
Mourning's end part III

Quick find code: 49-50-320-65454151

Dec Member 2020


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Player: “Well, I think I can resolve that problem, Arianwyn! I brought allies! Tyras!”
*King Tyras and his guards walk into the cave.*
King Tyras: “Ah, Arianwyn. I see the rumours of my death have been wildly exaggerated.”
Arianwyn: “Tyras! It is great to see you alive and well! I can now see were those flying boulders were coming from!”
King Tyras: “Ah, the catapult. A blunt, yet effective method of teaching the enemy who they’re messing with**
**: “I see, I see. Well, with your soldiers and leadership skills, we may stand a fighting chance.”
KT: “If it means the destruction of the Lord Iorworth, and the stopping of my brother once and for all, I’d be honored to fight alongside you**
**: “Then I look forward to it. Now, if you excuse me, I have some discussing to attend to with Player.”
KT: “Of course, of course.” *King Tyras walks deeper into the cave, followed by his guards.*
**: “Now, Player. Gwir and I have put together what information we have on the Death Guard. It seems we have severely weakened their power. With the recent intervention of King Tyras’ men, we have forced Lord Iorworth into a war on two fronts. The Iorworth clan worships their Dark Lord, rather than Seren like most Elves, for unknown reasons. Their plan was to use the Death Altar to bring forth the Dark Lord into our world. However, we have foiled most of their plans. Lord Iorworth seems to have only one goal on his mind at this point: Crush the resistance. While we could throw our soldiers at the gate of Prifddinas, we know that will not accomplish anything. What we need is an agent to infiltrate Prifddinas. Since you’re the only one who knows the path to the undercity of Prifddinas via the Temple of Light, we unanimously voted you for the job.”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:49:48

Dec Member 2020


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Player options: 1: “I am honored**
**: “That’s great to hear!”
2: “How do you expect me to do that?”
Ar: “Well, I was getting to that…”
(Both options lead to this next line of dialogue)
Ar: “We have three key objectives. The first is, obviously, getting into the city, and making a reliable method of entrance. I have received a letter from Thorgel and his Dwarves that they have reached an issue while mining the rubble into Prifddinas’ undercity.”
P: “What’s the issue?”
Ar: “He did*’t mention, but it seemed to certainly be a problem with accessing the city. Your second objective is to scout the city, find and sabotage as many important points to the Death Guard as possible. Training centers, mess halls, toilets, anything will help us!”
Player options: 1: “How do you suggest I do that?”
Ar: “Oh, I’m sure you can be resourceful.”
2: “(Get on with the conversation)
(Both options lead to this next line of dialogue)
Ar: “Your third and final goal is to try to break the Iorworth Clan’s influence on the other clans within the city.”
P: “The other clans? I thought the Iorworth Clan held the entire city**
**: “It is true that Lord Iorworth took the city by force from the other clans, many of our less-brave brethren thought it would be wiser for them to submit to the Iorworth Clan’s rule.”
P: “If they’re so loyal, how would I break the Lord Iorworth’s power over them?”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:50:24

Dec Member 2020


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Ar: “It is likely he controls them through fear. Try to show them that the Iorworth Clan isn’t as strong as they claim. Do whatever it takes to accomplish these goals, but you must remember: You must not kill anybody.”
Player options: 1: “Why is that?”
Ar: “Is that all you adventurers think about? Killing things? Have you ever heard of subtlety?”
P: “Well, I suppose that makes sense.”
2: “I understand.”
(Both options lead to this next line of dialogue)
“I suggest you head to Thorgel, but do you have any questions?”
Player options: 1: “What is it like in Prifddinas?”
Ar: “I do not know for sure, I have not seen within its walls since I was very young. But I know of a few landmarks. The city is divided into eight sections, each section for a separate clan. Each section had its own tower in the corner of the city, but in the center of the city was the Tower of Voices. The tower was used to communicate directly with Seren, to hear her wisdom and advice. Beneath the city was a great library, where Seren placed nine seals on the information within, effectively separating the library into nine sections. Each clan took one section, and the final remained for Seren herself. In addition to this, as the Third Age drew to a close, Seren then locked down the Library, to prevent any humans from entering, and stealing’s its knowledge. It is now somewhere under Prifddinas. The city is also built entirely of crystal, creating a beautiful sight, where light can shine and create rainbows in the streets. However, now that we have learned that the city has turned to its Crystal Seed form, I know not of what to expect. Do you have any further questions?”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:50:45

Dec Member 2020


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2: “How did Lord Iorworth take control of Prifddinas?”
Ar: “A sad story. For a long time, the most powerful of the Elvish clans was the Cadarn Clan. They were strong, but wise, and never took more than they needed. Eventually, the Cadarn Clan left Prifddinas, and explored the east, forming many alliances with a variety of races. But without the Cadarn Clan’s leadership, the Iorworth Clan took advantage of the power vacuum, and conquered the city. The Iorworth Clan has always been a rival with the other clans, but it is unknown why. With no force to fight the Iorworth Clan’s dominance, the people of Prifddinas were forced to serve. When the Cadarn Clan finally returned, the Civil War started and… Well, you know the story from there. Do you have any more questions?”
3: “What clan are you from?”
Ar: “To be perfectly honest, I don’t remember. The rebellion is built up of Elves from many clans, in which it was normal for them to intermarry, merging clans in the process. But all of us who lived in Lletya considered ourselves to be ‘adopted’ into the Cadarn Clan, as we continue their fight. Do you have any more questions?”
4: “I think I’m ready to go.” (This option continues the quest)
Ar: “Excellent. You will likely need your disguise, so you may have the Mourner clothes you gave me on our last mission together. I don’t think I have any more use of them.”
*Arianwyn puts a full set of Mourner clothes into your inventory, given the fact you have the inventory space. If you don’t have the inventory space, you may return to him to get the costume from him.*
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:51:02

Dec Member 2020


Posts: 2,424 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ar: “Now go meet with Thorgel. Tyras and I have some planning to do. He should be waiting for you at the Death Altar.” (Ends conversation)
Head to the Death Altar, using any method you see fit (i.e. Teleport tab, wicked hood, etc.). As normal, you will see Thorgel standing beside the altar.
Thorgel: “Well met Player. I see Arianwyn gave you my message.”
Player: “Yes, he did. What’s going on within the light?”
Thorgel: “…It’s rather hard to explain. I don’t understand it myself. I’m sure the boys can explain it better than I.”
Player: “*Sigh* Lucky me… I get to run around the shadow-infested temple once again.”
Thorgel: “Oh I’m sure it should be no problem for you! Now, are you ready to get onto the Death Altar?”
Player options: 1: “No.* (Ends conversation)
2: “Yes, I am ready.” (Progresses quest)
You stand on the Death Altar, and become charged with its energy like in Within the Light. Exit via the Death Temple via the portal, and run through the normal pathway to the crystal on the top floor. Once you click “investigate” on it, head to the charged pillar outside the Mysterious ruin’s room, and click “inspect” on it. You will be transported into the light, just as you did in Within the Light. Enter the large open door, to see a few Dwarves swinging pickaxes at the fallen rubble, which looks slightly yellow. Talk to the familiar Dwarf wearing blue standing next to them, Niloof.
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:53:47 - Last edited on 04-Jan-2014 19:39:36 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


Posts: 2,424 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Niloof: “Player! When Thorgel said a friend of the Elves would be coming here, I should have expected it to be you! It has been a long time since we last collaborated together. I’m sure you remember our adventure together in defeating Iban?”
Player: “Oh trust me. I remember. How could I ever forget running around the Underground Pass?”
Niloof: “Well, the past is in the past.”
Player: “So what is the situation here?”
Niloof: “Well, it is sort of complicated. We were told to mine out this rubble, but it seems to be we cannot mine through it.”
Player: “You mean the rocks are too hard? Not a problem. Just let me grab a Dragon Pickaxe and I’ll…”
Niloof: “NO ROCK is too hard for a Dwarf! But that isn’t the problem. It seems no matter how many rocks we mine away, we never seem to get any closer. It’s almost as if the pathway itself does not wish to be cleared…”
Player: “That is odd… Any idea what needs to be done?”
Niloof: “Not a clue. However, we did notice something. As we mined the rocks, they seemed to almost change colours to a yellow.”
Player: “Yellow rocks?”
Niloof: “That’s what it looks like; I’ve never seen colour-changing rocks in all my years.”
Player: “Fortunately, I am quite familiar with colours. I’ll see what I can do…”
Niloof: “Erm… If you say so, Player. Thank you.” (Ends conversation)
Exit the corridor to the chamber full of crystal trees and light emitters from Within the Light. Your goal is to turn the trees, to reflect the light INTO the corridor (the open door to the corridor, rather) as opposed to a light receiver. You want to shine the BLUE light into the corridor, as on the colour wheel it is on the opposite of yellow. When the blue light is shining into to the corridor, enter through the door. Approximately one-third of the rocks are gone now, and the remaining rocks are coloured RED. Talk to Niloof.
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:54:11 - Last edited on 09-Jun-2013 03:03:58 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


Posts: 2,424 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Niloof: “Player, I don’t know what you did, but it allowed us to mine through the rubble with ease.”
Player: “Glad I could help. Doesn’t look like you’re finished yet, though...”
Niloof: “Yes, as we mined away the rubble, it seemed to change colour again, this time to a red. Any idea what you can make of this?”
Player: “I’ll see what I can do… Again…” (Ends conversation)
Return to the chamber of the crystal trees and light paths. This time, you need to shine the CYAN light into the corridor entrance. Cyan light requires blue light and green light merged together. Once the cyan light is shining into the corridor, enter through the door. Another one-third of the rubble is gone, leaving only one third remaining! This rubble is pitch black.
Niloof: “Ha ha, you’ve done it again, Player! But now I need you to…”
Player: “I’m going, I’M GOING!”
Niloof: “Thank you Player! But do be careful, we broke five pickaxes trying to mine through the rubble this time!” (Ends conversation)
Return to the chamber of crystal trees and light paths one last time. This time, you need to shine WHITE light into the corridor entrance. To create this colour, you will need to merge green light, blue light, and red light together. Once the white light is shining into the corridor, enter through the door. The rubble is entirely gone now, and the Dwarves are idle. Congratulations, you have completed the first light-based puzzle of the quest!
Before you can exit the corridor via the path, talk to Niloof.
Niloof: “Looks like we’re all done here, Player! Thank you for the help down here.”
Player: “No, thank you Niloof. You may have helped saved countless lives.”
Niloof: “That’s nice. Now my boys and I are off to celebrate with nice, cold ale…” (Ends conversation)
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:54:50

Dec Member 2020


Posts: 2,424 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
*The Dwarves leave the corridor, leaving you alone with the pathway to Prifddinas.*
Player: “Here we go. Time to go where no human has ever gone before.”
In order to walk through the corridor exit, you must wear full Mourner. Once you are wearing your Mourner equipment, walk through the corridor exit, and you will appear in a large room. The room has a crystal pillar in the center, shining brightly. There are also two smaller crystal pillars in each corner of the room, for a total of eight small crystal pillars, and one large crystal pillar in the center. Each one has a “touch” option, but if you try to, you will remark to yourself that it is probably a bad idea to touch something when you have no idea what it does. On the west wall, there is another passage, blocked by a sealed door. Click it to “inspect” it. It will read:
“This door seems to be hastily, albeit effectively sealed. It seems it was intended to only be opened by this side. Do you wish to open it?”
Player options: 1: “No.* (Ends conversation)
2: “Yes.” (Progresses the quest)
When the door is open, you will be taken through it into another underground area, this one smaller. The room is interesting, as there are 18 bookcases. They are separated into nine groups of two bookcases each. 16 of them have magical shields around them, but one pair of the bookcases is stripped empty, and has no shield around them. This is the lost library of Prifddinas! At the far west side of the room, there is another corridor entrance. Enter it, and you will find yourself in a digsite-like room. It is currently empty, but there are pickaxes and spades dug into rocks all over the room, and a plaque right next to the corridor you entered from. Reading it will show: “In memory of Iestern Edern, who rediscovered the library, and died from an unfortunate mining accident.” On the western wall, there is a ladder. Climb up it to enter Prifddinas!
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:55:23 - Last edited on 26-Dec-2013 06:40:58 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


Posts: 2,424 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When you’re up the ladder, a short cut scene will occur of an overview of the city of Prifddinas; and it is in very poor condition. There are no grand castles of crystal, and there is no thriving society. The Elves live in poorly-constructed tents and huts. (I think an interesting idea would be to have the “Exposed” sound track play in the background during this cut scene!) You are in the North-Eastern corner of Prifddinas. There are two exceptions to the poorly-built buildings: One is the two crystal towers in each corner of the city [these towers are actually already in game, if you use an orb of oculus at the walls of Prifddinas, so that is what I am basing the location off of.] The crystal towers are grey, and look degraded. The second exception is the massive crystal seed that sits at the centre of the city (it is about the size of the Corporeal Beast). The cut scene ends for you to talk to yourself again.
(Note: Since the walls of the city are made out of magical crystal, you cannot teleport out of the city at any time, including home teleports! The only ways to exit the city is the eastern wall gate, and the way you came through the Temple of Light.)
Player: “Wow… I did not expect the ancient city of Prifddinas to look like… this…”
Suddenly, an Elf Warrior wearing the colours of the Iorworth Clan approaches you.
Elf Warrior: “You there! Death Guard! What were you doing in the excavation site!?”
Player: “Excavation? I… Was… Erm… Researching?”
Elf Warrior: “Liar! The only permitted into the digsite are those with the permission of Lord Iorworth!”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:55:47 - Last edited on 26-Dec-2013 06:41:40 by Any-sao

Dec Member 2020


Posts: 2,424 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Player options: 1: “Prepare to die!” (Ends conversation, and engages in combat with Elf Warrior. This DOES also progress the quest, when the Elf Warrior is dead. It only uses melee, and has identical stats to the ones you can encounter at the Elf Camp). When he is dead, you will remark to yourself: “Hmm… Arianwyn told me not to kill. Perhaps I should avoid that from now on.”
2: “I have permission From Lord Iorworth!”
Elf Warrior: “Do you now? A simple test can answer that. Tell me, where was the latest battle in Isafdar war?”
Player options: 1: *Lletya.” (Progresses quest)
2: “King Tyras’ camp.” (Also progresses quest)
(Both options lead to the next line of dialogue)
Elf Warrior: “Hmm. Very well. Just don’t let this happen again!” (Ends conversation)
Whichever option you chose, you are now free to explore Prifddinas. You can start by talking to the “Elf Historian” who is in the tent just east of the ladder you ascended from. She looks very similar to Eluned.
Elf Historian: “Hello there, sir/mam. Can I help you today?”
Player: “Yes, may I ask you some questions about the city?”
Elf Historian: “Of course, sir/mam. It is my job to answer questions.”
Player options: 1: “Where are we in the city?”
EH: “We are in the North-eastern quadrant of the city. The two clans that live here are the Ithell and the Heddychlon Clans. I am a member of the Ithell Clan.”
2: *What are the names of the eight clans?”
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.

02-Apr-2013 01:56:37

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