Letting out a short cough, the merchant replied, “Takes the path next to the bank and head in that direction for a good ten minutes. You’ll pass by the old church, but no one ever goes there anymore since the priest went missin’. People say he was killed or somethin’, but I think he just up and left.”
“We’ll take that in mind. Come on, Jacob,” Landon commanded, ushering Jacob away from the cart and towards the bank.
“Nice to meet you two, now!" the merchant called. “Come back sometime and we’ll talk on simpler terms; the name’s Randol and I’m always here.” The two adventurers heard a soft chuckle come from behind them, but then the same silence came that had been there when they entered the square: no talking, no bargaining - nothing.
Still, Landon and Jacob pressed onward past the square and moved up towards the bank; it towered over them with its massive frame, dominating their presence with its unnatural shadow. It was built like the average bank, though: a rectangular appearance from the front, and then topped by a roof that seemed to flow upwards, curving into a point. In its entirety, the building was crafted from stone bricks, giving a stern appearance. Only the roof, which had been made of wood, was colored; it was shaded yellow.
Although the rest of the town was empty, the bank had, by far, the most people. Several men and women were lined up in the stalls, waiting for their turn to access whatever property they owned; they each had an anxious look on their face. After they would make the exchange, they would descend the small flight of stairs that led into, and out of, the bank and make their way back to their homes.
06-Jan-2009 05:51:01
- Last edited on
06-Jan-2009 23:38:45