
The Gnomic Wars

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Chapter 19, Continued
With Zuesthor dead Haedvil was now on his own, unfortuantly the gnomes were winning, but it was known they would. So Haedvil lead the last groups of scattered humans into the rouges den, here they made a final desperate stand, Haedvil, 57 black guard archers, 103 black guard infantry, 769 milita infantry, and the last remaining black guard mage, and of course Haedvil, the fought valiantly, and once a good number of gnomes were in the den, the blew up the only exit and entrance, and sealed all inside."These gnomes fight like dogs" said Haedvil, "we can not hold out much longer, but we have fought vailiantly, good job warriors of Burthrope"They fought on for many hours, swords clashing, death everywhere, blood flying, gnomic mages causing hell but in return being shot up by archers, the gnomes had orginally outnumbered the humans 5 to 1 in the rouges den, now those odds were even. However many humans had died Haedvil had a handful of milita, 3 archers, 1 mage, and 24 black guard infantry. At one point it became a deadly game of cat and mouse chasing each other around the den, till one finally killed the other side completely. It went on like this for hours, then hours became days.It was utterly hopeless. Men and gnome alike were tired, they had fought non-stop for weeks,yet still they fought, one on the other, fellows mortals fighting against each other. The dead rotted, and the wounded became the dead. The living the wounded, and the rotted dead skeletons. It was the dirtest of all battles fought, a true abomnation of a hell hole. But at the final day when it was down to Haedvil, 1 mage, 15 milita, 1 archer, and 4 black guard infantry. The orders finally came to the last mage, a huge ball of magic went up, and when the dust cleared all things left living in the rouges den, was dead, and the battle for Burthrope had finally ended, and like the others, it ended with the city falling in utter destrcution, littered with the corpses of the dead.

25-Aug-2007 02:08:51 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2008 22:07:46 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 20, A Winter Suprise
A cold winter breeze blew over the lands of runescape, as all armies hunkered down in there winter quarters, and troops were given leave to see their famlies. It was a time of peace and happiness in all the maddness. The frigid snow storms has made white wolf mountain impassable to both sides, so there was no need to worry of an attack. Now everyone was happy again, visiting their famlies.
One day at Camelot Castle...
"Lancelot my love, it is such a cold day, it is days like this i am thankful to be inside the castle itself instead of outside in the shanty camp towns outside on the grounds with the rest of my people.
"Yes Sylibl my dear, it is great to be warm and inside, as for the other druids, Arthur and i have been talking and we think we can manage to keep everyone inside atleast untill the storms pass over."
"That's wonderful darling, just wonderful, by the by do you happen to know what today is?"
"your birthday?"
"No, it's our three month anniversary as a couple deary"
"Ah yes, i knew that, i was testing you love"
"Uh huh, sure you were"
"I mean it i knew today was special and i want to make it even more special"
"What ever do you mean dearheart?"
Lancelot got down on one knee and said "Sylbil my love, will you marry me?"
"YES!, yes and yes again, i will"
"That is excellent news"
"Yes lancelot it is, and i have more excellent news...I am pregnant with your child"
"This is truely a wonderful day, how far along"
"About two months deary"
"But that means, it will come in seven months, darling the winter shall be long over by then, the gnomes shall rise from the winter quarters and will attack us surely"
"I know Lancelot and i am not afriad, this child shall have a rough start, but this war can not last for ever, it shall lead a good life"
"I certainly hope so, it deserves as much."

26-Aug-2007 22:13:12 - Last edited on 19-Jan-2008 04:24:06 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 21, The Overdue Break
All went home to their famlies, and embraced in the warmth of their famlies and neighbors. There was happiness and a break from the war, but it was not over, soon the armies would return, and all those who embraced in love, would be surrounded by death, destruction, and misery again. But for the time being they loved their dear ones, and lived their lives to the fullest.
Knowing all this was to come Lancelot and Sylibil agreed that Sylibil should go to the safety of Ardougne so that she would be able to deliever the baby there in due time, while Lancelot remained at Camelot fighting the gnomes. Their parting was one of great saddness and tears. On a cold winter morning Sylibil along with several refugee Druids who were going to Ardougne to make healing balms and potions to rid West Ardougne of the plauge. The whole city would be open to refugees. So Sylibil prepared to walk the path to Ardougne and as she was going to leave she turned and looked at her lover and they embraced each other at their parting. Slybil left and had a safe journey to Ardougne.

01-Sep-2007 19:00:05 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2008 05:37:36 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 22 A Blast From the Past
A roar of fire blast over head and Glough looked up at the launching cannonballs flying across the early morning sky. After borrowing the technology from their black guard allies, the gnomes had equpied their fleet of battleships with the new cannons, called Gnomic Cannons. These new super guns were now being tested for the first time blasting apart the small fishing vessels out of the waters of Port Siarm. In a matter of 30 minutes the entire port siarm Fishing Fleet was sunk. Hearing the noise and commoiton the citizens of Port Siarm woke up with a startle. The few militia units stationed in the town ran forward to the docks fearing an invasion by landing craft. While the ships were full of infantry waiting to disembark they would come later. Glough looked upon the cannon crew with awe, "here he thought is a cannon crew that is worthy of my greatness", so after that day the 103rd Long Range Bombardment squad became the cannon crew of Glough's personal bodyguard. Glough watched them the rest of the day, killing and reeking mayhem, he noted that several times the cannon misfired and nothing came out. "A simple machine malfunction" he thought and continued on.
A while later at the battle of Draynor the 103rd's cannons were disembarked from the ships at Port Siarm and used to bombard the Village of Draynor. They fought valiantly all day having one of the highest effeciany rates of any cannon crew in the army. Again though they had a misfired, this time it was every 10 shots, like clockwork. Glough noted it as a small problem but later became far to involved in the day's action to remember it later.
Later on after that at the Battle of Falador the 103rd was loaded onto the command shuttle for the insertion behind Falador. Glough was not with them this time so he did not notice when they started to misfire every 5 shots. After that day the 103rd was given picket duty at Burthrope during the Winter Ceasefire.

01-Sep-2007 19:00:43 - Last edited on 26-May-2008 18:46:25 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 23, The Raid of Catherby
Zooknock's armies marched down from their winter quarters and prepared to sack Catherby. It began like the rest of the battles, with the Gnomes marching in Rank-And-File order straight over White Wolf Mountain(luckily the dwarves blockaded themselves under the mountain). When they came over the peak of the mountain and looked down to the coast usually so full of fishers, they saw nothing. The coast was empty, fishing nets lay abadonded on the ground. To the gnomic army this was a great treat, they had been living off of very minimal starvation rations over the ceasefire. Several greedy gnomes scooped up the nets and set them to their bussiness of catching the water's great bounty.
Zooknock walked down the empty streets of Catherby disturbed by what he saw. "There is nothing, no resistance, no traps, no citizens, no anything, just emptyness. Besides the nets left on the coast there is nothing left in the town, this is unlike the humans there is usually atleast one unexpected and hidden tra......THE NETS!"
But it was too late as soon as Zooknock ran down to the coast the first of the fish caught were being devoured. But everyone who ate them was safe, no pain, no damage. However during that night there escaped a great roar, as if a dragon had come. Then the roar broke out again, and again. The noise came from the very tents themselves. All the gnomes who had so greedily eaten the fish were dying. Their stomachs were bursting open with fire. For it turned out upon closer inspection the nets were laced with essence of dragonfire. So that the fish caught with the nets were similarly laced. When devoured the Dragonfire made mince meat of the gnomic innards. After that night Zooknock had to bury the charred remains of what was at one point in time, 217 gnomes. What was worse it wasn't just the basic foot soldiers who had eaten the deadly stuff. Several mages had too, as well as his second in command General Gobineu.

10-Sep-2007 02:27:07 - Last edited on 26-Jul-2008 17:31:51 by Mikedog12



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23 continued...

With a good number of his men disembowled Zooknock took his army and fell back across White Wolf Mountain and back into Travery. It was a silent march, the dead were carried on the backs of the living. Zooknock ordered a trench line dug across the top of the mountain. After several hours his army completed the tiring task and set in for the defensive. Zooknock knew Glough had a much stronger and larger army and could just as easily sweep in from the west distracting the human's attention so his army could rest and reform. Fornow though he would contend to letting patrols and raiding parties take their pick at Catherby as they pleased. So Catherby, once a great fishing village became target practice for Gnomic Raiders, this action would forever be remembered as The Raid of Catherby.

18-Sep-2007 21:34:18 - Last edited on 27-Jul-2008 21:48:42 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 24, The Order of the Elements.
For thousands of years a secret organization of Human Mages known as the Order of the Elements kept a fine line between complete chaos and order. The Order bypassed the Godly fueds but not race. Only Humans were allowed into the order and only few humans knew of it. The great wizards of Gilenor were always involved. The order was formed around the four elements. Air, Fire, Earth, and Water. Each element had a grandmaster and those four grandmasters were overseen by The Grandmaster, the greatest Human Mage of the Age. Merlin the Wizard was the current Grandmaster. The Wise Old Man was the most recent Earth Grandmaster but he was killed in Draynor. The Grandmaster of Fire, a Great Wizard named LeMay the incinerator was killed when he faught alongside the Void Knights at the Battle of Varrock. The remaining two grandmasters those of Air and Water still lived. Water Grandaster Paku the Strong was currently with Merlin in Ardougne. Air Grandmaster Allen the Tactful was out in the far east with the elves trying to gain them as allies against the Gnomes.
Paku and his water mages kept watch over the oceans and occasionaly attakced Gnomic shipping which ferried supplies and reinforcements from Port Khazard to Port Siarm and sparingly to Catherby. When it was found out that the Gnomes would be rebuiliding there fleet in preparation for a major landing operatio on Karajamia, Merlin ordered Paku to swell his numbers with the mages left and lead them to intercept the fleet.
Meanwhile while Paku was teaching the human mages how to fight at sea, Glough was in the Karajamia Shipyards preparing his mighty fleet.
"A mighty armada 5x the size of the one we used to smash open Port Siarm" said Glough*****, and with all this bussiness you're giving us we've been able to expand our facilites so that now we can have atleast one warship every 3 hours rolling off of the dry docks." Said the shipmaster.

18-Sep-2007 21:39:18 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2008 20:56:01 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 25, The Battle for the Sea
Paku led his highly trained mages out of their base in Ardougne and using a sheet of ice as a mighty battle platform they all flew at top speed over the land and wrecked cities to reach the ocean where they knew Glough's fleet was coming. Of course this wasn't going to be a straight out brawl with the battleships, Pa*u would probably lose if he did that, "No" he though i've got some other tricks up my sleve.
The first of those tricks was just about to go off at the time Glough was leading his fleet out of the Shipyard. The new gnomic ships were a sight to be hold. First there was the whole hodge-podge of support vessals: fleet resupply ships, cargo ships, landing ships, hosiptal ships, and the various following that is to be expected with any great armada. Then came the destroyers, fast and sleekly built, they were armed with four cannons. The cannons themselves were made from the stolen designs of the dwarves. Their was one cannon in each corner of the destroyers. Then came the slightly larger Gnomic Cruisers, large fast ships, though lightly armored, they could back a punch, and their guns were specially made to be able to fire incrediably long distances, farther then anyother fleet ship. Next was the floating glider bases. They were Dareo's special design. Since he was in charge of the paratroopers, he demanded a special ship class be set asides specifaclly for carrying gliders. Of course aside from carrying transport gliders the Gliderships also carried fighter and bomber type gliders. Next in line were the battleships, the same used for Port Siarm's bombardment but refitted with more guns and thicker armor. These wave chruning monsters of the sea sported 3 broadside guns on both sides, in addition to one 360 degree rotational front side gun, and two left and right back corner cannons that could fire to either side or behind the ship. Finally came Glough's personal Behemonth of the waves. An almighty Super Battleship.

19-Sep-2007 01:46:37 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2008 06:30:49 by Mikedog12



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chapter 25 continued....
you were one unlucky son of a gun if you ended face to face with Glough's flagship. It was the biggest Warship ever constructed in the history of Gilenor. It's construction alone constituted of timber to be cut down from an area of the Kazari Jungle the size of Falador. It was enormous. Featuring a full 64-gun each broadside. With an additional triple firing cannon on the front and the back. In addition to the huge guns, were the huge crew. To maintain and sail the ship requried a crew of 10,000 Gnomes. At the head of the ship sitting upon his royal throne was Glough. It was a ship that would never sink, the armor on it was as thick as the entire size of a regular battleship. The cannonballs themselves were special too. They were each imbuned with one of the four elements along with regular cannonballs. These 5 differnt types assured 5 differnt types of mayhem for the human foe.
Glough led his mighty fleet of 150 destroyers, 75 crusiers, 20 fleet-sized glider carriers, 5 armada-sized glider carriers, 50 battleships, his mighty flag ship and her two slightly smaller 60-gun broadside sister ships, and of course the following of hundreds of support ships and the all important landing ships carrying the troops for the assult on Ardougne. As the ships formed up outside of the Shipyard and headed north to meet the additonal air cover of the Mithilan Gnomic Air force that was to rendevous with them at Mudskipper point. Before the reached there a lookout on one of the eastern most ships in formation noticed Tutorial Island. He shouted "there are Humans on that Island, let us give them death!" The message was passed along to Glough and not fearing nor knowing of any human resistance along they way he ordered the armada to change course and move to bombard Tutorial Island.
Mean while in their concealed postions on the smaller islands off of Tutorial island, the human lookouts watched their prey fall right into the first trap.

19-Sep-2007 20:56:38 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2008 05:58:25 by Mikedog12



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The first trap was an ingenious one. Human enigneers filled barrles with essence of dragonfire and explosive potions. The barrles were then strung together with rope and laid in the water. If any passing ship were to hit the rope it would pull off the tops of the barrels and release the deadly innards. Furthermore these barrels were able to surround the island entirely. The humans having the Mage tutor who could teleport them anywhere out, and Merlin who could get them in, had no need for ships. The plan would deny the gnomes an easy aquatic invasion but that didn't stop them from an air invasion. For this problem was answered by another orignal solution. Ballistas, the kind used on the Khazard battlefield, were sat up straight facing upwards and loaded with flaming spears. If any part of the glider's leather coating were to be touched by the flaming projectile it would go down into a flaming,spiraling, and leathal death. Paku knowing that tutorial island would only ever be target practice for the passing armada gave no tought to the land defense of the isle.
So as Paku and his mages were racing over on a sheet of ice, and Zooknocks troops formed up in Catherby to march into Camelot once the word of the Ardougne landings reached them, and Slybil met with Lancelot's sister who happened to be none other then Pagomery's assistant Vera, Glough confidently led his armada to bombard Tutorial Island, exactly as was predicted to be used as target practice. The bombers and fighters were launched from the glider ships. The bombers were the usual Gnomic glider bomber, a glider with sacks attached to each wing. The sacks were held on by a seperate clamp each, and in the bomabdeer's seat was the controls to release the deadly ordance. The fighters were lightly designed with a piolt and a "gunner"(the gunners were actually archers who stood on a platform on the front of the glider and shot his bow through a hole carved in the protective leather around him.

20-Sep-2007 23:05:10 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2008 06:24:42 by Mikedog12

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