
RS Story Contest #4 - Survivor

Quick find code: 49-50-216-62851328

Agile Aqua
Jan Member 2018

Agile Aqua

Posts: 5,232 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
David walked through the streets of Varrock, his home as slowly as possible. When he got home Ellen, his wife, would find some minor offense of his and then she would spend the next two hours raging about it with no thought about how hard he worked as a guard to keep the food on their table.
David continued to walk through the streets as slowly as possible, breathing in enticing aromas such as cake and bread. He also dealt with the opposite smells, such as fur. Out of the corner of his eye, David noticed an alley he had never been down. He turned onto the path and walked down the dirt road for about five minutes before one of the businesses caught his eye. It read “Attorney at Law specializes in Divorces.”
He thought of all the times Ellen had raged at him for hours on end. He thought to himself, “It would be nice to be rid of that annoyance in my life. Then I could focus on my career as a guard.” He smiled, and walked into the door, and came out a bit later with some papers.
Ellen was mad. David was over five minutes late! Did he think that she was going to keep dinner waiting on the stove as long as he wanted to? He was so untidy and just did not care about the small things.
Ellen knew that these eventually added up, and ended up in the person becoming unsuccessful. She tried as hard as she could to not get mad at him but he was so uncaring! It was like the only think he cared about was his job. She knew that what she had done earlier that day was the right decision.
During the day she had noticed an alley that she had never been down before so she followed it out of curiosity. She saw a sign that read “Attorney at Law specializes in Divorces.” She thought about how David did*’t seem to care about anything but his job anymore. She walked in, and came out a few minutes later with a sheaf of papers.
After dinner David gave his sheath of paper to Ellen. She took them and started to read. As she was doing so, her hands started to shake. She started to

08-Jun-2011 03:59:29

Agile Aqua
Jan Member 2018

Agile Aqua

Posts: 5,232 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
cry , and David could hear her muttering “no, no. You can’t leave me, please don’t.”
Then Ellen turned to David, and started to scream “WHY! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME? HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO DAVID JUNIOR?” after this she patted her stomach and David jumped to her and snatched the papers away.
He said, “No no, it’s okay those weren’t real, just throw them in the trash.* Then David started to get ready for bed.
Ellen smiled, it had worked. Now she took out her divorce papers and put them on the table for David to read in the morning. Let him see how it felt. Let him see how feeling betrayed is. She then walked to the bedroom, and got into bed with David.

08-Jun-2011 03:59:56 - Last edited on 08-Jun-2011 20:26:25 by Agile Aqua



Posts: 1,881 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Father Gregory strode through the tranquil gardens of the Edgevillle Monastery, the hood of his simple brown wool robes shading his face in shadow. Numerous monks were out in the gardens cultivating the wide variety of plants and herbs the monks lived on, but Father Gregory barely noticed them, struggling as he was to maintain his inner peace.

His problem was a number of the newer monks at the monastery, most only arriving a few days ago, and none of them more than twenty-five years of age. One in particular, Draconifus, was causing him difficulty. He believed that all must be brought to the ways of Saradomin, by fire and blood if necessary. He did not seem to realise that this was not the way of Saradomin, and would betray everything they stood for; the Monks, the Monastery, even the flowers they cultivated and the animals they herded. If people choose to be blind to the ways of Saradomin and embrace other lives, they have the right to do so, but good loses its value if it is forced, not chosen.

As Father Gregory entered the Monastery itself, several monks came out, nodding to him and murmuring blessings, to which Father Gregory responded in kind, mechanically and without thought, his mind still trying to decide about Draconifus and the other young monks.

Father Gregory entered the main hall of the monastery, his soft leather boots making barely a sound on the hard black-and white stone tiles laid into the floor. For the first time in his life, the spectacular stained glass murals and majestic arched marble ceiling did not strike him with awe, and his eyes slid past the pure white marble altar, engraved all over with beautiful pictures of tranquillity, without a pause.

11-Jun-2011 06:52:09



Posts: 1,881 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As he reached the altar though, he knelt, bowing his head and closing his eyes, slowing his breathing and attempting once again to enter the peace of mind that all Saradominists strove for. He pulled out a scrap of parchment from his pocket, holding it in his hand and feeling its perfectly smooth texture. It was a fragment from one of the original Book of Prayers, one of the books created by Saradomin himself as a guideline for all who wished to do well in their lives. As far as he knew, it was the only copy left in existence, and more precious to him than his life.

Father Gregory knelt there for a long time, until finally; he was interrupted by the sound of feet behind him.

“Excuse me Father, but I need a private word,” a voice behind him said.

Father Gregory turned around, knowing who it would be.

“Brother Draconifus, I was in the middle of peaceful contemplation. Tonight you will fast and meditate on how you have erred. Now please, leave me in peace,” he said, turning back to the altar.

“Father, it is urgent. I need to speak to you in private; lives could hang in the balance,” Draconifus said, more urgently.

“Very well , Brother Draconifus, but if this is not as urgent as you make out, I am afraid you will-" Father Gregory gasped as he felt the knife blade slide into his back. The breath was driven from his chest, and he struggled to take in more.

“I apologize Father, but I cannot let you continue to pretend to do the work of the Lord, while you let Zamorakians and foul beasts roam free, killing and maiming where they please. Go in peace to whatever fate the Lord has in store for you,” Draconifus said, looking down on Father Gregory with a mix of disgust and pity etched into the lines of his face.

Then he turned away, leaving Father Gregory lying there, on the steps before the altar, his blood ebbing from the knife wound in his back and flowing down the steps, staining the pristine white floor an ugly red.

11-Jun-2011 06:52:34 - Last edited on 17-Jun-2011 13:26:03 by WolfLord7777

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