
~` Illusions `~

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~` Chapter Ten `~

Veskile was a relatively small town: aside from the inn, there were very few homes, a town square that was centered on selling from only a minute number of shops, a bank, and a church that seemed to be abandoned. Compared to Revenske, Veskile looked like a village, a small stream that led into a large river.

The inn’s doorway led straight into the street; one direction led towards the river, and the other led further into town and expanded as it reached the square. Although fairly desolate, the street was cleaner than the ones in Revenske, and Landon seemed to appreciate this. ‘A good example of Rezod’s rule,’ he thought.

Jacob and Landon made their way down the street, passing a few run-down shacks that lined the path; each looked like the last, making for a very weak presentation overall. Only a few moments of walking led them to the town’s center, a circular area with a couple of carts and one large bank within it. Deciding to stop and find out some information on Brexton, the two walked up to one of the merchants who had laid back in his chair, leaning his large hat over his eyes.


The merchant adjusted his legs and crossed them, placing his feet, covered by worn out shoes, onto the corner of the cart and allowing himself to lean even further back. He was a cloth salesman, as made evident by his wares that were neatly organized on his makeshift counter, but it seemed as though he did not sell much. Landon made this assumption based off of the poor shape his cart was in: a wooden box-like frame stood underneath, held by two wheels on the front and then some pegs on the opposite side, and across the front of it was scratched in crude writing, “Buy your cloth here. Cheap.” At least, that was what Landon could decipher.

06-Jan-2009 05:49:07



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Overhead, a small canopy rose to guard the material from the sun. Its purple exterior gave off a violet reflection as the light passed through it, creating a dazzling effect that could only help the sales for the man; presentation is everything, they say. Still, it was lifted into the air by four poles that were placed on the corner of the cart, standing upright and erect; it was a simple machine for such simple times.

Resting in the shade, the owner ignored the comments of Landon and Jacob for several moments before easing himself into a sitting position. A pair of overalls, dark blue in color, was suspended by two straps on his shoulders, and beneath them was a tan-colored shirt, the normal wear for a man of the age. Tilting his head up, the brim of the hat revealed his face for but a moment before he slipped it back down over his eyes.

“How can I help you?” he asked in a gruff voice. In one hand, Jacob noticed that the man had been smoking a pipe, but had dropped it from his mouth in order to sleep in the cool weather. After a while, though, he raised the hand to his chin and rotated the instrument around, allowing him to rub his stubble in thought.

Jacob’s companion spoke first, saying, “We need some help, good sir. We’re looking for a man by the name of Brexton.”

Less-than-enthusiastic, the man spit onto the ground and responded, “Brexton, eh?” He paused to take a puff from his pipe. “I know him.”

“Good, so you’ll help us?” Landon asked with a bit of excitement in his voice.

The merchant laughed, “Naw. You see, I’m runnin’ a business here, and information like you’re speakin’ of don’t come cheap. Buy somethin’ an’ I’ll see what I can do.”

06-Jan-2009 05:49:33



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Sighing, Landon’s hand fell to his pocket and jingled around for a few moments within. Frustrated expressions came over him as he struggled to move around in his tight pants, but soon he breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled five gold coins and showed them to the man. “I have this,” he said. “I’ll purchase the information from you, if it’s deemed good enough.”

“Ah, but how do I know you’re not a couple of swindlers?"

"What?” Jacob asked, flabbergasted. “We, sir, are on a mission for the king of this land, King Rezod. I do believe you should not accuse us of such criminal deeds without first having some reason to.” Satisfied with his small rant, Jacob fell back behind Landon and quieted down once more, waiting for the older man’s reaction.

“It’s all been done before. Group o’ guys come runnin’ up in here, askin’ for some free stuff. Now, I don’t run like that; it's not in my nature to just give away my items.” Turning his head, he spit back into the dust for a second time. “Sorry if you’re a bit uneasy, but this is how we run things ‘round here.”

Landon nodded quickly and asked, “So… you want us to pay you advance, then?”

“It’d be a good show of faith, that’s all.”

“Seems reasonable.” Clenching his hand together, Landon leaned across the edge of the counter slightly and dropped the coins in front of the citizen. In turn, the man’s eyes came up again and he swept the gold into a small can beside him before looking up directly at the travelers.

“You say you’re lookin’ for Brexton?”

Jacob stepped forward and bit and stood beside Landon. “Aye.”

“Well,” he started. “Let me start off by telling you about Brexton. How's that?”

Landon glanced at Jacob, but then turned and replied, “Alright.”

06-Jan-2009 05:50:07 - Last edited on 06-Jan-2009 05:54:38 by CaptChekaka



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“Good then.” The man leaned over in his chair and bit and placed his elbows on the wooden edge, clasping his hands together and bouncing them slightly off of his chin. “Brexton is an odd fellow, I tell you. A few years back, he came to this town and has resided here ever since. He keeps to himself a lot, but sometimes he comes up here to this here square and makes a few purchases. Last time he was here was… oh, about a week ago.”

“A week?” the young knight inquired. “He goes away for that long?”

“Yep. As I said, he’s an odd one, he is.” The merchant cleared his throat before continuing. “He bought some stuff from me; told me he was making something. He made a stop at that there bank before going back to his home on the outskirts of town.”

“What about him, though?” Landon asked. “What does he look like?”

“Oh, yeah: his appearance,” the aging man started. “Well, he wears this long tunic lookin’ thing that’s colored a deep black; it’s like he hates all color, or somethin’. But anyway, he’s dressed normally in black, as I said, and it doesn’t even seem like the sun bothers him all that much. Never wears a hat - at least I’ve never seen him in one - and has a thick layer of black hair on his head. Got some shiny green eyes, too. No facial hair. Just… weird.” Finishing, he took another puff from his pipe. “I still like ‘im, though. Nice fellow. Real helpful.”

Jacob’s hand rested on the hilt of his blade, resting for a few moments, as he placed his left hand on the counter and asked, “Where does he live, now?"

06-Jan-2009 05:50:30 - Last edited on 06-Jan-2009 05:54:50 by CaptChekaka



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Letting out a short cough, the merchant replied, “Takes the path next to the bank and head in that direction for a good ten minutes. You’ll pass by the old church, but no one ever goes there anymore since the priest went missin’. People say he was killed or somethin’, but I think he just up and left.”

“We’ll take that in mind. Come on, Jacob,” Landon commanded, ushering Jacob away from the cart and towards the bank.

“Nice to meet you two, now!" the merchant called. “Come back sometime and we’ll talk on simpler terms; the name’s Randol and I’m always here.” The two adventurers heard a soft chuckle come from behind them, but then the same silence came that had been there when they entered the square: no talking, no bargaining - nothing.

Still, Landon and Jacob pressed onward past the square and moved up towards the bank; it towered over them with its massive frame, dominating their presence with its unnatural shadow. It was built like the average bank, though: a rectangular appearance from the front, and then topped by a roof that seemed to flow upwards, curving into a point. In its entirety, the building was crafted from stone bricks, giving a stern appearance. Only the roof, which had been made of wood, was colored; it was shaded yellow.

Although the rest of the town was empty, the bank had, by far, the most people. Several men and women were lined up in the stalls, waiting for their turn to access whatever property they owned; they each had an anxious look on their face. After they would make the exchange, they would descend the small flight of stairs that led into, and out of, the bank and make their way back to their homes.

06-Jan-2009 05:51:01 - Last edited on 06-Jan-2009 23:38:45 by CaptChekaka



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Across the top of the entranceway, engraved in a dark black and coated in red, a title stood: “Bank of Veskile,” it said. The two men were in awe at the structure as they compared it to the rest of the town; it was like a diamond in the rough, a shimmering object of beauty in a land of destruction.

“There,” Jacob said, pointing towards the side of the bank.

His finger led to a small pathway that slid around the side and moved far off into the distance; no end was in sight, it seemed. Down the narrow track, though, they could see the large church extending into the air, standing tall over the rest of the city, even the bank. Both Jacob and Landon wondered why the priest had left such a glorious place, but, with no answer coming, they stepped onto the trail and continued towards the man they sought.


Shining steel cut through the mortal flesh, sending blood spraying along the trees and bushes; the fight had been short, but the determination in his eyes had led him to an easy victory. His white foe stumbled on its own paws as it shook back and forth, feeling the full effects of the blood loss as it tried to turn and face him. Its feet crossed, and it tumbled to the ground, oozing blood onto the grass.

Anthoni’s sword fell into its sheathe with ease as he turned and looked out through the hole in the forest that had been made from the beast. Several wolves had leapt through the forest’s barrier and struck out in haste at both Anthoni and Maxwell, but the two young fighters were able to deter them with ease, killing two of the five and sending the rest running away in a frenzy.

06-Jan-2009 05:51:23



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“Anthoni,” the younger man began. “What are we supposed to do? Tiulo said we were to meet others who searched for this ‘power,’ but how can we find them if we do not know who they are?” Maxwell felt his blade slide back in its holding carefully, and his full attention fell upon his leader.

Running his hand through his light-colored hair, the elder of the two hesitated for a moment. His eyes turned towards the city of Veskile that laid just beyond the river, and he could see the church’s steeple high above, marking their destination. Thinking on what to do, he merely shrugged and replied, “I am the one who was chosen, according to Tiulo; I will know when the time comes. Veskile does not receive many travelers at this time of year, so I believe we should ask around and see if anyone has noticed any foreigners lurking in the city’s walls. Don’t you agree?”

“Sounds good to me,” Maxwell replied with concurrence. “But, I do have one other question.”


“This power Tiulo spoke of… what do you think it is? Obviously it can’t just be power, but, rather, something material that wields it. If we are searching for it, I think we should…” he trailed off as Anthoni’s head snapped in the direction of the river and his hand motioned for him to cease his talking.

Drawing their blades, the two quietly made their way to the hole in the brush, gazing through it with only one eye and what was in the near distance. “What is this?” Maxwell asked in a low voice, careful to not disturb anything.

Beside the river were two people: a woman and a man, each in a warm, unending embrace. Anthoni saw that near them was the corpse of a large wolf, similar to the ones he had defeated, but of a larger size and seemingly greater strength; it was a more dominant creature.

06-Jan-2009 05:51:51



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Suddenly, the two people broke apart and the woman stumbled backwards onto the ground, falling onto her back and letting out a loud shout in shock. The man, though, turned and grasped a weapon anxiously as he pointed it directly towards the place Anthoni and Maxwell were hiding, as if calling them out to do battle. Reluctantly, the two stepped out of their hiding and into the clearing.

There, near he river, stood the man who tried to kill Anthoni only a few days ago. His hair, still coated with dried blood, blew in large amounts instead of freely, as if bound by the dead life-giving liquid; he was a mess, but still showed his control over his emotions by remaining motionless in concentration.

Without speaking, Anthoni brushed Maxwell aside and walked closer to the man, also drawing his blade in readying himself for battle. His shield fell easily from his back and attached itself to his forearm; the duel he had suggested long beforehand, had come.

Drake Hidal, mercenary under the guidance of King Rezod, stood before them; his sister lay at his feet.

-- End of Chapter Ten --

06-Jan-2009 05:52:14

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