This evening, I brought Postie Pete another 300 last wills. In return, he gave me a small parcel and two medium parcels of forgotten belongings. Then I claimed a third medium parcel for free.
I opened the small parcel to find:
5 sets of bones
2 sets of big bones
5 buckets of slime
I opened the medium parcels to find:
30 pure essence
2 heaps of infernal ashes
3 sets of dragon bones
4 sets of baby dragon bones
A Ring of the Infected
I've been putting out fire with gasoline!
The Beach event has ended, so I have changed out of my bikini into my blue Faceless Assassin garb. I own every part of this outfit, except for the head piece.
Over the past several days, I have handed Postie Pete another 1,700 last wills. I accumulated 3 small parcels, 16 medium parcels, and a large parcel of forgotten belongings.
I opened all these parcels this afternoon. I found a total of 135 pure essence and a Fletching resource enhancer, along with a good assortment of remains (ashes and bones).
I also got a lot of worthless member junk, including something called a Ring of the Defiled.
Defiled is an appropriate term for how these promos often make me feel.
I've been putting out fire with gasoline!
The Beach event has ended, so I have changed out of my bikini into my blue Faceless Assassin garb. I own every part of this outfit, except for the head piece.
Over the past several days, I have handed Postie Pete another 1,700 last wills. I accumulated 3 small parcels, 16 medium parcels, and a large parcel of forgotten belongings.
I opened all these parcels this afternoon. I found a total of 135 pure essence and a Fletching resource enhancer, along with a good assortment of remains (ashes and bones).
I also got a lot of worthless member junk, including something called a Ring of the Defiled.
Defiled is an appropriate term for how these promos often make me feel.
I love your diary entries! Good luck on the next adventure!
23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.
This afternoon, I completed Daily Challenges in Smithing, Mining, and Runecrafting.
I smithed 300 rune arrowheads at the Lumbridge anvil. Next, I mined 25 gold ores north of Al Kharid. Then I siphoned 8 air runes from a cyclone within the Runespan.
I redeemed these Daily Challenges to reach 79 Runecrafting.
I also decided to go back to wearing my Furies' Agent outfit. The short pants included with the Faceless Assassin garb look like they belong on a schoolboy.
I've been putting out fire with gasoline!
This afternoon, I completed Daily Challenges in Smithing, Mining, and Runecrafting.
I smithed 300 rune arrowheads at the Lumbridge anvil. Next, I mined 25 gold ores north of Al Kharid. Then I siphoned 8 air runes from a cyclone within the Runespan.
I redeemed these Daily Challenges to reach 79 Runecrafting.
I also decided to go back to wearing my Furies' Agent outfit. The short pants included with the Faceless Assassin garb look like they belong on a schoolboy.
Nicely done! I love your reviews on the outfits!
23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.
Hehe, thanks Jamandy52. I do enjoy being stylish! I typically wear my Aurora Cape with the Furies' Agent body (without the ugly head and wings pieces).
I gained three more skill levels late tonight - and they were all the same level!
Details to follow...
I've been putting out fire with gasoline!
Late tonight, I completed Daily Challenges in Dungeoneering, Fishing, and Crafting.
I used a challenge token to skip the Dungeoneering task. Next, I caught 14 crayfish behind the Lumbridge church. Then I teleported to Edgeville, where I crafted 10 accursed urns.
I redeemed these challenges to reach 84 Dungeoneering and 84 Crafting.
I also used a shining large prismatic lamp I won tonight to get 84 Fletching.
I've been putting out fire with gasoline!
Tonight, I completed Daily Challenges in Woodcutting, Firemaking, and Combat.
After I chopped 10 yew logs west of Lumbridge Market and burned these logs in a bonfire, I teleported to Edgeville, where I entered the dungeon...twice.
First, I completed the challenge by slaying 17 poison spiders with Arteria. I used the Challenge XP lamp to gain just enough XP to reach 80 Magic.
I returned to the surface, in order to bank the 10 sets of bones I had collected in the dungeon. Then I withdrew my blue dragonhide armor and the chargebow I took from the weakling Kayle. With my ranged gear equipped, I went back down into Edgeville Dungeon to hunt more poison spiders. As I shot down the ninth spider inside the corridor which leads to their lair, I managed to reach 80 Ranged. I also collected and banked another 10 sets of bones.
My RuneScore increased to 1,750.
I've been putting out fire with gasoline!
Early this morning, I teleported to Varrock after I completed my Daily Challenges in Fletching, Fishing, and Combat by making 200 rune arrows, catching 14 crayfish in Lumbridge, and killing 16 poison spiders in Edgeville Dungeon.
First, I made six round trips to the rune essence mine. I gathered a total of 160 rune essence, which brought my total to 200.
Next, I completed two easy achievements by giving bones (donated by a thief I slew in an alley) to a stray dog, then by climbing to the highest point atop Varrock Castle. My RuneScore increased to 1,760.
As I took in the view from the top of Varrock Castle, I observed an evil tree twitching behind the castle. I quickly raced down the stairs and ran behind the castle to chop this evil oak tree. I cut down nine evil roots, and used the kindling to set fire to the evil tree at seven different positions. I single-handedly brought down the evil oak tree. My reward consisted of 14 noted oak logs and a willow seed.
After I had looted the flaming remains of the evil oak tree, I burned the two pieces of kindling I had not yet used. As the final piece of kindling burned up, I attained 98 Firemaking.
Only one level to go before I reach Firemaking skill mastery!
I've been putting out fire with gasoline!