
Jake's Journal

Quick find code: 48-49-131-63718065

Yhorm Aegis
Jun Member 2021

Yhorm Aegis

Posts: 815 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Woot!!! i got 86 slayer at last and i now have 371k until level 87 slayer its difficult to give an estimate at this stage but i'll give it a week and then re-evalualte the situation.
I'm soaring my way to 95 constitution with only 179k left i should have that by the end of the week. As for defence i have around 226k left so not bad there either to be honest i'll most likely have 92 by the end of the week or sooner. The new quest has been delayed until at least the 5th march according to what i have heard on the forums and in-game but i can not find any source from a J-Mod that proves or disproves this statement.

25-Feb-2013 20:17:22

Yhorm Aegis
Jun Member 2021

Yhorm Aegis

Posts: 815 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My new task is desert strykewyrms which i have only had once before they have great loot i had earned over 110k from just killing one strykewyrm. As for the charms well thats not so good however the loot does more than make up for that. I have 351k left until 87 slayer so quite a bit to go yet but i'm getting close to 92 defence and 95 constitution.

26-Feb-2013 19:15:45

Yhorm Aegis
Jun Member 2021

Yhorm Aegis

Posts: 815 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Its been a couple of days but i'm back and just in time too with the new quest fast approaching. Gielinor will be changed forever or so we are told i can't wait the only thing thats disappointed me so far is they have only one requirement 140 combat as the quests are just optional this is so more people are able to give it a go which is fine really as long as it does not impact the difficulty.

01-Mar-2013 20:51:12

Yhorm Aegis
Jun Member 2021

Yhorm Aegis

Posts: 815 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And so Gielinor has changed forever with Guthix now dead at the hands of the mahjarrat known as sliske and his ancient edicts destroyed the gods that tore the continents apart shall return to these lands so far Saradomin has returned this raises cause for concern as it is but greater worries as Zamorak and even Zaros are sure to return posing the threat of a second god wars. Today i completed the world wakes this has boosted my stats although not as i planned, i am close to 87 slayer with 118k left. I got 92 defence and 79 dungeoneering and 193 combat to boot. My training shall now resume as normal.

04-Mar-2013 22:35:15

Yhorm Aegis
Jun Member 2021

Yhorm Aegis

Posts: 815 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Another 40k slayer xp fro the penguin hide and seek minigame and anither 40 tomorrow too because it resets in about 7 hours. Currently i have 75k left until 87 slayer so i could potentially level up this week, i am also quite close to 95 constitution pushing me one step closer to 99. My current task is blue dragons so there is an opportunity to rake in some cash. In other news i realised that this marks the 6t* age just a bit of trivia for you there.

05-Mar-2013 19:23:31

Yhorm Aegis
Jun Member 2021

Yhorm Aegis

Posts: 815 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have finished my blue dragon task and made a nice profit i then moved onto kalphites which although they are not the best task i tried to make the best of it. I am making great progress with slayer as i have 43k left and once i get 40k from the penguin hide and seek minigame i'll only have 3k left so thats 87 slayer in the bag. My current task is 60 black dragons so theres another chance to get some cash and charms plus a good portion of xp. Only 55k left until i get 95 constitution but its still unclear as o when i'll get that but it must be some time soon. I have about 475k left until 93 defence so its going well and i'm suprised at how quickly i'm levelling it.

07-Mar-2013 22:39:20

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