The Hunted swung over the great gulf below on a rope swing, barely avoiding having the rope cut by the Hunter's erein. Seven more papers, then he could leave. The next pillar called, over in the south-east corner. The erein swung behind him as the Hunted leapt onto the pillars, flying two and three at a time.
The Hunted desperately leaped over the low, crumbling wall before him. His lungs were burning. The thought that he wouldn't survive began to dawn on him. A balancing log lay before him. He slowed to shuffle his way over, but the pounding footsteps forced him to leap the last few feet. The Hunted tagged the pillar just as the Hunter leaped and crashed onto the log, with erein pointed down. The wood cracked, and the Hunter jumped once more before the log snapped in two and plunged down into the lava below.
The predator and his prey faced each other over the stubby pillar, one gasping for breath, the other barely sweating. The Hunted's heart pounded. He drew the srakti from his belt, and prepared to die with a little honor. The erein came stabbing over the pillar. The Hunted dodged easily, but he had no doubt that this would not be the only attack. The jumped up, and plunged the erein down as he landed on the pillar. The srakti nipped at his ankles, not quite managing to land a poisoning bite.
The Hunter leapt from the pillar, leaving the Hunted only one choice: to attempt to flee over a narrow ledge. The Hunted edged towards the shelf, ducking the odd stab as certain death pursued him. His foot reached the beginning, and he slowly and carefully stepped backwards over the sharp stakes below.
The Hunter plunged the erein into the bricks of the wall, using it as a handhold the walk on to the ledge. The Hunted saw his chance and took it. He leapt from the ledge, and his entire body crashed into the Hunter. Both lost their footing, and only the Hunter managed to grab the edge. As he hung, the srakti plunged into his back, and he felt the Hunted clamber up.
24-Jun-2011 07:42:31