Its me. The Mighty Corugi. Yes, that vile and thoroughly despicable pker you encountered a while back in the Rants section on your thread. Yes, that horrible member of that notorious clan GRIEF, the only clan to have used nuclear weapons on the forums. I was impressed by the quality of your posts, which is why I am posting on your thread here.
Now, in between pking penguin hunters in da wildee I am also working on MQC, Comp and Trim reqs. All at the same time. While simultaneously chewing gum and doing handstands, blindfolded. With both hands tied behind my back.
I noticed you said you were working on the Statue requirement. Having finished the trim req of strange and golden rocks I may have a couple of tips to aid you.
Agility Rocks. These can be obtained very, very quickly at the Empty Throne Room, located just east of the Digsite. You pedal a cycle. They are so easy to obtain you can get them back to back with no need to switch skills. You can also get Div and Mining rocks there but not as easily as the agility ones.
However if you have not yet done got the agility top and bottom then I would suggest running laps at the respective agility course. There the rocks come much, much slower but at least you are killing two birds with one stone. ( Or two penguin hunters with one Ultimate ). Once you have the agility top and bottom then use the Empty Throne room.
For the Statue of Dahmaroc:
Hunter. If you have run out of protean traps and still have the Yaktwee stick ( Charm Sprites ) req to do, then I found catching those little sods gave hunter rocks fairly easily. ( "Easily" being a relevant term here ). Otherwise I found doing protean traps in the Gorajo resource dungeon to be sufficient, with the odd Imping flying around to improve your chances. This I combined with a bit of Meilyr thieving on my daily visit to the Motherload Maw for a chance at them juicy enhancers.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.
30-May-2017 10:41:22