Attempting to login and keep getting a screen saying that I'm standing in a members zone and will have to move to a non members zone to log in. I have a membership and can't figure out why it won't let me log in
Hey I’m having the same issue. I’m no longer a member and I have bonds in my bank but I’m standing in a member area. I don’* want to have to buy a membership just to move my guy into a F2P area.
Switching to a f2p world doesn’t work. It still says to move your character to a f2p area.
Member only areas of OSRS are not accessible on Free to Play worlds, regardless if you have membership on the account or not. To play in a members only area, you must login on a members only world (signified by the gold star on the world list).
If you run out of membership and are standing in a members only area, you will find your character in Lumbridge upon logging in on a Free to Play world. From there you can activate a bond and return playing in members only areas, given you log into a members only world.
I hope the above makes sense and answers your questions. Let me know if you need further help.