Dear Diary,
With this year's Halloween event coming to an end tonight, I finally got around to completing the one new miniquest added to the event this year.
I entered Draynor Manor and went down to the basement where I fought and killed the vampyre Count Draynor. Here I spoke with Fame. She was looking to replicate the vampyres' ability to charm people for her own use. She gave me a Gilded Box containing various items she had picked up on her travels. Fame tasked me with investigating two vampyric fonts. I teleported out to the Draynor lodestone and ran west.
The first vampyric font was close by. It was just west of the witches' caravan. After cleaning off the fountain with Fame's Fan and using a Bat's Wax Candle on it, I summoned forth a Trendy Tome by commanding the book to "Join us!".
The second vampyric font was located northeast of Varrock, outside the entrance to a haunted house. I used a Blood Bucket on the fountain to reveal a gem, which I extracted with a Crystal Pickaxe. Something was inside this gem. I used a Beautiful Chisel on it to reveal a pair of Stylish Spectacles. I teleported back to Draynor and gave the items to Fame. She was pleased and rewarded me with a cosmetic vampyric outfit and 1,000 spooky tokens.
I now had 1,502 tokens to spend in Death's spooky shop. I purchased a small XP lamp for 1,500 spooky tokens, leaving me with 2 tokens.
I also spent another 750 h'oddments to unlock the Ghost Tap emote. I still have 225 h'oddments left in my currency pouch, which will carry over to next Halloween.
I've been putting out fire with gasoline!
Kat's Diary
07-Nov-2022 05:20:18
- Last edited on
07-Nov-2022 05:25:39
Kat Stryke