“Mom, Dad, stupid female *******, I hope you’re all happy with yourself for all the suffering you’ve put me through. I hope you all follow me very soon. Be aware that you are all to blame for this, not me. I have no reason to be here anymore thanks to you guys. I hope you’re all happy with that.”
A tear slid down her cheek as she looked over the cliff. In this darkness, she could not see the bottom. Fifty feet? A hundred feet? Enough to bring her away from this world? She hoped it would all end.
As she put her back to the cliff, she slowly etched her way out. After a few seconds, her heels were no longer on the ground; all of her weight was being supported by the front of her feet. Another tear slid down her cheek: she knew it was time.
“Oh, celestial night, please give me peace. Give me the hopes and make the dreams I have had for years a reality. Let me rest within the cosmos!”
She leaned back and her feet left the ground. A smile etched across her face as she fell, and that was the last anybody ever saw or ever heard of her.
28-Jul-2011 16:55:06