The Wind’s Betrayal
Adrenaline pulsed through my body as I stole across the grass.
This way, that way. Turning my head left-right-left-right, on alert for the slightest sound, other than the breath of my hooded colleagues' breath.
'Ready?' Marcus, the chief of the operation, asked. We all nodded in agreement, and off we went.
Twenty minutes later, as we reached the house, our resident mage Myrajo alchemised the lock, allowing us to pass through.
The house was nothing special, an ordinary stately home, with kitchens, bedrooms, halls, and all the other things you'd expect in a merchant's house.
'Alright lads' Marcus said.'This is an important order. Walk away with this prize, and we'll be rich to the end of our days. Five percent bonus for whoever finds the chest.' With that, we crept away into different corners of the house, still on the lookout for the slightest noise, a whisper of a movement.
Ten minutes later
My amulet started to glow blue, and I knew one of us had found the chest. We met at the entrance of the house, alert as ever. A relatively new recruit, Ze*i, had found the chest. After a few claps on the back and hurried congratulations, we backed out of the house.
As we walked down the path, Marcus suddenly stopped and put out his hand. I felt the wind blowing against my back as he glanced around in fear.
'The wind!' he gasped. 'It's changed!' I was just asking why the wind mattered as I heard the unmistakeable, blood-chilling cry of a dragon, which, to my horror, was answered my many others. 'Run!' Marcus cried, picking up the chest and running as fast as he can. Even as he spoke, three black dragons dived down from the sky and blasted Myrajo in a blazing plume of fire. Sticking to our duty, three of us, took the chest whilst the others protected us in a tight circle. Running as fast as we could with the heavy burden, we realised the dragons we coming in for another attack. As they hurtled towards us a twang of a bowstring came from my
07-Jun-2011 08:42:55