
Mourning's end part III

Quick find code: 49-50-320-65454151

Dec Member 2020


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EH: “There were eight clans when we came to this world, but only six truly remain. Here in the north-eastern quadrant of the city, there is my clan, the Ithell Clan, who we are known for our skill in crystal singing, as well as the Heddychlon Clan, who are the peacemakers of our people. In the south-eastern quadrant, there lives the Sanctaidd clan, who were the priests of our people for when we worshipped the Crystal Goddess, and the Cerddoriaeth Clan, known for their musical skills, who are said to be able to inspire their allies to perform amazing feats. In the south-western quadrant lives the Ddewr Clan, have too boldly spoken out against our Lord Iorworth too many times. They once lived with Trachwant Clan, who were said to be the most skilled mages in the land, but were not above thievery to benefit themselves. Stangely, the Trachwant clan disappeared from Prifddinas a century ago. Finally, in the north-western quadrant, lives the great clan of Iorworth, who has ruled our city for the past centuries. They once shared the quadrant with the Cadarn Clan, who are now our bitter enemies in the south.
3: “What happened to all the crystal?”
EH: “The crystal that once built our city has reverted to its seed form at the center of the city. Not even the wise crystal singers of the Ithell Clan can make the seed change even slightly. Rest assured, the scholars of Clan Iorworth are working tirelessly to find a way to rebuild our city into the crystal it once was.”
4: “That’s all, thanks.*
*H: “It is no problem, sir/mam. I am always happy to discuss history, let alone with someone as noble as you.” (Ends conversation)
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:56:53 - Last edited on 04-Jan-2014 19:49:09 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


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Now that you have some information on Prifddinas, it’s time to complete the objectives Arianwyn assigned to you. Currently, all Elves in the city cannot be attacked, talked to, or shopped from. (You’re on a mission, not on holiday!) You can keep track of your objectives in the quest log, and keeping track of your accomplishments.
The primary goal is to explore Prifddinas, and sabotage the Iorworth Clan’s war effort. Head to the south-east quadrant of the city, where you will find a short cut scene between an Elven Songstress and an Iorworth Clan captain.
Elven Songstress: “I’m s-sorry sir, but my people c-cannot do that!”
Elf Captain: “Well, you’re going to need to learn.”
Elven Songstress: “You don’t understand! We can only play our inspiring music in a peaceful environment, and not in the middle of a warzone!”
Elf Captain: “Oh please. How gullible do you think I am?”
Elven Songstress: “B-But it’s not only that sir! Our instruments have been degrading at an alarming rate! It will not be long before they all turn to their seed form! And whenever we try to chant the seeds back to instruments, the seeds don’t respond!”
Elf Captain: “If your clan has no use to Lord Iorworth, perhaps we should get rid of you once and for all…”
Elven Songstress: “No, no! I’ll t-tell my singers that as long as their instruments can be played, we will assist!”
Elf Captain: “Heh. I thought so.” (Ends cut scene)
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:57:19

Dec Member 2020


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Your first method of sabotage is to break the singer’s instruments. Search around the houses until you find a crate filled with Crystal Lyres. Search it to put 10 Crystal Lyres in your inventory (or as many as you can hold, if you don’t have enough inventory spaces). Click the “play” option on each of them. You will receive a message that you have no idea how to play a lyre, and ask if you are certain you wish to attempt it. Click “Yes” and you will create a noise that sounds absolutely terrible. You will then receive the message: “The Crystal Lyre shudders at the terrible sound that came out of it, forcing it to revert to its seed form. The seed looks lifeless and dead.” As many Lyres as you held will become “Lifeless Crystal Seeds”, which you are instructed to put into the crate where you first retrieved the Lyres.
Head to the south-western quadrant of the city, where yet another cut scene occurs, this time between an Iorworth Warrior, followed by two Elf Guards and a male Ddewr Clan citizen…
Ddewr Citizen: “You mustn’t be serious!”
Iorworth warrior: “Orders from Lord Iorworth himself. All well-built males of the Ddewr Clan are to be drafted into the Army of Prifddinas.”
Ddewr Citizen: “I refuse, you tyrant. If the ‘all mighty’ Lord Iorworth has resorted to us ‘minor clans’, then he must know the rebellion will win the war.”
Iorworth warrior: “Silence! Guards- take him away!”
*The two Elf Guards drag away the Ddewr Citizen.*
*The Iorworth warrior turns his attention to you.*
Iorworth warrior: “Ah, sorry sir/mam. Did*’t notice you there. Sorry you had to witness that. These Ddewr Elves get worse every day.”
Player options: 1: “Useless maggots. I say we should dispose of them once and for all.”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:57:41

Dec Member 2020


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Iorworth warrior: “Ha, I could not agree more! But our dreams may become reality soon, there is a rumour going around that Lord Iorworth has a plan to dispose of them once and for all.” (The Iorworth warrior walks away, ending the conversation)
2: “Wasn’t that a little too much?”
Iorworth warrior: “What are you talking about? These lesser-clans have no use in our society. But, to each their own. Good day.” (The Iorworth warrior walks away, ending the conversation)
3: “You monster! You killed him!”
Iorworth warrior: “He spoke out against our great clan! The only fit punishment is death! You are a smear on the image of our clan.” (The Iorworth warrior walks away, ending the conversation)
Here in the south-western quadrant, your role is to break the influence of the Iorworth Clan on the citizens of Prifddinas. Look around the south-western quadrant of the city, and eventually you’ll find an “Elf protestor”. He is elderly (noticeably elderly, he is an Elf, after all) and has dirty clothes, and it seems his only possession is his protest sign (similar to the protestor in Port Phasmatys). Talk to him.
Elf protestor: “Death Guard filth. We have no room for you in our city!”
Player options: 1: “Guards, guards!”
Elf Protestor: “Ha! Your clan’s guards are weak, and corrupt. A simple bribe prevents them from arresting me again. Begone!” (Ends conversation)
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:58:06

Dec Member 2020


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2: “Who are you?”
Elf Protestor: “Bah! I shouldn’t have to speak to the likes of you! Your kind is an embarrassment to all Elves!”
Player options: 1: “Fine, I’ll go.” (Ends conversation)
2: “I’m no Elf.”
Elf protestor: “Bah! Don’t mock me! Only an Elf could enter Prifddinas!”
Player: “No, really. I’m not an Elf. I don’t have the pointy ears!”
EP: “Then humour me, what exactly are you, under the mask? Vampyre? Ogre? Seren herself?”
P: “No, I’m a human.”
EP: “Ha! Impossible, no human is smart enough to make it into Tirannwn.”
P: “Gee, thanks. But I’m not an Elf; I am working with the resistance and…”
EP: “RESISTANCE? They’re still alive?”
P: “Yes, and I’ve helped them for quite a while now in fact, I’m on a quest for them right now…”
EP: “Silence human! The Lord Iorworth has ears everywhere!”
P: “Err... Okay…”
EP: “Take off your mask then. Show me you are who you say you are!”
Player options: 1: “No way.” (Ends conversation)
2: “I’ll do it.”
*You take off the mask*
EP: “You… You’re no Elf!”
P: “Yes and the resistance could use your help. Could you spread the word that the time of Iorworth’s domination is at an end?”
EP: “It’s what I do for a living. However, I’d be executed before I could rally a single Elf. Is there any way you can acquire a disguise for me?”
P: “I’ll see what I can do.”
EP: “Thank you, hero. Now put that mask back on before somebody notices!” (Ends conversation)
This part is slightly harder. You need to acquire a set of Mourner equipment for the Elf Protestor. Probably the fastest way to find a set of it is head to the east gate of Prifddinas, and talk to the gate guard there, protecting a small tunnel in the ground.
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:59:06 - Last edited on 04-Jan-2014 19:53:32 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


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Player: “Could you please open the gate for me?”
Gate guard: “Sorry sir/mam, the gate no longer opens. We can*t seem to figure out how to open it. You’re welcome to take this tunnel we dug though; it leads to the other side, where you can rendezvous with the other Death Guard.”
P: “Why doesn’t it open?”
Gate guard: “It simply doesn’t respond to us when we ask it to. Not even our greatest chanters can move the gate. We’ve had theories that we can physically push it open, but it causes more harm than good. Anyways, would you like to use our under wall tunnel?”
Player options: 1: “No thanks.” (Ends conversation)
2: “Sounds good to me.” (Ends conversation, and progresses quest)
Choosing option two shows you walking over, and climbing down the tunnel, where you will reappear at the tunnel exit on the other side of the door. Kill a Mourner, and it will drop a set of Mourner equipment (as usual), this set fully repaired. Now, the problem is getting back into the city. The gate guard will not let you back in, so the only other way to return to Priffindas is through the Temple of Light! Reenter the city from the path way from earlier (Death altar teleport is suggested). When you finally get back to Prifddinas, head back to the Elf Protestor.
Elf Protestor: “Death Guard filth. Begone from me… Oh, it’s you. Did you bring me my… Equipment?”
Player options: 1: “No, not yet.”
Elf Protestor: “A shame. Please return when you have it!”
2: “Here it is!” *You give him the Mourner costume from your inventory*
Elf Protestor: “Thank you, friend. Let me change into this, and I will get straight to my protesting!”
*The screen fades to black, to reveal the Elf Protestor now disguised as a Mourner!*
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:59:52

Dec Member 2020


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Elf Protestor: “Ah, I already feel more effective in my job! By the time the resistance marches on the gates of Prifddinas, you will have a thousand Elves within the walls ready to fight for you!”
Player: “Really? That would be great!”
Elf Protestor: “Well… Maybe I can’t promise that many! But I’ll try my best. Now, we shouldn’t be seen together. I’ll leave you to your mission! Good luck!” (Ends conversation)
Finally, head to the north-western quadrant of the city. Here, you will find the city is in relatively good condition: The buildings are made out of fine wood, and not tents and shacks. While the beauty may impress you at first, you will quickly understand why: This is the quadrant of the Iorworth Clan. All the Elves in this quadrant have black hair, a noticeable trait in the Iorworth Clan. Here you will find many buildings, and a large tower, two stories high. If you try to enter through the door, you will be told you are not permitted to by a nearby guard. He will explain that it is the personal home of Lord Iorworth himself. But that isn’t why you’re here. You’re here to sabotage!
Look for a long, rectangular building, just east of Lord Iorworth’s tower. This building is a training centre for the Death Guard. You will find in here multiple, un-attackable, Elf Archers shooting their crystal bows at targets on the other side of the room. (Note, there is a male Elf named “Boulter” with a “Talk to”, and a “Trade” option. Trying to use either one of these options will result in him saying: “Sorry, all our weapons are going to the war effort with those criminals to the south. Maybe later.” This option can be used after the quest.) There is a stairway in the south-west corner of the room, which will take you upstairs. The upstairs room is a storeroom. Here you will find many barrels of crystal seeds, and a crate full of crystal bows. You can inspect the bow’s crate to find they are all in perfect condition! And it will give you the option if you wish to take one.
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 02:01:01 - Last edited on 04-Jan-2014 19:56:44 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


Posts: 2,424 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
. Unfortunately, if you wish to take one, you will be unable to grab it. The crate is enchanted, so you can’t “borrow” one. If you continue to look around the room, you will find a chest on the north wall. The chest is, naturally, locked. You’re going to want to pick the lock, and similarly to Desert Treasure’s chest, this one takes a lot of patience to open. Having a higher Thieving level enhances your chance of successfully looting it. If you fail to unlock it, your Thieving level will be temporarily decreased by one, and you will take 500 life points of damage. (Trust me, which add up quickly in Mourner gear!) Thankfully, unlike desert treasure’s chest, there aren’t three locks, just one, and you don’t need lockpicks. When you successfully pick the lock, to find three vials of nitroglycerin (yes, just like the ones from The Digsite quest), and a note. Read the note. It will say:
“Dear Boulter, we found this liquid in a pool under West Ardougne. One of our slaves discovered it, by striking his pickaxe at a rock a little too hard. It was hilarious! His body parts exploded everywhere. We sent a few more slaves to try and inspect what caused the explosion. After only a handful of deaths, we managed to make off with some of it! It seems to be nitroglycerin, and it is VERY volatile when struck against with force. I was hoping you could find a way to use as a weapon. Best of luck, your friend, Nissyen Edern.”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 02:03:30

Dec Member 2020


Posts: 2,424 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Now walk over to the eastern wall of the storeroom. You will find an overflowing barrel of crystal seeds, and an open window. Inspect the window, and it will read to you: “This open window could be used as a safe escape method for the agile.” Now, inspect the barrel of crystal seeds. It will read to you: “The barrel is full of crystal seeds. The seeds seem to be in prime condition. Even one hitting the floor, could emit a high-pitched scream to attract a curious Elf’s attention. Do you wish to pour it over?”
Note: You will only receive these options if you inspect the open window. Otherwise, you will simply exit the conversation when you are asked if you wish to pour over the barrel.
Player options: 1: “No! I am not putting myself in that danger!” (Ends conversation)
2: “Sure, why not.* (Progresses quest)
You are shown pushing over the barrel of crystal seeds onto the floor, causing the ground to shake slightly. In five seconds, five Elf Archers will appear at the stairs, with on yelling: “Argh! What was that terrible noise?!” The Elf Archers will then shoot you. They are each level 108. Every five seconds in the room, another 3 Elf Archers appear. There is obviously no chance of beating them all, so use the open window by right-clicking “escape” on it. A short cut scene will take place, of you jumping down, and landing on your feet, and dashing into a nearby empty house. Once the cut scene if over, head back to the training center, which is now vacant, the three ranging targets no longer have Elf Archers shooting at them, and Boulter is not there either. Trying to use the staircase results in you commenting to yourself: “I better not. They’re still looking for me.” Use your vials of nitroglycerin on the three targets, one each. You will hide the vials behind the target. Once you put one vial on each target, a cut scene will occur where you run out the door of the training center, and three Elf Archers come down the stairs. One will take his position back at the far
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 02:03:55

Dec Member 2020


Posts: 2,424 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
side of the wall, and take his bow, and aim at the target. He will then fire the magical arrow at the target, and then the training centre explodes into a fiery blaze. The cut scene changes to outside the training center, with you hiding behind a nearby building a fair distance away. Your tasks are done in Prifddinas, and you will now comment to yourself:
Player: “Well, my job here is done! That’s all of my objectives, time to return to Arianwyn!”
Leave Priffindas via the Temple of Light or the east gate, either will suffice. Head back to Lletya, (which is still in its destroyed, instanced form, so teleport crystals can’t be used to get there) and climb the rope behind Arianwyn’s ruined house, and head to the cave. Once there, you will find King Tyras standing alongside Arianwyn, both hunched over a map of Prifddinas on a table. Talk to either one of them.
King Tyras: “My men can cause a distraction at the northern wall. There aren’t many trees, and our catapult could…”
Arianwyn: “No! The city walls are made out of crystal, the catapult would have no effect, unless you used a massive crystal wrecking ball!”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 02:04:27

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