Well, I'm sort of piggy-backing a rather famous author with this one, but it's what came to me when thinking about good things ending.
She sat in the corner of a darkened room, reading. An old lamp stuck in the corner behind her gave the only light, its yellow glow spilling across one side of her face and onto the book opened on her lap. She had a few pages left. Reaching the bottom of one, she paused, almost closing the book.
"No," she breathed. A tear started in her eye, shining in the lamplight.
She opened the book again, turned to the last page, and read the end.
"Well I'm back," he said.
The tear trickled down her cheek, but she smiled.
27-Feb-2014 21:37:54
- Last edited on
27-Feb-2014 21:46:31