Nor Ogdred or Archive can receive a win for their matchup, as neither has posted a story for this round.
Paccy IV automatically wins a double vote due to the absence of an entry from Xanthian93.
For the first contested vote, Nyyrikki V and Wintry Elf are up against each other. Both of you achieved impact in different ways, and neither truly outshone the other. This was a really tough one to decide; Nyyrikki has a more creative twist, but the impact that Wintry develops through emotion and the personal connection that is felt with the characters is better. Taking both of those into account, as well as integration of theme, I have to say that Wintry Elf wins this matchup marginally. Congratulations! You two are almost inseparable constantly.
Now for the final duel, The Level and Sir Lamentar are to contest the double vote reward. You both have outstanding aspects of your entries, and I considered many things which constantly changed your positions in regards to each other. I have opted to go with the more creative story, and interesting integration of the theme, with Sir Lamentar. Again, congratulations. Another really difficult one to decide on, but it really reflects the standard of this contest.
As such, Paccy, Wintry and Lamen all win the double vote reward.
Now, onto the team winners you will receive immunity from this vote:
Beginning with Team Plectrum, Sir Lamentar and Wintry Elf both win immunity by default. This was still a great effort from you both, and you really do deserve it. Keep up the great writing.
For Team Calamus, three of you are in the running for the two immunities. Sadly, this means that one of you will miss out. The two that will win immunity for this round are The Level and Nyyrikki V. I apologise, Paccy, but you are going into the elimination round with Ogdred, Xanthian93 and Archive.
16-Jul-2011 13:20:12