Xanthian93: I like the opening quote of your story, but I think the reduced time you had reflects on some of the lines. The way you link dialogue back to the haiku is really ingenious, however, and pulls everything together a lot more comprehensively. I don’t like the way you finished your entry (the final sentence), though. I would have preferred a reference to the silence that ensued after her death, or something similar. Apart from that, this is a well written story that has a great impact, and integrates the haiku creatively and innovatively. Well done.
Archive: Unfortunately, the length again makes your entry very shallow and does not allow any development towards the characters or plot. I am sorry that your time was not in great abundance, but you could have built on your initial haiku really well had you written in greater depth. I don’t have much else to say than that. It’s a shame that you did*’t get to reflect your writing talent.
Nyyrikki V: So the haiku is a metaphor for the story? I think you need to expand your diary entries a bit more, or cut down on some to accommodate for others, so that your entry has more depth. Some of them just seem as if they’re there for the sake of it, and don’t actually contribute to the plot. Putting that aside, I like the development of your story. You capture an immortal’s life as I’d imagine it, repetitive and monotonous. I like the gargoyle entry at the top, as it captures the idea that not much happens to him. There are a few grammatical errors in there, most likely due to the fact that you left it to the last hour or so to write (obviously, Leb). The style of writing doesn’t really allow for a consistent pace to develop, so I can’t touch on that, but your tone is really nicely done as well. Overall, you develop a nice story. Good job.
03-Aug-2011 09:04:58