

Quick find code: 49-50-252-59241445

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Aries quickly rushed towards, Vezyfher's sword ready in his hand. He swings it down upon Vezyfher, but he quickly swings his the back of his right hand at Aries' hand, smacking the blade out of his hand. Vezyfher quickly throws his left hand at the face of Aries, who quickly dodges. Aries, at the right side of Vezyfher, quickly shot a swift kick at the gut of Vezyfher.

The kick makes Vezyfher fall into the mud. The elf grit his teeth in pain. Aries quickly scan the area and swiftly jumped for his Dragon Longsword. He rushed towards Vezyfher with his sword ready in his hand. Vezyfher laid his right hand flat on the ground. And as Aries was coming towards Vezyfher to deliver the death blow, the Chrysanthemum was slowly inching towards Vezyfher.

When Aries was close enough, he held the longsword with the blade facing away like how a dragon dagger is held. As soon as Aries began to come down upon Vezyfher, the Chrysanthemum was in the elf's hand. He quickly pointed it towards Aries as he came. He rushed right into it, impaled right through Aries' abdominal.

Aries had a blank look upon his face, he STILL didn't seem like he was in pain. His upper eyelid rolled down on top of his lower eyelid. His Dragon Longsword dropped out of his hand and his neck and head drop down lifeless. Blood rains down upon Vezyfher, he then quickly kicks Aries' body away. His body falls back and hits the puddle of water.
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05-May-2010 23:58:37

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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His body was lifeless, dead. And Vezyfher had a handle on his blade as he stood back onto his feet. Exhausted and withered of his energy, he let out a sigh. He stared down upon Aries' blood soaked body. His blood poisoned the clear-as-crystal water. Vezyfher waved his left index finger as he looked down upon him.

After a minute, Vezyfher turned his back but looked back at Aries' body. He began waving his left wrist left and right. "Ciao." saying his goodbye, turning his head away.

But unbeknownst to Vezyfher's knowledge, Aries was still breathing, he just didn't breath or show any sign of life around Vezyfher. He sluggishly grabbed one of his black throwing axes and readied to throw it. With the massive blood loss clouding his vision, he can't make an accurate throw from his head or neck.

He quickly launched the axe regardless. In the air, it spun like a Ferris wheel. As soon as he threw the axe, his head drops to the ground and his eyes close. His arm dropped into the puddle, making a small splash noise. The axe impales Vezyfher just below his shoulder, right where the shoulder blade is.

Vezyfher grit his teeth, spun back, and looks at Aries - who he knew was obviously dead. Vezyfher realized that he was oblivious to the fact that Aries was still alive - barely but still. The elf dropped to his knees and fell flat on the ground, front first.

Darien charged towards the vampyre Sendor with great haste. The rain pounded above their heads, crashing onto the ground and dying out like a human. The lighting growled dancing lights while thunder roared reached such terrible mights. With his whip ready in his hand, he swings it down upon Sendor, who quickly grabbed it and wrapped it his hand.
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06-May-2010 00:00:08

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Darien quickly punches Sendor right in the face. While the vampyre was stunned, Darien ripped Sendor's blade from his hand and quickly tried to strike down upon Sendor. The vampyre quickly lets go of Darien's whip and jumps back. As soon as Sendor lands back on the ground, he spoke: "Laros!"

The injured hellhound's eyes open quickly and scroll over to Darien, who was racing towards his master. Laros quickly jumped to his feet and hasted towards Darien faster than the elf could think his next thought. The hellhound jumped towards Darien's back, bringing him down onto the ground. Darien quickly turned his head and impaled Sendor's sword into Laros, right where his ribs would be. He then quickly takes it back.

The animal let out a cry, a very frail cry. He took a step away from Darien and dropped to the floor. The elf stood to his feet and looked at the animal for a moment but then turned his attention back onto the vampyre, Sendor. As soon as he looked back, he gets a strong punch straight to the face. It was like a racing car towards a giant brickwall, one hell of a collision.

The elf is sent flying away from Sendor, until finally hitting the ground. He's dragged on the ground by pure energy, sliding on the stone like a bobsled. He finally ceases to move. He sat up a minute later, his forehead had a large cut on it, pouring out blood. He sluggishly got back to his feet, the weapons he beared somehow still in his hand.

The vampyre was kneeling down beside his hellhound, his eyes fill with so much resentment towards Darien that his teeth were herd together, colliding with each other. This revealed his vampyre fangs. His eyes glare straight at Darien, who was on his feet but barely. Sendor place his hand upon Laros and grabbed it's fur one last time. After a moment, he stood onto his feet.
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the beginning...

06-May-2010 00:00:52

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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The vampyre charged towards Darien, but disappeared into thin air as soon as he begun to run. Darien shuffled his head left and right, looking for the missing vampyre. Little did the elf know, the looming threat was glaring him down above his head. The vampyre silently drew his Keris dagger, and waited for the perfect opportunity to strike.

"Where did he go?" Darien asked himself in his mind. His head still shuffled left and right for the missing vampyre. A smirk of pure evil wiped across Sendor's face as he jumped down, falling right on top of Darien. But just before Sendor lands right on top of the elf, Darien hears the silent assassin falling down on top of him and jumps back just before Sendor landed on top of him.

The elf quickly thrusts Sendor's blade into the vampyre. The blade cuts clear through, right out to the other side. Blood poured right out of the vampyre, but he did not reflect any pain. Darien quickly pulled out the blade and went for another stab, but Sendor quickly spun back and kicked Darien in the gut. With his Keris dagger, he goes in for the kill.

Sendor swings his dagger across Darien's upper body, the blade cuts a clean line across Darien's chest. Blood rushed out of Darien's wound, but it wasn't too deep to cause any major damage. The vampyre quickly launches his Keris dagger at the left shoulder of Darien, the dagger's blade goes right to the other side of his shoulder.

The vampyre quickly out his dagger and goes for another stab, but Darien throws his whip at the hand that held the Keris dagger, this caused the whip to wrap around the hand. The elf pulled the arm that carried the whip down, dragging Sendor's hand down too. Darien quickly readies Sendor's longsword for a kill strike.
The end
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the beginning...

06-May-2010 00:01:20

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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He thrusts it towards Sendor's throat. The vampyre quickly squats down and grabs the blade of his Keris dagger. His other hand drops the blade and the hand that holds just the blade pulls it and now has the blade instead of the hand that locked and bounded.

Quickly, Darien notices this happening and kicks Sendor right below the chin, sending him rocketing back to his feet. But the elf doesn't know of the dagger behind the vampyre's back. Quickly he reveals the dagger and jumps, his knees up like in the fetal position, his body moving right towards Darien.

The vampyre lands right on top of Darien, and Darien's back hits the ground right beneath a roof shade. But one of the pieces of metal pipes that held the roof shade together was broken and pointed. With a knife to his throat, Darien shuffles his eyes left and right, looking for something to help him.

The vampyre laughed like a devil, enjoying the mental torture he was giving to Darien. As Darien looked around, he saw the sharp broken pipe above. He quickly threw his sword up, cutting the pipe now to it's an object of it's own. Gravity took it, and it fell down, turning around so that the sharp point was pointing down to the ground.

The steel pipe impales the top of the skull of the vampyre, it goes through the brain and down the esophagus. Immediately after, the vampyre drops to the ground as blood flooded the floor in a raging cesspool of crimson.

Darien stood up to his feet, his hand planted flat against the stone wall. The elf drops down to the ground and sit down. He looked up at the roof shade and sighed. "Thank Seren." he praised.

Lilith, her Black Spear ready in her hand. Arabella, with her Dark Bow in hand, pulls back two Dragon Arrows on her bow's string. The vampyre charges at Arabella with full speed. The arrows are pulled further and further back, until Arabella lets go. They accurately fly towards Lilith like heat seekers.
The end
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the beginning...

06-May-2010 00:01:44

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As the arrows approaching closer, the vampyre jumps to the side, dodging the arrows completely. Once Lilith got too close, Arabella put away her Dark Bow and drew her Leaf-Bladed Two-handed sword. Once close enough, the vampyre thrusts her spear at Arabella, who quickly dodged. She swings her blade downward at vampyre, who quickly shifts herself to the left dodge the attack.

Quickly, Lilith jumps over Arabella and lands right behind her. She swings her spear and the tip of the blade of the spear cuts Arabella's skin on her back. The archer grit her teeth in pain, but then she quickly turns around, lifting her leg up along the way. Arabella quickly gives Lilith a quick kick in the gut, pushing the vampyre back an inch.

Arabella quickly swings her Two-handed blade down upon Lilith. With both her hands holding upon her spear, she lifts the spear up to block the attack. She then pushes the sword away, flinching Arabella for just a moment. Lilith quickly swings her spear at Arabella, and the human quickly turns her blade down to guard.

A last second guard makes Arabella's grip upon her blade slips, her blade drops to the dirt. A smile of success grew on the vampyre's face. She quickly kicks Arabella in the abdominal hard, sending the young lady to the ground. While falling, Arabella quickly grabbed her Keris dagger from her boot and hid it from Lilith. Without her weapon, she was defenseless. Lilith quickly pointed her Black Spear to the human's throat.
The end
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the beginning...

06-May-2010 00:02:07

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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A confident giggle bled through the lips of Lilith. "Heh heh, any last words?" she asked. A beat of sweat rushed down the side of Arabella's head. She clawed her fingernails in the dirt as saliva dripped down into her esophagus. Lilith's head tilts to the left, she pulls her spear up against Arabella's chin to move her head up. "Why so sad? Afraid to die, are we?"

"Not a chance." the archer replied, throwing her Keris dagger at Lilith. The dagger impales Lilith's mid abdominal. This made Lilith shuddered back a few steps, retracting the spear away from Arabella's throat. The vampyre grits her teeth, revealed her vampyre fangs. "You'll pay for that!" she roared. The human quickly raced to her enemy.

She quickly pulled the dagger out of Lilith and impaled Lilith in the back. The vampyre glared at Arabella. "You stupid human!" she roared. The vampyre punched Arabella in the gut hard, this makes Arabella stunned. She drops to her knees, and looks up at the azure blue irises of the murderous vampyre. Her spear quickly comes down to cut the side of Arabella's neck.

"Time to die!!" roared the vampyre. Just before the blade made contact with the skin on Arabella's skin, the human lifts her hand up and grabs the wooden pole of the spear. Arabella lunged towards Lilith and impaled her chest, right here her heart would be. The Keris' blade goes entirely through the skin. Blood rushed out of the wound.

Lilith angered eyes stormed towards Arabella. "Damn you," she murmured. "Damn you to hell!!" Once Arabella pulled out the dagger, Lilith, like a toppling tower, falls straight to the ground. Arabella dropped to her knees and folded her hands together. "Forgive me, Armadyl." she prayed.
The end
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06-May-2010 00:03:00

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Standing before the door into the chamber that housed the Stone of Jas, unbeknownst to Sarah and Janak, as they chatted along with each other, someone behind them intends to end them. Lakos may have been harmed, but not killed.

The werewolf stood to his feet and his teeth were grit, revealing his fang. And they began to grow, and so did he. His shirt began to tear and rip. Dark blue fur began growing all over his body, and his hands transformed into deadly looking claws, his nails look like small daggers.

Fully transformed, the werewolf quickly rushed towards Janak. His yellow eyes glared down Janak as he swiftly hasted towards him. Suddenly, the werewolf springs on top of Janak. His jaws quickly wrap the back of Janak's neck. Sarah was in absolute shock, but she quickly reacted. She lifted her Dragon Scimitar and impaled her blade into the back of Lakos.

This took the werewolf's attention. He glared up at the girl and swings the back of his claw at her, blasting her away from him. She is thrown several feet away from the two, until she hits the ground hard on her right shoulder. Lakos returns his attention back onto Janak, but he had disappeared.

The werewolf quickly spun back and Janak was right behind him, his fist glowing brown. He was in the middle of throwing a punch until Lakos blocked his punch. Janak's fist stood statue-like, blocked by a strong brink of flesh. With his teeth grit in anger, he pushes his fist to break Lakos' block, but this did not work at all.

Janak stopped trying and quickly backflipped away. With his sword in his hand, he pointed it towards the werewolf and a rapid shootout of Fire Waves at Lakos. A giant burst of smoke blasts across one half of the room. Janak heard nothing, no signs of life. "Did that do it?" he wondered to himself.
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06-May-2010 00:03:40

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Suddenly, Lakos' claw latches onto his throat and lifts him up into the air like an elevator. Saliva drooled from the open mouth of the werewolf as he glared up at Janak with his piercing yellow eyes. Sarah sat up after being blown away, she held onto her right arm as it was just an entire cape of blood.

Lakos took one sniff of the air and all he could smell was the blood that streamed out of Sarah. He quickly drops Janak and turns his head towards Sarah. He saw all the blood that poured out of her. And immediately hasted towards here with incredible speed. Janak quickly glances over and saw who he was attacking. "Sarah!!" he yelled, jumping onto his feet and hasting as fast as he could.

Sarah took several steps and the werewolf jumps right on top of her and opens his jaws. But before he could bite down, Janak's right fist pierces him, but barely. Janak musters all his strength to pick up Lakos off of his feet. The werewolf is sent flying and Janak's right arm is released from the open wound that he made in Lakos' body.

While in mid air, the werewolf controls himself, moving so that he would land on his feet. And when he does, he cleanly lands onto his feet. Janak extends his left hand out to Sarah, she quickly grabs it and he pulls her up. "Are you okay?" he asked, concern flooded his voice.

"Kinda," she replied, a smile on her face. "Besides all the blood, cuts, and nearly being eaten by a giant werewolf - I'm good."

Janak rubbed the back of his head with his left hand. "Oh, yeah right. Sorry." he replied, a sarcastic giggle spoke from him afterwards.
The end
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the beginning...

06-May-2010 00:04:28

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lakos cries out a terrifying howl, sending chills up and down Janak and Sarah's spines. The werewolf charges at the two. "Stay behind me." requested Janak. She acknowledged it and retreats behind Janak. Janak readies his blade and his blade began to glow brown as it was in his right hand. The werewolf jumps towards Janak.

"Don't you ever hurt Sarah again!!" he yelled, thrusting his blade towards the head of Lakos. His blade impales right between the eyes of Lakos. The werewolf recoils several of his steps, grabbing onto his head and cries in great agony. Blood splattered all over the place. The werewolf drops to his knees, still bellowing in utter pain. Blood waterfalling from his head.

Finally, he drops to the ground like a falling star. Janak's blade still impale in the werewolf's head. The werewolf stopped breathing and his body slowly started to return back into a normal being. Janak pulls out his blade and still glancing upon the lifeless werewolf.

"Rest in piece, whether you're in heaven or hell. Your final destination leads you to eternal rest." said Janak. Janak grabbed onto his right arm with his left hand and the color transformed in a mint green. Janak laid his right palm upon the wound on Sarah's right arm. She flinched when it happened. But then quickly, the pain disappeared.

After a mere five seconds, her wounds were completely healed. A great smile of both happiness and wonder crossed her face. Her eyes glance upon Janak. "That's amazing Janak," she commented. "Thank you."

Janak smirked. "You're welcome." he replied. "C'mon, I know Marcello needs us more than anything." Sarah nodded her head and the two began walking closer to the door. Their footsteps echo across the now quiet room. After twenty seconds, the two reached the door. Janak hands plants flat against the smooth surface of the door.
The end
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the beginning...

06-May-2010 00:05:07

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