“Would you say that it’s a bit warm in the cabin?” Richard asked, tugging at his collar.
“I wouldn’t say so,” Phillip responded coolly.
Phillip was in control. He refused to back down. His confidence in his actions was intimidating, and Richard did*’t know if he could get it back together. Phillip had proved a valiant opponent, and Richard had no choice but to capitulate for the sake of his life.
“Have the ship, I say!” Richard shouted, tossing the tea aside. “I will leave at once!”
Storming out of the cabin, Richard made a break for one of the life boats. He did*’t stop to look back at Phillip’s grin, and he tried to avert his eyes from the ridiculing gazes of his crew. They were probably all in on it. Richard had been set up, and he was blind to it the whole time.
“Mutiny!” Richard shouted before leaping into the small boat. “I curse you all and I shall do so ‘til the day I die!”
Richard lifted the clamp with great haste, the rope was released, and the rowboat plummeted to the water. He would report this treachery the instant he reached Port Sarim. He would strike back with unrivaled force, and never again would he trust anyone! Richard was born again, and this was a fiery Richard. He wouldn’t be pushed around like the paranoid Richard had.
“Old buffoon,” Phillip muttered smugly as he watched Richard row away.
He couldn’t help but smile as the boat sunk slowly into the sea. *Twas not poisoned tea that would kill Richard, but a hole, two inches in diameter, cut in the bottom of the boat. Betrayal at its finest, Phillip thought. Betrayal at its finest.
06-Jun-2011 21:31:57