
Mourning's end part III

Quick find code: 49-50-320-65454151

Dec Member 2020


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Awhile ago I wrote this as a suggestion for Jagex for an Elf finale quest. When Plague's End came out, I used a poster's idea on moving this to Stories for people to enjoy. And if you look closely, there are even a hand full of parts of the quest that made it into Plague's End!

Knowing Jagex has put off Mourning’s End Part III due to EOC*****L5, etc., I thought I’d do some community service and write up my own version of the quest! I don’t expect it to be easy. It has everything an elf quest finale needs: Twists, fights, pointy ears, surprising allies, and most importantly; puzzles that make you want to bash in your head with a rock hammer.

So, here it is! (Warning: long read, but it’s worth it!)

Opening credits:
Overall story written by: Any-sao.
Editing by: Lord Drament.
Assistant writer: Hankmeister.
Other helpful people: Cruor_789
Side notes:
-To shorten the amount of typing, I will often use abbreviations for NPC names during dialogue (For example, I may put “TG” instead of “Tyras Guard.”) It shouldn’t cause much disturbance to the readers!
- I did have to use my imagination to come up with some of the lore of the quest, which is not in-game at the current time. For example, I named some previously-unnamed Elf Clans by using an English-Welsh translation.
-I am from the USA, so some of my English spelling may be a little off compared to the UK English spelling (like I may accidentally put “center” instead of “centre”).
-For some reason, the language filter made 'Ar' (Stands for Arianwyn) and 'LI' (Stands for Lord Iorwerth) comes out **. No clue why it does this, but it shouldn't be too hard to understand, thanks to context clues!
And now, our feature presentation!
Mourning’s End Part III- The Crystal City.
Length: Very long.
Difficulty: Grandmaster.
Within the Light.
Fairy Tale II – Cure a Queen.
Catapult Construction.
Prisoner of Glouphrie.
Completed the Hard task set for the Ardougne area.
Completed the Mobilising Armies tutorial.
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:39:34 - Last edited on 18-Aug-2014 04:04:37 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


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85 Thieving.
70 Agility.
70 Herblore.
Description: “The time has come. The rebel Elves of Lletya have been discovered, and must rely on you to save them from ultimate destruction. Team up with some unlikely allies, solve a very colourful puzzle, and more, to once and for all liberate The Crystal City.”
Note: Elf names are very hard to spell. Forgive any typos; I will correct them per requests.
The quest starts by talking to the Elf Tracker in the centre of Isafdar. (Player name will be just called “player” in this script.)
Elf Tracker: Player! Just who I needed to see. Lord Iorwerth has been looking for you. He wanted me to tell you that it is very urgent.
Player options: 1: “No thanks.” (Ends conversation)
2: *What is it?”
Elf Tracker: I’m not sure. He just said it may change everything for all Elves and humans alike! Very exciting!
Player options: 1: “No thanks.” (Ends conversation)
2: “I’ll see him at once.” (Start the quest)
Elf tracker: Excellent! I’d see him as soon as possible! (Ends conversation)
Head to Lord Iorworth at the Elf Camp, who will progress the Quest.
Lord Iorwerth: “Ah, Player. I see the Tracker delivered my message. As you may have guessed, I have an assignment for you, much like our last mission together.”
Player: “What’s this about, exactly?”
LI: “Well, you see, this is a great secret. I must trust you will not tell anybody about this: Elf, Human, Gnome, Fire-based golem, or any other sentient creature on this planet! Can I trust you with this knowledge?”
Player options: 1. “I don’t think so, no.* (Ends conversation)
2. “Yes, you can trust me***
**: “Good. Now, here is the story…”
LI: “You see, for the past centuries, my kind; the righteous Elves of Clan Iorworth have been at a brutal civil war with the Clan Cadarn. The other six clans, for the most part, welcomed my Clan’s
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:40:08 - Last edited on 23-Sep-2013 03:56:46 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


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rule, but not the Cadarn Clan. As you may know, the Cadarn Clan was led by ‘King’ Baxtorian, who explored what you call Kandarin. When he returned, his demented Clan opposed my rule, and many of the citizens of Prifddinas even went so far as to join his rebellion. They killed many other Elves. Eventually, we managed to push back them deep into the forest of Isafdar. It was a glorious day; we thought we had defeated the rebel scum once and for all! However, we eventually noticed many Elves from Prifddinas disappearing, presumably joining the rebels. Since then, we have only managed to defeat a small amount of the Cadarn Clan’s supporters. But recently- one of my scouts has finally found what we’ve been looking for! The rebel base. It is a small village, surrounded by trees. We captured one of their civilians walking out of the village, and tortured him to tell us its name: ‘Lletya’.”
Player: “Wow… This is… Quite surprising! I had no idea of this! But where do I come into this equation?”
LI: “I was getting to that, Player! You see, the rebels have little crystal. In fact, the fools seem to be using wooden structures for defence! I want you to destroy the village, in a similar manner to what you did with King Tyras. Here, you’ll need this.”
*Lord Iorwerth hands you a Big Book of Bangs, identical to the one from Regicide*
**: “I have faith in you Player! I’m sure you can figure this out!”
P: “I… Will do my best, sir..."
**: “Thank you. You are a savior to Elves everywhere!” (Ends conversation)
[Don’t worry; obviously, you will not be killing Arianwyn!]
*Leave the Elf Camp, and once across the agility log, you will have a quick conversation with yourself.*
P: “I can’t believe they discovered the Lletya! I must tell Arianwyn of this!”
Go to Lletya, and talk to Arianwyn. As you pass the Elf Tracker, you will notice there are two Elf warriors in Iorworth clan colours. (They are not attackable.)
Once at Arianwyn…*
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:41:13 - Last edited on 17-Sep-2013 03:30:30 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


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P: Arianwyn! You will not believe this! The dark elves! They’ve found out about Lletya!”
Arianwyn: “What? Player, this cannot be possible. Our magic protects this place from intruders, let alone physical sight…”
P: “Well, I was just speaking with Lord Iorwerth again and he sai-“
Ar: “YOU WHAT? Player, you are not to discuss with the enemy! He could have interrogated you, and wiped your memory of it! You may have well been our doom!”
P: “Wha… I don’t…”
*Suddenly, an arrow lands beside you, radiating green energy, startling both you and Arianwyn in the process. As Arianwyn reaches for the arrow, it dissolves into thin air**
**: “It’s crystal! Guards! It’s an assassin! They’ve found us!”
Suddenly, two Elf Warriors (the same you saw at the Elf Tracker) jump down from the roof of Arianwyn’s house. One is using a crystal pike, one is using a crystal bow. A Lletya Elf Archer aims his crystal bow at the assassins, but before the arrow could be shot, the pike-wielding Elf throws a small crystal on the ground, and steps on it. Suddenly, there is a flash of light, and all Elves (including Arianwyn and the Lletya guards), are unconscious. The only ones who are still lucid are the two assassins, and you.
Elf Assassin: “Kill the human!”
The two Elves attack you. Unsurprisingly, one uses his bow, and one uses his pike. They are of identical strength to the normal Elf warriors you can encounter. As the second one dies, suddenly, a puff of a smoke appears behind you. The smoke quickly turns into a familiar face: The Elf Tracker.
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:41:45 - Last edited on 17-Sep-2013 03:30:57 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


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The Elf Tracker attacks you with what looks like a crystal dagger. He is of combat level 165, and hits very rapidly (speed of daggers/maces/scimitars). His dagger is able to penetrate prayers at 100% strength, rendering your prayers useless. When his health drops to 50%, he will cry out: “I can sense your friend’s weakness…”At this point, he will wander over to an unconscious Lletya Elf warrior, and use an Asphyxiate-like ability, choking the life from them. It is a three-second-channel, if he finishes it, he is healed to 100%, and the Elf warrior dies. However, if you stun him before he finishes the channel, the ally Elf turns lucid, and assists you in killing the tracker. Note: The tracker only uses this healing ability TWICE on two different unconscious Elf warriors (second time at 25% health). When you have successfully killed the Elf tracker, click a “shake” option on Arianwyn, who will then wake up, starting a new conversation.
Arianwyn: “Zwuhh… Seren… Don’t take me yet… *wakes* Player! Wha.. What happened here?”
Player: “Assassins, Arianwyn. I disposed of them.”
(If you stunned the Elf Tracker’s choking spell, with the ally Elf assisting you in the fight…)
Elf Ally: “And I helped!”
Player: “Yeah… Right… Anyways…”
Player: “They were wearing the colours of Iorworth. They clearly know we are here.”
Arianwyn: “M-My people! Are they… dead?”
Player: “I don’t think so. They seem to simply be asleep. I woke you up with ease. But why would Iorworth want your people alive…?”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:42:06

Dec Member 2020


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Arianwyn: “Sacrifices? Slaves perhaps? Iorwerth is a cruel man. He will slowly kill an enemy, just for the pride of it.”
P: “Oh… I am sorry to hear that.**
**: “Don’t be. You saved my people. But the question is, why did they try to kill you?”
P: “You mean beside the point I mislead them across Isafdar, allied with their enemies, and ruined their operation in the Temple of Light?”
Ar: “You may have a point, Player. They could have caught on to you by now. I see I can no longer accuse you as a traitor.”
P: “Then how did they discover Lletya? You said this place was impenetrable**
**: “Invisible yes, impenetrable no**
P: “What do you mean?”
Ar: “Our magicks prevent any enemy from attacking our lodge, with a minor exception. The spell will yield for any who is trusted to enter the village. That is how Eluned allowed you to enter; she trusted you."
P: “So a trusted person told the Iorwerth clan?”
Ar: “That was my thought. But whom…?”
P: “Well, you’re the leader of the rebels. Couldn’t you simply ask the people?”
Ar: “NATURALLY I could, but I feel I would lose respect from my men that way… Player, I must ask you to find out who the traitor is. And please, be discreet about it. I beg you, for my people’s safety.”
Player options:
1: “How do you expect me to do that?”
Ar: “I do not know exactly, but I am sure there is some sort of physical proof they’d have on their body… Now, I must wake my guards. I’ll be sure have them patrol the perimeter, and shoot anything that moves.”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:42:36 - Last edited on 17-Sep-2013 03:31:59 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


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2: “I will try my best, Sir**
**: *Thank you, Player. Now, let me wake up my guards, and I’ll tell them to patrol the perimeter for any more intruders.”
*the screen quickly fades to black, to reveal the town of Lletya back to normal, with citizens roaming around.*
Your job is to find out who the traitor is. You have a few methods you could go about.
1- Ask a citizen of Lletya. They will respond: “How dare you accuse me of being a traitor! Begone!”
2- Ask a citizen of Lletya, using a ring of Charos (a). They will respond: “How dare you accuse me of being a traitor! And don’t think your cheap magic tricks will work on me, human!”
3- (The correct route) Pickpocket the Elves. Most of the Elves will give the normal loot, but one Elf in particular, Kelyn, on the bridge above the center of Lletya (near the Seren altar) will give you what you’re looking for...
Pickpocket Kelyn to receive an “Elven note”. Read it. It will have the below message:
“Dear Kelyn of the Clan Cadarn. We thank you for your service to the good Elves of Prifddinas. Within this letter, you will find the mark of Lord Iorwerth, granting a full pardon to you, in spite of your service to your clan’s rebellion. Your pardon will grant you full access to the city of Prifddinas, and lessons to chant your own crystal seeds.
Long live the Iorwerth Clan, signed, ___________”.
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:42:59 - Last edited on 29-Sep-2013 19:16:10 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


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If you show this note to Kelyn, she will decline the legitimacy of the letter. Bring the letter to Arianwyn.
Arianwyn: “Player! Have you found out who the traitor is?”
Player: “Yes, I think so. It’s Kelyn.”
Arianwyn: *KELYN! Are you certain of this? She has always been a loyal ally…”
Player: “Yes, I have this strange note from her; it is evidence of her betrayal. However, it doesn’t appear to be signed.”
*Arianwyn takes the letter from you, and quickly scans it.*
Arianwyn: “Ah, unfortunately you are beyond wrong Player… Not only is it signed, but it is signed by the finger print of Lord Iorwerth himself. It is meant to be unable to be seen by humans. Guards! Please, arrest Kelyn. She will be exiled at hence. Poor girl… Always dreaming of crystal walls of Prifddinas… I suppose it all makes sense then…”
P: “Wait, I still don’t understand, why would Lord Iorwerth make an invisible mark on his letter, but keep the rest in normal writing?”
Ar: “Because he planned this Player. He planned all of this. He knew we would catch Kelyn. We’re all just part of his plan…”
P: “…!”
Ar: “Yes, it is unfortunate but true. We are dangerously low on options. We are left with but one outcome to this situation… But it is a very steep risk.”
P: “Well? What is it?”
Ar: “We… We must turn the fight to Iorwerth.”
P: “You mean attack Prifddinas?”
Ar: “Yes. It seems to be our only choice.”
Player options: 1. “An attack? Wouldn’t that just be wandering into Iorwerth’s trap?”
Ar: “Not if we plan for it now. You know of the tunnel under Prifddinas, you discovered it!”
2. *That is insane…”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:43:33 - Last edited on 03-Jan-2014 19:34:28 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


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Ar: “Insane? INSANE? You know what is it insane? Being at war for centuries, with our only major progress lead by YOU, Player. We need you. You’re the only one who has seen the tunnel under Prifddinas.”
(both options lead to this next part)
Ar: “Can we rely on you, Player?”
Player options: 1. “I’m sorry, but I won’t risk it**
**: “A shame. Please return if you change your mind.” (Ends conversation)
2. “I’ll do it”
Ar: “*Arianwyn takes a sigh of relief.* Thank you, Player. You are truly a saint of Seren.”
P: “So, what are we to do?”
Ar: “Well, to be completely honest with you Player, I don’t know. I’ve never planned an assault before. I will summon my council, but for the time being, I suggest you return to Lord Iorwerth. We need him to believe you were completely oblivious to the incident that happened here today. If he asks, you tell him you've never even met a Lletyan Elf. Understood?”
P: “I understand**
**: “Good. Now rush along, I have some planning to do.” (Conversation ends)
*NOTE: From this point on in the quest, you will be unable to use the Arandar mountain pass gate to Kandarin. If you try, the Iorwerth Clan guards will decline your entrance/exit.*
Go to Lord Iorwerth’s Elf Camp. However, when you arrive at the Grennwall hunting area south of the camp, or the agility log east of the camp, you will be at an instanced version of the camp. It’s in ruins, one tent is crushed and torn, the fire is out, and there are five dead Elf Warriors scattered around the camp. There is no sign of Lord Iorwerth. Inspect the surroundings.
If you inspect the fire remains, it will read: “This fire seems to be stomped out, rather than exhausting itself.”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:43:54 - Last edited on 03-Jan-2014 19:35:10 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


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If you inspect the dead Elf bodies, it will read: “These Elves seem to be killed by long, metal blades, and not Elven crystal.”
If you inspect the crushed tent, it will read the most interesting of all the clues: “The tent seems to be crushed by a large boulder, which seemed to fly from the air.”
When you read all these, you will comment to yourself:
“Strange… It seems Iorworth has more enemies than just Elves… Arianwyn may want to know about this.”
You may return to Arianwyn at Lletya. When you come to the aforementioned areas, you will leave the instance. Returning to the Elf camp prior to finishing the quest will return to the destroyed version of the camp.
When you arrive at Arianwyn’s house, you will be entered into a cut scene of Arianwyn talking to his council; Eluned, Islwyn, and Gwir.
Arianwyn: “…And I believe our soldiers would make a formidab…”
Islwyn: “ARE YOU MAD? Assaulting Prifddinas is suicide! The city has never been penetrated!”
Arianwyn: “Well, yes, but recently, our top operative has discov… Ah! Player, you have returned. Tell me, how did your meeting with Lord Iorwerth go?”
Player: “It… Never happened. I went to his camp, but he wasn’t there. In fact, none of the soldiers were! The entire place was ransacked.”
Arianwyn: “Ransacked? Someone else struck out against Lord Iorwerth? It was certainly none of my men. Tell me Player, did you see any clues to who attacked them?”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:44:17 - Last edited on 17-Sep-2013 03:34:21 by Any-sao

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