
Mourning's end part III

Quick find code: 49-50-320-65454151

Dec Member 2020


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Head Mourner: “That we can stop this dreadful dig! I have received word from Lord Iorwerth himself!”
Player: “That’s strange, why would Lord Iorwerth call off our search so suddenly?”
Head Mourner: “That’s the exciting part! We found it! We found the Temple of Light!”
Player: “You- I mean, we what?! How?”
Head Mourner: “I was just as surprised as you are! You’d never guess how he found it: The Temple was hidden under us all this time; it’s under Prifddinas! The sealed gate under the city has finally been opened, and they found it right down a corridor!”
Player: “Oh… I knew I forgot something…”
Head Mourner: “What was that?”
Player: “Nothing of importance to the situation at hand. How is Lord Iorwerth getting into the Temple, exactly?”
Head Mourner: “Well, I am not sure exactly… There is supposedly an impenetrable barrier in the way… But Lord Iorwerth has assured us he would find a way!”
Player: “That’s… Interesting…”
Head Mourner: “But that isn’t why I need you here. You see, we must pave the path for our Dark Lord. So Lord Iorwerth has assigned us to stage B of our plan: spread the plague to East Ardougne.”
Player: “What? How would we do that?”
Head Mourner: “It’s that Lathas fool! He will allow us anything as long as we promise him we will kill ‘The usurpers of Camelot’!”
P: “Well, what do you want me to do?”
HM: “I suppose you should do what you did last time, only on a larger scale. I need you to poison the East Ardougne food supply, but this time, with a much more harmful poison. One that can kill. With deadly efficiency and effects.”
P: “Isn’t that a little too extreme?”
HM: “I would do far worse for our Dark Lord.”
P: “Riiight. Now, how do you suppose I get ahold of this plague virus?”
HM: “I have read through some tomes from the far east, a human place known as ‘Taverley’. I found that their kind can be known to create deadly toxins, and the worst of it was known simply as: The Dark Curse.*
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 02:17:47 - Last edited on 30-Dec-2013 23:47:26 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


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P: “’The Dark Curse?’”
HM: “That’s its name. However, it says little more than some ingredients for the elixir, and it’s deadly effects.”
P: “Deadly effects? Like what?”
HM: “Horrible things. Ruptured organs, loss of senses, extreme confusion. To be entirely honest with you, I was sick just reading the entire list. I need you to create a vial of this poison.”
P: “Why? It seems like it would cause more harm than good***
**: “That’s what I thought. However, it can only be spread by direct ingestion of the chemical, so it’s not contagious. And if worse comes to worst… I hope these gas masks are good for something.”
P: “I suppose you’re right. Now, what are the ingredients?”
HM: “Personally, I have never heard of most of these strange human names, but here they are: One spawns of a frog, one deadly nightshade, one bag of salt, and a ‘Toadflax’ herb.”
P: “Any Idea where I can find these?”
HM: “Well, to my knowledge, the salt can be sold by masters of slayer, I suppose you should find a frog for the frogspawn, but the other two I have no idea. Sorry I can’t be of more help.”
P: “I’m pretty skilled with herbs, I’ll see what I can do. What do you want me to do with the poison when it’s done?”
HM: “Well, I suggest you only make one vial, for extra safety. After that, I’d poor it in the city’s food supply. The people there seem to be pretty obsessed with their pastries, so I suppose you could infect the bakery stall.”
P: “That sounds… Effective***
**: “Of course! Here, let me write this down for you.”
*The Head Mourner writes for you a note.**
**: “This should prevent you from forgetting your mission. We can’t have a single thing go wrong here. It’s now or never. Good luck!” (Ends conversation)
You can read the note in your inventory, which will be useful later on. It will read:
“To our most trusted agent, to remind you of your orders, you are to take the virus and poor it into the local bakery, to poison the people of Kandarin. You are doing a great service to our Lord.
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 02:18:16 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2013 02:38:56 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


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Your servitude is very helpful to our goal. Signed, Death Guard Captain Gwenwyn.”
Now you are on the unfortunate task of creating The Dark Curse potion. Start with an unfinished Toadflax potion. Find one frogspawn from fishing, purchasing from another player, or a gourmet impling. The deadly Nightshade can be farmed in a Belladonna patch, or from the caves under Gu’tanoth. The bag of salt is from any slayer master. Use the ingredients on the unfinished Toadflax potion, and they will all be added to it at once, to create “Dark Curse potion”. It looks identical to a three-dose Antifire potion.
Now, time to use this potion. If you want, you can use it on the bakery stall, but you will only talk to yourself, saying:
Player: “Hmm… I think all I would accomplish by this is killing innocents. Not how I intend to turn Lathas against the Mourners.”
Now that note comes in handy. You may not have noticed, but the note never actually says your name! It simply mentioned that you must: “Poison the people of Kandarin.” What you’re going to want to do is disguise yourself as a Mourner, and bring the note and Dark Curse Potion to King Lathas in his castle. You’re going to need do some convincing, similar to convincing Akrisae during Ritual of the Mahjarret.
King Lathas: *What are you doing here? You’re supposed to only contact me using the appropriate channel!”
Player options: 1: “Oh, right.” (Ends conversation)
2: “I have a note and a vial for you.” (Progresses the quest)
King Lathas: “A message? What about? I am a very busy man.”
Player options: 1: “Read it for yourself.”
King Lathas: “I have no time for this. Begone!” (Ends conversation)
2: “New orders from the Death Guard Captain.”
King Lathas: “Orders?? I am not his lap dog! But very well, why does he send me a note at a time like this? I’m barely keeping his fake plague under control.”
Player options: 1: “He wants to go to war with you!”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 02:39:32

Dec Member 2020


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KL: “What kind of fool do you think I am? Lord Iorworth needs me for his operation here in Kandarin! Begone!” (Ends conversation)
2: “I’m not sure why.”
KL: “Well, go find out then! I don’t have time for guessing games.”
3: “Bringing forth the Dark Lord.”
KL: “What?! He’s found what’s he’s looking for at last? Give me those to me!”
*King Lathas takes the note and Dark Curse Potion from your inventory*
KL: “This… Is madness!”
P: “Why… What does it say? All I know is I have this vial for you…”
KL: “Surely you know! He wants me to poison my people!”
P: “Really? Why would he do that…?”
KL: “You! You knew about this!”
P: “But I did*’t even…!”
KL: “GUARDS! Kill this worthless creature!” (Ends conversation)
The Paladins in the room all attack you. You don’t need to kill them, and if you try to talk to Lathas in your Mourner equipment, he will send his Paladins to attack you again. Now, you must be certain that he has lost faith with the Mourners. Leave the room, and take off your Mourner equipment. Trying to take it off in King Lathas’ bed room will create a message saying that it’s not wise to take off your disguise in front of Lathas. Talk to Lathas without ANY Mourner equipment.
King Lathas: “Player! I was about to send word to you. I need your assistance once again.”
Player: “Oh? With what?*
King Lathas: “I cannot tell you all the details, but I can tell you this: The Mourners of West Ardougne are trying to plot against me!”
Player: “Really now? Why, what did the accursed Mourners say?”
KL: “They want me to poison my own people with a real plague!”
P: “That’s terrible… What are you going to do it about it?”
KL: “Well, I want you to poison them, of course.”
P: “Wait, that’s no better than what they want you to do!”
KL: “Of course it is. You’re killing my enemies instead of me killing my subjects. Here, take this.*
*Lathas gives you the Dark Curse Potion.*
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 02:40:14

Dec Member 2020


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KL: “It’s a vial of poison I stumbled upon. I’m not sure what exactly it does, but I poured it in one of my flower’s plant pot. It died faster than I could blink.”
P: “…And you want me to use it to poison the Mourners you hired to protect West Ardougne?”
KL: “Well, I suppose you could find a less murderous way to deal with the Mourners. I suppose the city warder Bravek could help you with that.”
P: “That seems more civil.”
KL: “Yet less effective!”
P: “Right… Anyways, I guess I’ll get to that now.*
KL: “Good luck, adventurer. You could be saving my city. Now, I have some paperwork to assign someone to remove those Mourner’s from power!” (Ends conversation)
Now, you have a choice here. It doesn’t affect much of the quest, but does change the rewards slightly. If you want to do the easy, cruel way, you should go just outside the Mourner’s headquarters in West Ardougne (In the fenced-off area). Notice the cooking cauldron you poisoned with an apple in Biohazard. However, now you’re going to want to use the Dark Curse Potion on it. You will be prompted with the message: “Are you certain you want to pour this into the Mourner’s food?”
Player options: 1: “No, that’s just evil.” (Ends conversation)
2: 'Yes, for a good cause.” (Ends conversation)
If you decided to not poison the Mourners, go talk to Bravek upstairs the Ardougne Civic Office.
Player: “Hey Bravek. How’s the hangover?”
Bravek: “Oh, you came at a good time, adventurer, I just got over one. How can I help you?”
Player: “I need you to help me get some dirt on the Mourners for King Lathas.”
Bravek: “Lathas? In the east city? Why, I’d be happy to help!”
P: “That’s great, what can you do?”
Br: “Well, nobody has caught the plague for quite a while, so I do not think the city needs them anymore, so I can finally evict them for their crimes against the citizens. However, I can’t press charges to get them out of the city without some kind of proof.”
P: “Oh I am sure I can find something to make the Mourners look bad.
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 02:40:56 - Last edited on 09-Jun-2013 06:54:49 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


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Br: “Erm, as ominous as that sounds, I’ll let you handle it.”
P: “Oh, sorry. Thanks Bravek!”
Br: “Just doing my part, Adventurer.” (Ends conversation)
Go to the Head Mourner in the Mourner HQ again, and ask him for a replacement note, as you lost your last one. He will give another note to you. Bring it back to Bravek.
Player: “Bravek! I have brought proof of the Mourner’s devious plot. They gave me this note and potion, and told me to spread the plague!”
Bravek: “What? That can’t be right. Let me see that.”
*Bravek takes the note and potion from you*
Bravek: “These instructions do not make much sense… All the same, it is evidence that the Mourners are using the plague to stay in power. I’ll be sure to have a chat with them.”
Player: “Are you sure that’ll work?”
Bravek: “If not, I’ll ask King Lathas to loan us some of the East Ardougne guard.”
Player: “That sounds slightly more helpful.”
Bravek: “I sure hope so! Now, excuse me, I have business to attend to. And for once in months, this business does not involve alcohol!” (Ends conversation)
Whichever side you chose, head back to Arianwyn’s cave near the ruined Lletya. However, you will probably notice a significant difference this time you enter Lletya: There are many Iorworth Clan Elf Warrior corpses on the ground, fresh-looking, as if recently killed. Head up the rope to the cave, and talk to Arianwyn, who is talking with Junior Cadet Finda (No Tyras this time).
Arianwyn: “Ah, Player. It is good to see you once again. I trust your mission went well?”
(If you decided to poison the Mourners)
Player: “Yes! I poisoned the Mourners! They shouldn’t cause much trouble for now on!”
Arianwyn: “Player, I cannot say I approve of such methods! But… You have not lead us wrong in the past, so thank you.”
(If you worked with Bravek)
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 02:41:37 - Last edited on 17-Apr-2013 19:12:57 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


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Player: “Yes, I talked with the city warder. I gave him some evidence that the Mourners are abusing the ‘plague’, and he said he would deal with it.”
Arianwyn: “I would have preferred something with a little more immediate results, but I trust your choice.”
(Both choices lead to this line of dialogue)
Player: “Glad I could help. But I noticed a line of corpses outside! Did the Iorworth Clan attack?”
Junior Cadet Finda: “Oh yes, it was a very good battle, if I do say so myself! I was amazed at what the warriors of Lletya were capable of… We rained arrows from the mountains, and, as almost on cue, my clan’s mages attacked from behind. There were no survivors for the enemy.”
P: “Well, that’s quite good news indeed!”
Ar: “Yes, I believe it is.”
P: “Arianwyn? You defeated some of our enemy today! Why are you not more excited?”
Ar: “I… am sorry, Player. I have just been so distracted today. I keep feeling like something is pulling at my mind.”
P: “Are you all right? Are you ill?”
Ar: “I don’t think so… I noticed some other Elf leaders are feeling the same way; Gwir, Islwyn, Eluned* I don’t think it’s much to worry about, I may just need some…”
*Suddenly, Gwir walks into the room*
Gwir: “Arianwyn! I found it!”
P: “Found ‘it’? Found what?”
Ar: “You must be kidding. This could not be related…”
Junior Cadet Finda: “I’m sorry, Player is right. What are we talking about?”
Gwir: “You can’t expect me to believe it did*’t occur to you!”
Ar: “It’s an old prophecy created by Iorworth to keep control of his legions! Nothing more!”
Gw: “I thought that too… But I delved deeper! The prophecy is correct!”
P: “Prophecy? What prophecy?”
JCF: “The prophecy? At A.R.M.S. we told the prophecy was just story from around the campfire to remind us of home…”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 02:42:30

Dec Member 2020


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Gw: “See! Even the clans who are not under Iorworth’s control knew about the prophecy!”
Ar: “True as that may be, it does not change the fact it is incomplete…”
P: “Can someone tell me exactly what this prophecy is?”
Gw: “He/she is right. We must tell him/her**
**: “Fine. Go ahead, Gwir**
**: “Great! Get comfortable Player, this is a long one. You see, since times unknown, there has been an ancient Elven prophecy. It was written in the old language of the Elves, and for years, here at Lletya we only translated half of it. It was terrible; it was about how Lord Iorworth would ‘divide the Elves to the righteous and the rebels.’ We thought that it was merely propaganda so the Elves feel more patriotic to join Lord Iorworth. But a few years ago, I decided to translate more of the prophecy, and I was interested what I found. It was about a human champion who would ‘save an innocent, at the price of many.’ Since then, I forgot about the prophecy. But recently, I had strange headaches, and dreams. As time went on, I felt worse and worse. Eventually, I couldn’t take it anymore, so I told Arianwyn about it, and he confessed he was having the same problem. While you were out in Prifddinas, I started researching if there was a way to cure this strange affliction. I found nothing on the subject, but my hands kept reaching for the prophecy. So I eventually tried to translate more of it. The prophecy got more and more interesting, about this human restoring the ‘Well of Voyage’, along with ‘slaying the son of chaos.’ After a while, I realised the prophecy was about you, Player. I was so very interested, and it seemed every time I translated more of the prophecy, my affliction diminished slightly. But anyway, I just finished the translation, to find the most interesting part of the prophecy: ‘And so the human will awaken the Crystal, and bring peace to all of Elfkind.”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 02:42:54

Dec Member 2020


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P: “So the prophecy says I am the hero to your people?”
Gw: “It seems so. I imagine the Iorworth Clan has already translated the prophecy, so that must be why they seem to have been trying to make you one of their allies**
**: “Wait, ’Awaken the Crystal?’ What does that mean?”
Gw: “I haven’t the slightest idea. But I found an interesting map in the last pages of the prophecy’s tome. It seems to be a map of Isafdar, with the symbol of Seren to the south of it**
**: “The south of Isafdar? The south is covered with the toxic wastes!”
P: “I did some research myself on the waste: it is from a Gnome city, Arposanadra. As far as I know, it’s impossible to cross**
**: “Yes, I remember Ilfeen telling me about your discovery of it… But this map must mean something. Player, this prophecy is apparently about you. Could I possibly ask you, this one last task for our cause before the siege of the crystal city?”
P: “I can try, but how do I get over those wastes?”
Gw: “I managed to find out where the symbol of Seren lies within the wastes, and I had a teleport crystal made for you. Would you like me to teleport you there now?*
P: “Go ahead, it’s worth some investigating**
**: “All right, prepare yourself!”
*Nothing happens for a minute*
**: “Odd…”
*Still nothing happens.*
**: “That’s strange… I can’t teleport you.”
P: “What? Why?”
Gw: “Well, I can** use Elf crystal to teleport you to somewhere that’s near a different race’s teleport location. Whatever is out in the poison wastes, there is already a teleport there.”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 02:43:40

Dec Member 2020


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P: “How do you expect me to find the teleport there?”
Gw: “I don’t know… I suppose you try and find a race that likes to make teleports to seemingly random locations! All I have found is something about a DLR. I couldn’t decode that to anything in any known language.”
P: “I suppose I can see what I can do…”
Gw: “Thank you. You could be saving Elfkind by finding… Whatever is out there**
**: “Eh hem, Player. When you return, I will be at King Tyras’ camp with the rest of the army. Good luck.” (Ends conversation)
I think the DLR was a dead giveaway… Go to Zanaris, and type in the Fairy ring code D-L-R. It will take you to the familiar island in the middle of the poison wastes. To the north-west, there is another island, with a strange looking rock on it. Right-click “jump to” island. When you’re there, inspect the odd-looking rock. You will discover it is indeed covering something, so you are given the option if you want to push it out of the way. If you choose to push it out of the way, you will find a gaping hole it in the center of the island, with a descending grey-coloured crystal chain. Climb down it, and you will find yourself in a medium-sized, empty cave, with a closed door to the north wall, and a grey-coloured crystal chest to the west wall. The northern door is locked, and the key is in the west-wall chest. As you go to open it, you will hear a voice, which takes form as a conversation with no chat head, to keep the mystery!
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 02:44:07

Quick find code: 49-50-320-65454151 Back to Top