGNE!" With these words the grand armada chruned onwards and one of the sister superbattleships went northward through the strait east of Entrana between Entrana and the Dark Wizard's tower. Not knowing of the mines at Tutorial Island they didn't know to keep a look out for barrels. So when the saw barrels floating in the ocean, they assumed the monks of Entrana had gotten drunk on wine and thrown the kegs into the water. "Dirty animals" they thought "we'll kill them all". They would soon discover how wrong they were. For when they tripped the rope connected to the barrels, they released the contents within. It was a sight to be hold, dragonfire and beautiful dark oragne explosions shooting upward into the sky as they tore through the decks of the ship. One barrel of Dragonfire essence was lodged into a hole in the bottom hull of the ship, and as soon as it was completely in it detonated with a fury. A huge ring of fire shot through the ship. It sank straight to the bottom with no surrvivors.
To the south not knowing that Zooknock would not come, Glough's armada tredged onward towards Ardougne, thinking only of victory or plunder. Little did they know that many great and maginificant forces would soon be rallyed against them in the great city of Ardougne.

26-Sep-2007 23:46:42 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2008 07:08:39 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 27, Humanity's Finest Hour
The great Gnomic Armada was passing the fishing colony and insight of Ardougne. Just as they were about to enter the harbor, Paku and his men came flying out of Witchaven to the north. They froze the water in the harbor with a sheet of ice so that the ships could not enter. The gnomic crews loaded their guns with the flaming fire elemental cannonballs and started to blast away at the ice. While they were doing this Paku and the mages were flying amongst the ships reeking more hell. The gliders this time were in the air to meet them and a fierce air battle ensued with the water mages bobbing and weaving in the air and riding the waves while they dodged the fighters. While this intense air battle occured the next part of the human's plan took place. The necromancer, agreed to help Ardougne and he set out to do his work. He teleported onto the Gnomic ships dropping many bones on the decks, and teleporting below decks and dropping bones. He did this on many of the ships,and when he got to Glough's flagship he teleported right into the command deck and dropped three sets of bones. He then teleported away to Witchaven. When he got there he said a spell. This spell echoed,with his magically enhanced voice, and rang out over the waves and the armada. When it was done the bones all turned into Skeleton warriors and immedately started to to battle on the Gnomic ships. Glough saw the three appear in front of him and drawing his sword slashed through all three of them at once. However other ships werent so fourtunante. The skeleton warriors did great damage to the Gnomic crews before they were finally brought down by overwhelming numbers. Paku saw that all the skeletons were gone led his forces back to Witchaven. Again the Gnomes suffered terribly. This time they lost 5 battleships, one armada-sized glider carrier, 27 destroyers, 19 crusiers, several dozen support vessels, and over 5,000 Gnomic sailors and marines. Still the gnomes pushed on.

30-Sep-2007 18:42:31 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2008 18:41:47 by Mikedog12



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27 continued.....
Still not knowing the fate of the Superbattleship to the north, and assuming she had safely reached Catherby and informed Zooknock. Glough led his armada forward still towards Ardougne. This time the armada came under attack from the fishermen of the Fishing Platform and the Tralwer from Port Khazard. The small and fast fishing boats(each armed with it's own mage) would go right next to one of the ships. Then the mage would open a hole in the bottom hull of the warship. After the hull was opened the fishermen would toss several live, captured sharks into the hull. So the result being when the gnomes came to repair the holes in the hull they were attacked by sharks. This action, while losing only the main trawler boat(who mistakenly tried to make a run at Glough's ship) and 3 smaller fishing boats(who tried to make a run at the sister superbattleship), cost the Gnomes 5 destroyers, 3 crusiers, and 7 battleships.
The gnomes thinking that was the last of their sea troubles still pushed onwards to Ardounge. As they were entering the harbor, however for once they were right, they received no more troubles from the human's sea forces. So the transport ships chruned onward to land their deadly forces in Ardougne's port. Their were so many transport ships that once they were all in the harbor there was no room for the bombarding warships. Once Paku(who was watching from Witchaven) saw all the transport ships were in the harbor he sent out the order "Pull the rope". At this command suddenly several dozen concealed human dockman hiding on the shores of the harbors entrance pulled for their lives. When they did it realased dozens upon dozens of the deadly mines. They floated to the top of the water and decimated the Gnomic battleships that were trying desperately to get into the harbor to bombard the city. The battleships were torn up in a huge blaze of intense fire. Two dozen of the mighty beasts were sunk to the bottom of the water.

02-Oct-2007 20:08:35 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2008 19:51:00 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 27 Continued...
The transport ships were stranded in the harbor with no support. The wrekcage of the battleships were blocking the only way in or out of the harbor. Luckily every single last transport ship was in there so they all discharged their troops. 15,000 Gnomic Infantry assembled in the port of Ardougne. Along with them came 2,000 mounted terrorbird troopers, 1,000 Armored tortises, 1,000 Gnomic archers, and 1,000 Gnomic Mages. The forces assembled against them were a varied bunch. First were the soldiers and guards of Ardounge, the Guards, Paladins, Warrior Women and the like. Next were the soldiers from abadonded Catherby and Travery, and those from Seers' Village. Next were the venerable Rangers from the Rangers guild in Hememenster. Also comming charging down from the north were 300 of the best human warriors in all of Gilenor, the fighters of the Legends Guild. Every single last one of them that was left was coming down to aid Ardougne. Finally was Paku and his mages who were joined by the Necromancer and his skeleton army, they were all under the command of Merlin who had joined them in Witchaven. In overall command of the Human forces was General Pagomery. The leader of the Gnomic forces was general Loqous, a scarred veteran of Castle Wars and Yannile.
Loqous formed his men up on the docks as they were coming off of the last of the transport ships. All of a sudden he heard a shout of "Mages now!" Then suddenly the Gnomic forces were surrounded by smoke. Merlin and his men had set a smoke cloud over from Witchaven. Then the archers of the rangers guild followed with a volley of arrows shot into the skies above the gnomic ranks. The arrows came down with devasating effect. Then came Paku and his oringal water mages. They shot the water below the docks upwards cracking through the wood of the docks and drowning 900 of the heavy Tortises that were the last to discharge. Then the human infantry charged in.

05-Oct-2007 02:31:38 - Last edited on 06-Dec-2008 05:02:54 by Mikedog12



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chapter 27 continued....(in case you haven't figured this out yet....this chapter is gonna be HUGE!!!)
The infantry came screaming in full force, crying blood-curdling screams and chants of 'DEATH'! At the head of this mighty charge was : General Pagomery, the Wizards Merlin and Paku, and Lancelot. Lancelot had been visitng his pregnant wife and was thrown into the fray once it had started. This great mass of screaming human flesh slammed into the gnomic ranks. They made quick work of the front line troops, and slowed slightly when they started to encounter scattered terrorbird troopers. However while the infantry and cavalry were falling back, the gnomic Tortoise were moving to the front of the fray. The human line completely broke when they reached the tortoises. There was no way to get around these behemoths. Several of the warrior women tried to board the tortoises and kill their riders. This was to no avail, they simply couldn't get close enough. The paladins and knights tried surrounding the Tortoises, thinking that they couldn't all be hit at the same time, this too was to no avail, as the rangers and mages on top merely shot them all away. Finally it came to pass that with heavy losses inflicted on both sides the humans retreated back into Ardougne to defend the city, building by building, street by street, house by house, and brick by brick.
The gnomes had won the docks, but at a terrible cost. Their suppply ships and transports were in the harbor, but they were stranded from the rest of the fleet. Likewise many of the supplies for the rest of the armada were in the supply ships currently stuck in the harbor. Before any farther battle could be done, every last gnome in or around Ardougne would have to focus all their energy in clearing away the debris and relinking the Armada. The humans however...did not have that problem, they were free to harras the gnomes working and even, make their worker longer, harder, and greater in quantity.

07-Oct-2007 04:58:02 - Last edited on 06-Dec-2008 05:32:38 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 28, The Northern Alliance
The Isles of Miscellania and Etceteria had long been rivals and in competetion. As had the islands of Netiznot and Jatizso, they were famous conflicts. Another famous northern conflict was that of the Moonclan mages and the mainland Freminiks.Almost all of that changed when the Gnomes attacked. All of the conflicts except for that between the Moonclan and Freminink clan were put aside(remember there was no adventurer to have previously solved this conflict, as Glough had killed him). So thus, the Alliance for the Mutual Safety of the Northern Tribes of Man(or the Northern Alliance for short) was established, including the forces of Miscellania, Etceteria, Netiznot, Jatizso, the Freminiks, and the pirates. It guaranteed that all involved would send all their forces to fight off the eventual Gnomic invasion. It was assumed the Gnomes would attack from the southern road leading from Camelot. However, not wishing to smash themselves against the human defenses at Camelot, the Gnomes found other ways to reach their destination. Having already over run White Wolf Mountain, Zooknock sent his heavy forces and artillery through the mine cart route into Keldargim. The infantry was carried by airborne gliders over death plateau to and landed at the Mountain Camp, where they assembled in their massive formations and parked the massive armada of air ships.
The Black Gaurd dwarves of Keldargim put up a heroic fight. At first they actually seemed as if they would win, but once the tortoises showed up it was to no avail, their superiorilly designed cannons and elaborate defense fell apart under the sheer weight of the gnome's tortoises and vastly more numerous cannons.
The Northern alliance, not knowing any of this contiued to build their main defenses to the south keeping only light pickets in their northeastern section. The alliance did learn one lesson from the Gnomic slaughters. They sent all their civilans out to the friendly islands.

08-Oct-2007 15:31:42 - Last edited on 27-Jul-2009 04:03:05 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 29, The Siege of the North

Zooknock's forces assembled on the plains to the east of Rellekka, the veterans of so many campaigns and battles, they were a sight to behold.

to be continued.....

Warfare is a necessary part of human(or gnomic) existence. Deny it or not, violence is a deeply seeded part of the mind. Whether that violence exhumes itself through actions, words, or fighting a Runescape-wide War, fighting exists because it is necessary.
However, as the forces of Human and Gnomic kind assembled across from each other, they didn't see only an enemy. They saw brothers-in-arms. They saw monsters hideous and deplorable, beasts spawned from Dante's deepest pits, yet they saw a reflection of themselves in those beasts. Then a spark went off, but for the first time since the murder of the Human adventurer the spark wasn't from a gun or a spell, it wasn't a weapon of destruction. It was a spark, of hope.
The spark spread through the ranks on both sides and the warriors knew that enough blood had been shed. Peace flowed out from them and it emanated across Runescape. That peace flowed over all the land, destroying hatred and building love where hatred had previously destroyed love. That spark led to Saradomin's rising. The excess of peace in the world was too much for Zamarock, it was too much for Guthix as well, for though he disappeared from the world for lack of balance in want of peace, he now disappeared for lack of balance in want of violence. Balance is not the peacefulness and non-violence that Saradomin preaches. Balance is equilibrium between peace and violence, it is a perpetual state of existence that eludes the world almost immediately after creation.

08-Oct-2007 19:10:15 - Last edited on 05-Sep-2010 22:05:35 by Mikedog12

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