
The Gnomic Wars

Quick find code: 49-50-366-47624096



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Chapter 14, Yannile, No More!

Yannile's demise did not come with crashing swords and broken spears. It did come by the edge of a blade. It was not bathed in blood. No quite the opposite Yannile fell because after so many many many times of fighting the gnomes it was finally realized one city could not hold out on its own. So Colonel Rid**** and his guards led the evacutaion, it went very orderly with everyone sneaking up into the wizard's tower. Once there the wizard's teleported everyone and everything to Ardougne. After the last refuggee was transported safely the wizard's themselves finally abadoned their tower. The magic guild stood empty, the bar deathly quiet, there was no one left. The gnomes battered down the gate to find a ghost town. They came expecting a fight but marched into nothing. They took the city, and that was the end of it. It was the shortest battle of the war.

03-Aug-2007 00:33:30 - Last edited on 18-Oct-2007 02:34:52 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 15, Extreme Exodus
General Pagomery, commander of Ardougne's refugee program stood quietly in his office. "General, the last of the refugees have arrived from Yannile" his aide said. "Very good Vera, notify the king please, tell him we are ready to proceed with phase two of the plan" "Right away sir" Pagomery looked down at his operations plan sheet.

Phase 1: Evacuate Yannile
Phase 2: Refurbish West Ardougne(using the cure we actually know about, but have denied)
Phase 3: Evacuate Chateryby and Seer's Village to Camelot castle
Phase 4: Aid Rellekka in bulding it's defenses
Phase 5: Hold out and hopefully outlast the Gnomic Army
Phase 6: If the defenses hold, COUNTER-ATTACK!
Meanwhile while he was looking over this and his maps, his aide was delivering the message to the king.
Glough led his army out of Yannile and back to castle wars so they could train.
While the gnomes marched and the Ardougne refugees got settled more was going on elsewhere. Cahterby and Seer's Village were both being evacuated into Camelot Caslte, here it was thought would be the best place to hold out against the Gnomic tide. King Arthur himself rode to Catherby to lead the evacuation, while Merlin dealt with Seers. Sir Lancelot was sent out light and fast to encourage the druids of Travelry to retreat north into Burhtrope and the safety of the mountains.
Meanwhile Rellekka was suring up its defense with help from what was left of man-kind. The warriors of all the Islands were being brought down to defend Rellekka city itself, to deny the enemy a beachead there. Jatizo and Neitozit called a ceasefire, and Miscellania and Ecteria worked out their differences. The stage was set, unless help came from some other place, man kind's last stand was about to take place.

05-Aug-2007 06:09:31 - Last edited on 17-Oct-2007 20:50:56 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 16, Traverly's Tale
Lancelot rode hard and fast into Travelry, he could hear the screams and cries from falador as the gnomes terrorized, murdered, and plundered, from the remaning civilians of Falador.If these noises were any kind of a sign, he knew that he needed to use all haste in his objective. He rode into the outskirts of Travelry, meeting a female druid, named Trelawney.
"Good day madam, i am Sir Lancelot of the Round Table of Camelot"
"Yes i know who you are, the tea leaves predicted your coming, you have come to have us leave our homes and follow you back to the safety of your castle, have you not?"
Lancelot was taken aback by her knowledge,
"Well, erm, yes that was the general idea, though i was going to say it with alot more pomp and bigger words...."
"Funny, I am Trelawney, leader of the female druids" She looked up at Lancelot sitting nobly on his horse and added,
"I am also single"
Lancelot blushing at the last comment said "Well before we get to personal matters, your people need to be evacuated, the gnomes will be here any day by the sounds of it, can you not smell and hear the death and destruction from Falador?"
"Yes, i just hoped it was all......a dream"
"It's not! Now please we need to gather your people and leave, now!"
"Very well then, we shall call them all to the town center it will be the quickest way to tell them"
So all the druids of Travelry gathered in the town square, where Lancelot spoke his message.
"The Gnomish Army is coming, fast, hard, and brutal, i will not waste your time with words, now gather your things and leave with me as fast as you can."
The crowd, was full of anger that this stranger was commanding them, but still most listened, one how ever called out.
"You mean, we're retreating? From our own homes? I refuse to! I have honor, my family has lived here for 13 generations."
"Good sir, We are not retreating, merely, marching in a different direction"

05-Aug-2007 19:11:23 - Last edited on 12-Jan-2008 22:57:36 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 17, Bombardment of Burthrope

The Zooknock's army marched out into the wilderness. Taking many losses from the various creatures, yet safeguarded by their dragon allies, they arrived with acceptable losses at the mountains on the western border. These mountains needed to be crossed to reach Burthrope, it was easier then fighting through the druids in Travelry(rememeber the gnomes don't know about the evacuation), Guthix had intervened at Varrock if they were to attack his most loyal followers, surely only death would await them. So his army crossed the mountains and attacked Burthrope from behind.
The seige started with an amaizing 10 day, non-stop bombardment. The catapults all aligned and the flaming amunition flying death into the city. The Gnomic air force flew round-the-clock sorties, sofenting up the defenders. Surely it was thought the city would be evacuated into the safety of Travelry to save everyone.
Well the gnomes were half right atleast, the fortress city of Burthrope was evacuated but not to neighboring Travelry, instead into the rouges den, underground so safe enough to withstand the bombardments. Then suddenly exactly ten days from the begining of the bombardment, the firing ceased, the soldiers of the black guard and the civilians turned milita, emerged from hiding in the den, and went outside to see what had happened. What they saw, shocked them, hordes, upon hordes of gnomic infantry marching, out of rank, no calvry, tortises, or air support just lazily walking down from the mountains. The gnomes thought they had oblieterated the defenders so the orders came down the city was allowed to be ransacked by the troops, so the calvry dismounted, the air force walked down with no planes, and all were dreaming of the riches of the ruined city that lay ahead. So the surrviors planned a suprise on the gnomes, one that would turn out to to be one of the greatest displays of gurriella warfare, of the entire war.

05-Aug-2007 21:57:16 - Last edited on 12-Jan-2008 23:10:52 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 18, The Devil's Greatest Trick...
The smoke settled and the Burthrope Briggadeers(so named by their commander, Haedvil) set out to their work, the gnomes would reach Burhtrope in 4 hours and be within sight of their work within two, time was of importance. Immediately Haedvil, a Lt. Colonel in the Black Guard of Burhtrope, and now the commander of it, led his people to their tasks. He had roughly 3,000 civilians turned milita, 450 of his orignal black guard infantry, 80 rangers, and only 3 mages at his disposal. He sent his high magican, Zuesthor to Ardougne, to inform General Pagomery of their situation.
Zuesthor left in the blink of an eye, and qucikly explained to Pagomery the situation of Burthrope. Pagomery, compliment Zuesthor and his people on their bravery, and offered to lend his mages to help them evacuate if they wished. Zuesthor replied "No, it is our home, we will fight for it to the last." Pagomery understood but nevertheless sent a whole batallion(310 mages) of Mages back with Zuesthor, this was a completely voulnteer Batallion, they all wished to help Burthrope, and all knew their orders, were to if their life was threatened they were to teleport out, a mage was a valuable asset to man kind, the loss of one could mean the difference between the loss and victory in the small skirmishes to come. On his way back Zuesthor stopped by Camelot to update King Arthur and Merlin. Merlin offered to come establish some defenses in Burthrope to aid the defenders. He took himself and 10 of his most skilled students with him to aid the Burthrope Brigadeers.
By the time the Zuesthor and Merlin came back, they had an hour 'till the gnomes could see them. They immediately set about their work, the Briagadeers had already been preparing since they left, and had bulit several hidden ambush sites. Merlin and his mages caused a rockslide in the mountains, cutting of half of the gnome infantry from the rest. "That should give you a fairer fighting chance"

13-Aug-2007 05:38:11 - Last edited on 13-Jan-2008 23:56:27 by Mikedog12



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Chatper 18, con*'d
said Merlin. The gnomes still marched undaunted by the rockslide, eager to ransack the town. Merlin's plan was to make the gnomes think the town no longer exsisted, untill the most oppurtune moment, right when the gnomes marched their first steps into the town would the ambushes go off.

Several hours later their plan was working and the gnomes marched into the outskirts of town, when suddenly all the mages appeared(as it seemed to the Gnomish infantry) out of thin air. As one they cast a huge wave of ice, sweeping over the gnomish ranks, crushing them as it went. Suddenly when it got half way through, the ice stopped and planted itself cutting the gnomes again in half. "That won't stop them for long, Zooknock will burn through it soon, and they will all be upon us again" said Zuesthor.
Merlin replied "Yes well unfortuantely eventually it will come down to hand-to-hand fighting and eventually well...."
"The death of me and all my people." finished Zuesthor "but it shall be a noble death, in a time of clashing swords, broken shields, and shattered spears, where we shall not go quietly into the good night"
Meanwhile along the southern route down at Travelry. The gnomes had finally realized that Travelry was empty, so a second force marched in and ransacked it, then took the northern road up to surround Burthrope. Merlin had sensed this. Merlin turned to Haedvil and Zuesthor and said "I must go now, back to Camelot, and the Ardougne mages as well, it is our time, good luck my friends you are on your own, be advised how ever, Travelry is empty and the gnomes now know it they are marching from the south, to delay them i have already erected a giant wall of earth, but they will eventually get over it, as i am sure you know" Haedvil said "Thank you Merlin you and your people have helped greatly, its our turn now, good luck at Camelot, remember to never give up hope, for it can come from the most unlikely of places" All nodded, and he left.

15-Aug-2007 16:54:53 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2008 00:14:21 by Mikedog12



Posts: 1,610 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey, I like ur story, I think it has a lot of potential to be great, I made a story called The Try-God War(I made a typo, it was supposed to be Tri-God not Try-God) heres the quick find code-49-50-257-49681387 Check it out and tell me if you like it, if you want

15-Aug-2007 17:04:36 - Last edited on 15-Aug-2007 17:08:27 by Jason333555



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Chapter 19, Battle for Burthrope.
Colonel Lumluck of the 32nd gnomic heavy assult task force(codenamed force Lumluck) led his force up from Travelry. He and his men were on a scouting mission when they realized the city empty, they informed their commanders and then rushed in. They walked the path northward untill they saw the hero's guild, he formed his ranks got the task forces battering ram and went at the door. Immediately a voice cried out as if from the heavens.
"You shall not pass into these doors! They are sacred and protected hostile foot shall never be set in the halls of the noble hero's guild!" With that it sunk into the ground as if by magic and the whole was filled automatically.
Lumlock thought of nothing but shock. "I am shocked! That was just.....plain eriee"
Nevertheless he continued northward to Burhtrope to surround the town and aid the other gnomic forces in the mop-up. He was suprised when he saw a giant wall of earth blocking the path. He walked up to and saw a message inscribed it was a picture of an elderly wizard and he was.... sticking his tounge out as if to mock him, the words read "good luck trying to get past here! sincerely, Merlin the Wizard"
He realized the wall was to thick and he couldn't ram it down with the regular ram. So he got ladders and his troops scaled the walls. Meanwhile the sappers and engineers carved out a path for the calvary, tortises, and supply caravans. Once through and over his troopers continuted the march closing ever nearer to Burthrope, 'till eventually they were within the city limits. There was a sound battle, clashing swords and yells. He thought
"ugh my fellow gnomes are surely merely fighitng over each other over who should get what of the rubbish there looting". So his men marched totally unware of the ambushes to come when suddenly there was a cry, a human voice, screaming "DEATH TO THE ENEMY!" Lumlock was leading the formation and was immediately struck down by the human leading the ambush.

16-Aug-2007 05:32:38 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2008 20:58:04 by Mikedog12



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Chapter 19, continued
Haedvil pulled his sword out of the gnome he had just sliced in half with it he look down and saw the insignia of a gnomic colonel. "Excelent" he said with a grim smile. His milita men and women who were waiting at the ambush spot with him were already decimating the suprised gnomic troopers. They had to all strike fast or die, that was their new motto. The calvary would be upon them quickly and while the handful of archers could handle them for a while once the tortises arrived they would be overwhelmed, and Zuesthor's northern line was barely holding as was. He had to kill as many gnomes as possible, enough to convince the enemy to tuck tail and run, run back to their holes, back to their cowardly hiding places, back to the dirty rotten hell holes from which they had come to kill his people.
It was working! The southern lines had held, the gnomes had fallen back there(many killed while running) Zuesthor held his postion, and forced the enemy to retreat(just to regroup), but now the gnomes were coming back for another round, this time the air support was back as well as the calvry and tortises. The tortises led the way this time to simply trample over any ambushes, but the humans planned for this. They strung incredibly thing and strong wire across some of the ambush paths, the wires simply sliced through the tortises. At other places they hid explosive potions in the ground, when the gnomes were over the spot where it was buried, a mage would simply light it off, and BOOM!
Of course many of these were placed in the castle, where Zuesthor led the gnomes into a trap. Zooknock and his mages chased Zuesthor into the castle. Zuesthor trapped the mages and gnomic rangers inside the castle, and fought Zooknock till they were outside. Once outside Zuesthor exploded the castle, unfortunately the split second it took him to do this gave Zooknock the oppurtunity he needed, a bolt of fire aimed straight and true landed right on Zuesthor's heart.

22-Aug-2007 05:51:07 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2008 21:57:15 by Mikedog12

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