I pulled out my sword in an attempt to defeat this monster, afraid that I will be its next victim. Praying to Saradomin to protect me from its vicious teeth and claws, I ran after it with the intent of spilling its blood. The beast roared again, but this time, a ball of fire came out and hit me square in the chest, knocking me back into the wall. I screamed in agony as the heat penetrated my armour, leaving me cooked inside.
No more energy from a single attack. This beast is more powerful than any of us expected. I coughed blood, a sign of dying. By its eyes, I could tell the beast was ready for the killing blow. The protection from Saradomin died out, and I was left powerless. This is the end, and all for some stupid treasure.
The beast squatted down, the muscles growing about two times their normal size, and then it made a large leap towards me. I could feel the teeth sink into my shoulders. Screaming again for the last time, with my dying breath, I yelled out:
“Curse you Daemonheim!”
23-Jun-2011 21:46:27