Great to see the range of new entries, folks!
Am I correct in assuming, Cyun, that your entry from last week was based on some kind of true story? Either way, it is skilfully written. The line about Cyrllic spiders is an especially neat touch, though why someone in Mexico is writing in Russian I'm not sure (and leads me to suspect it was indeed based on a true story, and therefore that I'm missing something reading it). The personification of winter in the form of the ice pick, and the contrasting of hot and cold in the last paragraph is very well executed, and the story as a whole is a very slick, almost professional piece. It also feels longer than its 100 words, which is perhaps the quintessential goal of flash fiction, so well done.
Your entry is very well written, Sam, from a technical stand point ("we made to grant ourselves immortality" resonates especially well), but suffers largely from telling rather than showing. That death is a good thing is an old trope of literature (and the very core of the philosophy of Tolkien's legendarium, for example) but nothing in your piece serves to demonstrate
it's a good thing. It may be that that is too expansive a theme to try and work with with only 100 words. It's a flashy piece, and a flashy argument, but unfortunately rather hollow on both accounts.
In contrast with the previous two, your piece is very simple, Chuk, but yet perhaps the most evocative of the three. It takes us back to a place we've all been, though from personal experience that much emotion at the end of a book was conjured by, not that final sentence, but rather
All was well
Writing about the Parthenon is always a solid way to get in my good books, Worf, though I must admit to being slightly confused by your piece; there was, to my knowledge, no point in history where a man could have grown up with the Parthenon as an active centre of worship and in old age find it a faded and fallen thing.
28-Feb-2014 22:45:56