
The Gnomic Wars

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Table of Contents:
Chapter 0: Table of Contents/ Prolouge
Chapter 1: A Darkness from the South Seas
Chapter 2: Rimmington's Last Chance
Chapter 3: The War on the Home Front
Chapter 4: The Battle of the Southern Plains
Chapter 5: The Demise of Draynor
Chapter 6: The Loss of Lumbridge
Chapter 7: The Desert War
Chapter 8: The Last Stand of the Void Knights
Chapter 9: The Second Battle of Varrock
Chapter 10: Varrock's Fall
Chapter 11: The Godly Confrence
Chapter 12: The Long Awaited Victory
Chapter 13: Ogre Charge
Chapter 14: Yannile, No More!
Chapter 15: Extreme Exodus
Chapter 16: Travelry's Tale
Chapter 17: The Bombardment of Burthrope
Chapter 18: The Devil's Greatest Trick
Chapter 19: The Battle of Burhtrope
Chapter 20: A Winter Suprise
Chapter 21: The Overdue Break
Chapter 22: A Blast from the Past
Chapter 23: Raid of Catherby
Chapter 24: The Order of the Elements
Out of Room for More Chapter Titles but keep reading there are more!
Prolouge(based on part of grand tree quest):
One day an adventurer was in the servive of King Borlien of the tree gnomes, ruler of the grand tree. anyway the adventurer has just discovered the horrible truth about the evil Glough but on his way there Glough had of his assains kill the adventurer except he used a sepcial posion so the adventurer wouldnt respwan at Lumbrige or Falador, he wouldnt respwan anywhere he was doomed to life in the abyss.So the King never knew Glough was evil and one night when Glough invited the king to a dinner party, the King accepted not knowing the truth, so it just turned out being Glough and the king, but as soon as the king bit into his gnome crunchy for dessert he choked and coughed up blood, this was becasue glough posioned it. The king had only one day to live. Eventually glough convinced the king that it was humans who had done this to him so immdeiatley King Borelin declared war on all humans.

14-Jul-2007 17:11:53 - Last edited on 03-Sep-2009 04:32:04 by Mikedog12



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Chapter One, A darkness from the South Seas.

Now with the kings life quickly coming to an end he declared glough his sole heir to the kingdom. So now glough quickly decalred for the war. The Gnome fleet was now nearing completion with the first thirty battleships done and hundreds more on the way, he declared Daero the admirl of the gnome fleets. As soon as he did this the king died. So with him out of the way glough was able to send Daero to attack Port Siarm, with orders to destory any human ships docked at port and then land and burn and loot the town. As soon as the humans saw the ships coming out of the mist they werent sure what they were so they figured them charter ships or trade ships and let them keep coming, what fools they were. On board those battleships was 10,000 gnome heavy shock troopers designed to hit hard and fast, and 20armored tortise brigades. Air cover would be provided by the gnome gliders which launced from their bases in the shipyard, which doubled as an airfield and bombed out port siarm from the air while the ships attacked. It seemed nothing could stop this mennace, and that may well hold true, as port siarm fell in one hour of intense fighting all that left was burning rubble.

When King Roland of Varrock heard this news he immediately called a council of the leaders of Draynor Village, Falador, Lumbridge, and Rimmington. The council was to decide the next course of action, peace or war, were they to try diplomacy and peace with the gnomes or continue the war and hope the tables would turn in their favor. The meeting was a horrible affair there was arguing among the kingdoms of Misthilian, Varrock and Falador demanded military action. Rimmington and Lumbridge inisted they try to open up diplomatic negotians. Draynor Village represented by the Wise Old Man reamained firmly neutral.

But disaster struck while the meeting was going on Rimmington was sacked and burned to the ground, suffering the same fate as Port Siarm.

14-Jul-2007 17:12:01 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2007 21:44:03 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 2, Rimmington's Last Chance

While the Council Still bickered away and Rimmington was being burned to the ground. A trio of brave adventurers who lived in Rimmington were fighting for their lives in front of the town well.
Adventurer1(an ancient mage): These gnomes fight like Demons! I don't know how much longer we can hold out.
Advernturer2(a brave meele knight): Our only hope is to make it to our houses and hold out there untill help arrives.
Adventurer3(a master ranger): You mean if help arrives, i am not so sure if Falador, Varrock, or Lumbrige shall come to our aid, surely they think the town lost and it pointless to send any armies to fight over rubble.
Adventurer1: Then it must be us who fights we must hurry to our houses and hold up there, with luck the gnomes wont be able to break into the portal.
So the three adventurers fled into their respective houses, you see they were all very rich as well as strong and powerful so they were able to set many traps in their dungenons to slow down the gnomes just in case of a breakthrough.
Meanwhile the gnome mages were attempting to break into the rimmington portal for they knew if they could break into this one they could use it as a gateway to all the house portals throughout runescape. Glough sent the mage Zooknock to oversee and aid in this attempt.
Zooknock: capitan have you made any progess yet.
Mage Capitan: Yes milord we have broken into some of the smaller house, but the larger ones seem to be resiliant to our attempits and we have yet to access the other portals.
Zooknock: Very well then i will use my most powerful brand of magic to break into all the houses. Prepare the troops and tortises, and tell Glough to send Glider transports to the other portals, i will have them all open by nightfall.
Mage Capitan: Yes milord it shall be done.
Zooknock placed three vials infront of the portal, one blue, one red, and one yellow, then muttered an incantation.

14-Jul-2007 17:12:09 - Last edited on 06-Jan-2008 06:34:31 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 2 Continued:

After Zooknock muttered the incantiaion the portal slowly turned a shade of green, by nightfall it was a bright vibrant one.

Zooknock: Now my comrades into the breach and send word to the other portals that they too may go in when ready. Onward to victory.

Now the adventurers holed up in their houses and dungenons all over the world started to see the gnomes coming in.

Adventurer1: In the name of Zammrock there are so many! I must use my most powerful magic to combat them, and warn the others.

The mage used his telepathic powers to warn all the other adventurers that the gnomes were breaking through and to prepare their defenses, but right when he was done with his message an arrow struck him in the back of the head.

Adventuerer1: ARRRGGH!!!! i've been shot but atleast the others are warned.

In all the houses the brave adventurers and heroes fought for their lives and homes.

Adventurer2: I must combat this meance at the portal so that it may not break through.
But he was only able to kill twenty gnome troops at the portal before he was pushed back into his house then his dungenon.
Adventurer2: Yes now the beasts of my dungenon can help me.
He realesed the ten hellhounds he kept in his dungenon, they charged into the gnome ranks slaughtering the infantry but they themselves were immediately struck down when the Tortises came into battle.
Adventurer2: Then there is no hope i must go down fighting.

He died shortly after that statement.

Adventurer3: The gnomes are coming the mage has forwarned me, i must go to my cannon storage room and set up all my defenses.

And so she did and set all the cannons she owned, all fifteen of them.

Adventurer3: there that should slow them down, now i must go to my highest tower and shoot them with my dark bow as they enter.

She held out for hours, but eventually the cannons postions were overwhelmed and she herself was killed by gnome mages blowing up her archery tower.

14-Jul-2007 17:24:43 - Last edited on 15-Jul-2007 21:22:09 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 3, The War on the Home Front

Little Neddy Gnome, only six years old was sitting in his home in the Gnome stronghold, playing with his toys, while his mother made dinner.

Neddy: Momma when's daddy coming home.
Kathy(Ned's mom): I told you Neddy dear he wont be home for three years, he is serving the gnome army fighting the humans.
Neddy: In school teacher said the humans is bad, that they killed King Borelin, and that they must pay in blood.
Kathy: Well i dont know if i want my child hearing about blood at only six years old but yes teacher is right the humans must pay for killing King Borelin, it is a shame it seems like only yesterday we were friends with the humans, but then Glough discovered the horrible truth about them.

So little Neddy kept playing and Kathy kept cooking, then when Ned's older brother David came home they ate dinner together.

Kathy: So my big strong sixteen year old son how was school today.
David: Good sorry i'm late, i stayed after school for some army lessons, it so great they're offering us high-schoolers free lessons to give us a jump start on our army carrers.
Kathy: Yes it is maybe one day you'll be off fighting along side your father.
David: That's the dream.
Neddy: David today teacher told us that the humans gotta pay in blood for killing king borelin, and that Glouhh is always right in his decisions.
Kathy: Dave, you surely don't think it's safe for Neddy to be learnig that much greusome anti-human prejudice at such a young age.
David: As a matter of fact mother i do Neddy needs to learn about man-kind's evilness and the evilness of her allies, and Dad would aggree with me if he was here.
Kathy: Yes i am sure your father Zooknock would aggree if he was here, but i'm sure he'd also aggree that kids this young don't need to learn about drowing your eniemes in pools of their own blood!

And Kathy and David bickered late into the night and poor little Neddy was exposed to it all again.

15-Jul-2007 05:34:49 - Last edited on 15-Jul-2007 20:35:28 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 4, The Battle on the Southern Plains

The Council had finally aggreed that war was the only answer to this situation. Intelligance reports indicated that Falador would be the next to be attacked and that it would be besieged from the South, so all the armies of Misthilian were sent to the plains south of falador and ordered to take up defensive postions. Both sides had obtained allies. The Humans had called upon the services of the goblins of goblin village and the Lumbrige Caves, the dwarves,the void knights, and of course the white knights,. The gnomes had gotten the services of the black nights, and the alliance of the Kalhphite Queen and the King Black Dragon, the KQ would not participate in this partiuclar battle, however the KBD was sending eight fericous black dragons to the aid of the gnomes.

So both sides were prepared for battle the gnomes advanced in heavy force against the human postions south of falador, however this battle was only a distraction while this was going on the gnomes would send an battaltion of heavy shock troopers around to the north of the city in glider transports to sack the city from its defenseless north, once inside they were to burn and loot the city and obliterate the white knight's castle, then they were to come charging down upon the humans from behind the human lines, then meet up with the gnome forces charging forward, after that the humans would be totally destroyed.

The gnome plan worked the city of falador was indeed sacked, but teh white knights had forseen something like this happening so they had kept half of their forces behind guarding their castle, however this did not stop the gnome advacne merely slow it. Eventually the two gnome forces had the humans surrounded, all hope for Misithlian was truely lost. The day ended in great despair as the reamaing humans and goblins fled in full flight back to varrock, they had lost over half their forces, the gnomes had barely lost ten percent of theirs.

15-Jul-2007 19:23:51 - Last edited on 15-Jul-2007 20:46:19 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 5, The Demise of Draynor

Falador had fallen, Rimmigton had fallen, Port Siarm had fallen, it seemed all hope had been lost in Mithilian especialy after the human armies of Misthilian were crushed by the gnomes in the battle for falador. It is only logical for Draynor Village to be next, and aparently the gnome leaders aggreed with this logic for two days after the fall of falador an attack was launched against draynor manor, the manor fell in just under an hour there was very little fighting just clearing out a few ghosts and capturing one poor scientist who is now being forced to develop new wepons for the gnomes.
Now is the battle for Draynor Village. After the Manor had Fallen three gnome infantry battalions and one Armored tortise brigade supported by a glider bomber wing, turned their combined fury upon Draynor Village. The Village fell in almost minutes and it would have if the wise old man hadn't come out to save the day, he was quietly ignoring the ruckus of war oustide his house. But when the gnomes burst into his house and started looting they made a mistake, the mistake of making him angry. He absolutely anihlated the gnome infatry and made mince meat of the gnome tortises but when he got to the gnome mages being lead by Zooknock he had met his match, their power was nearly equal to his but they had something he didn't, numbers, so after many brave hours of a horrific mage battle the wise old man of Draynor Village was brought down in a giant sheet of flame.
The remaining troops after killing him, looting his house and the bank across the street, turned to attack the wizard's tower. The gnomes had learned their lesson not to mess with mages so they simply had the glider bombers bomb out the tower into rubble, sure some gliders were lost when the mages fired spells at them, but the losses weren't high to be notable of anything. Thus was the fall of Draynor, now it seemed certain the next target would be Lumbrigde.

15-Jul-2007 20:46:40 - Last edited on 23-Sep-2007 16:35:12 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 6, The loss of Lumbridge
It was oblvious that Lumbridge would be the next to be attacked, it was also olbivious that the attack would come from Draynor Village in the west. So the Duke decided that instead of meeting them on an open field of battle as it had been done in the battle of falador, they would stay on the defnesive inside the castle. The group called H.A.M. being always against monsters did come out in full force to fight the gnomes. They lured the gnomes into their cave headquarters and fought a desperate battle underground, though they were eventaully wiped out they took down many gnomes with them, by causing a cave-in when they were down to their last few and realized the situation was hopeless.
The Dorshegun also came to help Lumbridge. Their army assembled in the tunnels leading to their home determined to offer a last ditch defensive effort to protect their homeland. After finishing with the H.A.M. the gnomes started the seige of Lumbridge castle, the walls and cannons offered some protection but after two days of a massive seige and valiant defence the castle fell, the gnomes burned down the town as well, the genral store, chruch,and axe shop all burned to rubble.
The Dorshegun were still fighting a very desperate and nearly hopeless battle underground detrmined to hold off the gnomes, they laid traps in the tunnel walls, caused cave-ins, and fought a gurriela war throughout the tunnel but it mattered not for the gnomes eventually reached their home and razed it. Lumbridge now had fallen and the gnomes moved on determine to sack Varrock and bring total gnomic order to this part of the human world, but there was still more fighting to be, in the Kaharid desert, Mortayina, Rellekka, and much else, so this campaign was nearly won but the war was far from over.

15-Jul-2007 21:25:23 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2008 20:46:48 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 7, The Desert War

After the invasion of Lumbridge the gnomes used Lumbridge as a jumping point for an invasion of Al-Kahrid and the Kahrid desert in general. They already had formed an allicane with the KQ in which she and her kalhpite army would attack everything south of their lair, and in return those lands would be their's to keep. All the gnomes had to do was take Al-Kahrid. So out of Lumbridge and over the river Lum the gnomic army marched killing the border guards and ramming down the gate. First they went northward destorying the dueling arena and mage training aren. The dueling arena went quietly into that good night without putting up much of a fight but the mage training arena mages fought a vicious battle with the gnomic mages, in the end the gnomes of course won again but at the cost of one hunrded gnome mages to kill only ten mage trainers and trainees that were at the arena at the time, nearly half as many mages as it took to put down the wise old man of Draynor Village.

They then turned south towards Al-Kahrid itself and the Shanty Pass. Al-Kahrid pretty much fell almost peacefully though it was still razed to the ground. But the palace did offer some resistance. Every single last human there fought to the death against the gnomes but it was to no avail.

As soon as the gnomes reached shanty pass they found it abadoned, but as soon as the pass was filled of gnome soldiers someone from above yelled "now" and hundreds of rocks and boulders came crashing down upon the gnomes killing all in the pass. Then a group of armed men rappeled down on ropes from the top of the pass, it was Shanty himself and his guards. They landed on the pile of boulders and immeadiately charged into the gnomic army. They put up a valiant effort fighting late into the night the few of them against hundreds of gnome infantry(the supporting archers and mages having been crushed in the rockslide) But in the end they like the town of Al-Kahrid before them died.

16-Jul-2007 01:53:23 - Last edited on 16-Jul-2007 01:53:43 by Mikedog12

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