

Quick find code: 49-50-252-59241445

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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"The fact is if a man like Salomon didn't exist, this world would be in a much better place." The sun in his hand grew two times larger than before. "If Salomon didn't exist, Janak wouldn't have suffered, Marcello wouldn't have suffered. If Salomon didn't exist, maybe Mom and Dad would still be alive. And our brother, Narcissus, would still be alive. What has happened to us has been the worst and best thing to ever happen for us. Because sis, I once knew you as a weak child, but I had the opportunity to watch you bloom into this incredibly strong young woman. And I know I don't say this much, but I love you Sarah, and thank you for everything."

Sarah had a puzzled look on her face, she couldn't translate what he actual meant. "What are you trying to say, Visdin?" she shouted. But Visdin's voice ceased, he spoke no more. Visdin's right palm gleamed with radiance. His family seal around his neck began to glow red.

He turns his head over to the incoming shadows, he closed his eyes and sighed. "Forgive me," he said, whispering softly. "But as many sins as I've committed, I need a way to atone."

"By doing what!?" she yelled out, but her brother didn't reply - he returned into the silence. Sarah sensed something terrible was going to happen, knowing the personality of her brother. But whatever he does, she knows due to the frozen grip upon her, she couldn't do a thing about it besides scream and shout.

Her brother suddenly darted towards the coming darkness with full haste. The sun in his hand burned red, brighter than even the sun itself. Visdin roared loud like a lion as he charged into the shadows. Lakos swings his the dagger in his left hand at Janak, who slides back to dodge. Janak swiftly slashes his sword with his two hands down upon Lakos.
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the beginning...

05-May-2010 23:37:58

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Lakos quickly launches his hands up, his daggers herding together like an X. This block caught Janak's incoming steel. Janak, showing no expression but his usual stern look, tries pushing his blade down but couldn't. Lakos quickly lifted his leg up and kicked Janak in the gut. Janak was able to keep together with his blade still trying to come down upon Lakos.

Janak responded back with his kick to the gut of his own. Lakos quickly scrolled his eyes over to Visdin, who was charging at the shadows with a glowing hand. Lakos laughed lightly and jumped to the side. He swiftly moved to right behind Janak just as fast as a wolf. Janak quickly looked back and spun back. But Lakos pushed Janak away with heavy strength.

Janak fell to the dirt about six feet away from Lakos, right by the group of shadows. His sword several feet away. Lakos quickly flew down to his hand and rapidly planted his hand flat on the ground. Once Janak hits the dirt, Lakos saw his chance. A fast snake of ice traveled over to Janak. His arms and legs became encased in ice. He shuffled his head left and right then quickly looked back at Lakos, but he was gone.

When the sun in Visdin's hand came in contact with the body of the shadow, Visdin slowly tilted his head to the left and saw Janak, who was looking up at him. An expression of shock riddled Visdin's face. Suddenly, an eruption of light bursts out of Visdin's hand along with a large explosion. The cave rumbled and shook with such heavy force from this explosion that even the people in Il Pagato could feel it.

Sarah covered her face from the explosion, and the winds and sheer force of the explosion pushed her off of her feet and her back slammed into the rock hard stone. She dropped to her knees while her back lean back against the stone. Her eyes closed, a cloak of smoke cased the cave blind. When she opened her eyes up, she realized what had happened.
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the beginning...

05-May-2010 23:41:30

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Her eyes widened, she felt extremely panicked. "Visdin!" she yelled out. "Janak!!" She jumped to her feet but she felt a pain, an incredible pain crawl all over her left shoulder. Her teeth grit together as her eyes scroll over to her shoulder. Janak's blade that left his hand when he was pushed had impaled her, going right through.

Blood rivers down her arm, dripping onto the ground on the tips of her fingers. She sluggishly inched her hand on it's handle. "Janak..." she mumbled to herself. "Where are you?..." She began to feel hopeless. Her grip held very light on Oubliée Rêver's handle. But then her grip became strong as she slowly pulled it out.

She let out a silent growl of pain as the blade slowly came out. But then she quickly pulled her hand back and the blade followed. Sarah let out a faint cry of pure agony. Janak's blade drops out of her hand, crashing onto the cracked ground. As the smoke cleared, Sarah's eyes frantically scanned the room, but nobody was there.

Body of wounded shadows caped the floor in black blood, their cries very clear. A melody of death and suffering. Her right arm grasped upon her shoulder as she slowly walked around the room. "Visdin!" she repeated. "Janak!!" She continued to yell out the two names like it was the only thing she could say.

Suddenly, claps echoed across the room. Sarah's eyes quickly turn over to the source of where the clapping was coming from. The entrance - there stood a werewolf, Lakos. A smirk cloaked his face. "Excellent job, excellent job indeed." he acclaimed, walking closer to Sarah. "Just the way it should be done."

Sarah turned, facing Lakos. "What did you do?" she questioned.

Lakos puts his hands down and ceases to move any longer. "I did nothin'."


Lakos closed his eyes. "Really, I did nothin'." But then reopened them. "Tell that ta ya brother."
The end
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the beginning...

05-May-2010 23:43:32

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Sarah's eyes widen slightly. "Visdin?" she replied, disbelief lapped her voice. But her disbelief turned to anger at Lakos' comment. "He wouldn't do something like this!"

"Oh, really? Are ya so sure?" Lakos' shoulder rose, looking like he was shrugging. "I'd say he was willin' ta do this."

"You don't know him!"

"I think I know him enough."

Sarah's anger recoils back to disbelief. Her eyes went down. "Visdin...wouldn't do this." she mumbled, her voice full of uncertainty. "I know him..."

"Ya do, but ya don't know the side of somebody who needs atonement." Lakos' shoulders return to hanging down. "When somebody commits a crime, they do whatever it takes to atone. I've seen it a lot from my bandits. And then it happens, I kill 'em. Afterall, remorse isn't very benefiting for my business. You're either in it or did it and dead."

"How could something like that?"

"Like I said, remorse is bad for business. Just kill 'em and find a replacement. Afterall, leaks of secret information can be quite a problem." he said, but then another thought crossed his mind, finishing his words. "Speakin' of business," his hands drew close to the handles of his daggers. They latch onto them and he pulls them out. He also began walking closer to Sarah.

Sarah took a step back. "What are you doing!?" she yelped.

"I got some business ta fulfill." he said. "You ARE one of the most wanted people in this land. Fifty-million gold pieces could do me a lot of favors." Lakos stomped down on the ground with his left leg and a stream of ice rushed over to her. It creeps on her legs, encasing them in ice. Sarah's eyes widen, looking down at her legs. "Don't try ta move, I don't think it'd be in your best interest ta rip ya legs off before ya die."
The end
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the beginning...

05-May-2010 23:46:50

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Sarah shuffled her head left and right, looking for somebody to help her. "Nobody's here babe, might as well die accepting it." She looks up at Lakos with her teeth grit. A beat of sweat dripped down from her forehead as Lakos came rather close to her. He stood there, face merely inches from Sarah. "I'm sorry babe, this isn't personal, but for business."

Lakos presses the dagger in his left hand up against the skin of Sarah's throat. She didn't seem panicked or fearful, just a look like she seemed to accept it. "Ready for it?" he asked, making sure she was ready to die.

"Just get it over with," she said, her voice felt no emotion. "All the people I loved are dead, I might as well join them."

But suddenly, Lakos drops the dagger. It hits the stone floor in a silent thud. His teeth herd together, grit and colliding with each other. Blood drips out from his teeth. His head turns back to glance behind him. Behind him was a familiar, but extremely angry face. Janak. His right hand had gone right through Lakos' lower back, out his abdominal. His hand was locked in an iron fist.

His right arm was glowing brown, signalling the color of Bandos. Blood rained down onto the floor, dancing with the black blood of the fallen shadows, swirling together like a blender. "You son of a-" yelled Lakos.

"Watch your tongue, scum."

"You should be dead!"

"Oh, am I? Sorry, didn't mean to foil your plan." Janak quickly pulls out his hand from Lakos. The werewolf drops to his knees, blood oozing out of his wound. His face emotionless, his body lifeless. He crashes down upon the stone floor on his left side. His eyes faded, his body motionless.

Janak quickly swings his right arm to his side, all the loose blood flies off, splatting on the ground. Janak's blue and green irises switch from Lakos to Sarah. A smile graced Sarah's face when she saw Janak. "Are you okay?" he silently asked.

"Well, besides the wound on my shoulder, I'm...okay."
The end
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the beginning...

05-May-2010 23:48:55

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Janak's left hand quickly grabbed his right arm and this right arm changes, from brown to red. He kneels down in-front of Sarah. He plants both of his hands on the ice that encased Sarah's legs to stand in a statue's position. The ice streams as it began to melt away. Water dripped into the blood, purifying it.

A question popped into Sarah's head. Her eyes went down with a growing look of dolor on her face. "Janak..." she mumbled softly.

"Hmm?" he replied.

"...Why did Visdin give up his life so carelessly?" she asked. "Why did you try to give your life for mine?..."

"Because Sarah," he replied. "Visdin and I are men who were willing to surrender it all to protect you. Whether it's our mind, heart, body, or soul - we would give it all for your safety."

"All for me? But why?"

"Because that's what a guardian's job is." he quickly replied. "A purpose we both believed was our life's purpose. Visdin thought of you more than a sister, he thought of you like a daughter. He watched you grow up, and he raised you even at a young age, before he even knew what to do. And I love you more than anything, that if sacrificing my life was to ensure your's, I would give it up without a second thought."

"But what about those comments you made?..."

"I honestly didn't know what to say. But what I said was the truth," his hands dropped to his side, he stood up to his feet, making eye contact with Sarah. The ice that bounded her to that space was completely melted. He held onto her shoulders and embraced her. "But my new purpose here is protecting you, and nothing more."

"I'm sorry, Janak." she stated. "But..."

"It's okay, don't finish your sentence." he replied. "I'm truly sorry about Visdin, but he died the way he wanted to, and that was by protecting you."

Sarah closed her eyes, her arms dangling down. "I know."
The end
is only
the beginning...

05-May-2010 23:50:57

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(at this point, the rest of the posts are not edited. I'm in a rush so...;o)

One minute passes faster than flipping a page, and as soon as this happens, Janak lets go of Sarah and turns his attention behind Sarah. The door - the door leading into the chamber of the Stone of Jas, where Abaddon and Marcello are fighting right now.

After being nearly killed, Darien stood before Sendor and his hellhound Laros. Darien's elf kinsmen Vezyfher, stood beside him, his blade Chrysanthemum held tightly in his hand. Sendor readied the longsword once again for the attack. Laros continued to growl aggressively at the two elves.

Sendor pointed his right index finger right at Vezyfher. "Kill." mumbled Sendor, commanding his hellhound for the attack. Laros acknowledged the order by a vicious bark, his saliva drooling down to the moist dirt. As the rain pounded all around them, a hammer of thunder and lighting crashed from the kingdom, blinding everybody like eyes staring at car head lights.

As soon as the one second flash passed, Laros charged at Vezyfher at speeds of thirty miles-per-hour. When close enough, Laros leaped into the air, his mouth wide open like a fish ready to bite bait. His head aimed for the elf's neck. He quickly launched his fist up with might, knocking the beast away with the back of his left hand which was coated in an metal glove.

Laros is sent away, flying towards the dirt fast. But he remains in control, landing back on the soil on his four legs. Vezyfher pointed his blade at the animal and began launching dart after dart. As Laros ran towards the elf, he curved like a snake's body. He dodged all of the elf's darts. As the hellhound approached, Vezyfher swings his blade at it, his blade going downward.
The end
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the beginning...

05-May-2010 23:55:34

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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Laros easily evades, jumping to the left side and swiftly jumping to latch onto Vezyfher's shoulder, which he did. His fangs enter Vezyfher's flesh, causing it to bleed. The elf grit his teeth in agony as he began punching the head of the beast with right hand. "Get off me, you bloody beast!" he yelled, trying to get Laros off of him.

But Laros wouldn't let go, in fact he just created more pressure with each passing second. The elf quickly puts his blade in his right hand and angled his blade to shoot Laros' hip. Once he pulls the trigger of his dartgun, the dart shoots out of the chamber and almost instantly, the dart appeared impaled in the hellhound's flesh.

Laros cried a bit, the pain made him lose some of his grip on Vezyfher. The elf places his blade back in his left hand and readies his fist again, and then launches it at the middle of the hellhound's body. "Ciao!" he yelled as his fist hits right below Laros' ribs, making him bend out like a bow. The beast finally let go as he is sent flying down to the ground.

The hellhound hits the dirt hard, sliding in it until a building makes the force of the hit hits the brakes. Laros doesn't get up, he laid there, his eyes closed. But he still drew in breath. Vezyfher grabbed onto his shoulder as the blood began to really pour out. But all the blood would be purged away by the cleansing droplets of water that fell from the heavens above.

Vezyfher looked up at the gray clouds, the warmth of the air but the coldness of the rain truly cooled him down. But then the feeling of green irises gazing upon him took his attention. He shuffled his eyes to the right and saw Aries, his weapons gripped in his hand.

"Oh, great," muttered Vezyfher, his face still a roadblock for the rain. "And what does our little mercenary want now? More gold? Or do you just want to glance upon my greatness?"

"Why do you fight for them?" he replied, extremely silently.
The end
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the beginning...

05-May-2010 23:56:23

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Well, besides Nyx, there just wasn't enough ladies at the ol' Raven Reapers place. Here, they've got a lot of them, haha."

Aries didn't reply, his voice ceased. But then suddenly, Aries quickly hasted towards Vezyfher. The elf quickly notices Aries and readied himself. When the mercenary swings his Dragon Longsword, the blade in his left hand. The elf quickly throws his right forearm at the blade, blocking the blow like his forearm was a shield.

"Hey, hey," the elf said. "Why the need of needless violence?" The mercenary didn't reply to the elf, but instead quickly swings his battleaxe for the head of Vezyfher. Seeing this, the elf quickly backflipped to dodge, but the tip of Aries' longsword cuts a small wound on his upper back. But luckily, he evaded the worst of the attack which would of easily taken his life.

The elf lands flat on his feet and readied his blade. Aries grabs a Black Throwing Axe and quickly hurls it at the elf. Vezyfher quickly swings his blade at the axe with strong force, deflecting the axe away from him. The axe impales the dirt beside a building. Quickly, Aries rushed towards Vezyfher in earnest. His weapons hanging in his hands.

On the run, he raises his Dragon Battleaxe into the air. Red aura circled around, reaching up to his waist. With one blood lust roar, his strength increased tenfold. He quickly swings his Dragon Battleaxe to the left when close enough to Vezyfher. The elf quickly drops down to his knees as soon as the attack is made.

He then quickly swings his blade at the hand in which held onto Aries' Dragon Battleaxe. His blade easily rives through the flesh of that arm, cut clean through it. His axe and hand drop to the floor, rain began dancing all over it.
The end
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the beginning...

05-May-2010 23:56:58

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
But Aries ignored the absolute agony, and readied his Dragon Longsword for an attack. His blade quickly began to glow red as this aura surrounded it. He swiftly swings the blade down upon Vezyfher. The elf quickly raised his right forearm, blocking the attack of the sword like a shield.

But even shields can crack, and the strength of Aries' attack easily shattered the wall of steel that wrapped Vezyfher's limb in protection. And the blade cleaves through his skin, his flesh, but stops once it hits the radius and the ulna bones. Vezyfher grit his teeth in both apin and frustration. "He pierced through my armour?" he said in his head, not being able to believe.

Aries glared down upon Vezyfher with his cold green eyes. He tried pushing the blade further in, but couldn't. Aries had enough of trying, so he lifted up his right leg and kicked Vezyfher right in the face with his Dragon Boots. Vezyfher falls back and hits the ground hard on back. Aries' blade recoils out of Vezyfher's flesh as he fell back.

The elf fell right into a puddle as he grit his teeth in pain. The mercenary quickly readied his blade to come down upon and impale him in the heart. The elf quickly swung his left hand at the blade of the sword, smacking it out of Aries' hand. And then, he lifts up his right leg and kicks Aries in the gut, pushing him away.

Aries readied himself for a fight, because now Vezyfher has a sword and he doesn't. The elf quickly jumped to his feet and swings his blade with his right hand. Aries quickly grabbed onto Vezyfher's blade's handle and lifted his right leg. He swiftly kicked Vezyfher in the chest and pulled his sword out of his hand.
The end
is only
the beginning...

05-May-2010 23:57:39

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