P: “’The Dark Curse?’”
HM: “That’s its name. However, it says little more than some ingredients for the elixir, and it’s deadly effects.”
P: “Deadly effects? Like what?”
HM: “Horrible things. Ruptured organs, loss of senses, extreme confusion. To be entirely honest with you, I was sick just reading the entire list. I need you to create a vial of this poison.”
P: “Why? It seems like it would cause more harm than good***
**: “That’s what I thought. However, it can only be spread by direct ingestion of the chemical, so it’s not contagious. And if worse comes to worst… I hope these gas masks are good for something.”
P: “I suppose you’re right. Now, what are the ingredients?”
HM: “Personally, I have never heard of most of these strange human names, but here they are: One spawns of a frog, one deadly nightshade, one bag of salt, and a ‘Toadflax’ herb.”
P: “Any Idea where I can find these?”
HM: “Well, to my knowledge, the salt can be sold by masters of slayer, I suppose you should find a frog for the frogspawn, but the other two I have no idea. Sorry I can’t be of more help.”
P: “I’m pretty skilled with herbs, I’ll see what I can do. What do you want me to do with the poison when it’s done?”
HM: “Well, I suggest you only make one vial, for extra safety. After that, I’d poor it in the city’s food supply. The people there seem to be pretty obsessed with their pastries, so I suppose you could infect the bakery stall.”
P: “That sounds… Effective***
**: “Of course! Here, let me write this down for you.”
*The Head Mourner writes for you a note.**
**: “This should prevent you from forgetting your mission. We can’t have a single thing go wrong here. It’s now or never. Good luck!” (Ends conversation)
You can read the note in your inventory, which will be useful later on. It will read:
“To our most trusted agent, to remind you of your orders, you are to take the virus and poor it into the local bakery, to poison the people of Kandarin. You are doing a great service to our Lord.
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.
02-Apr-2013 02:18:16
- Last edited on
02-Apr-2013 02:38:56