Device name:Lenovo TB3-710F
Location: United Kingdom
Wifi: Yes
Cellular: (no SIM)
Data Provider: None
OS: Android
OS version: 5.1
Playtime (Approx): varies between 30m and 2h
At the time of the crash I was: attempting to open the world map
Can it be reproduced?: Yes
Any time I'm "actively" playing (as opposed to skilling in one spot) in a way that requires me to do a lot of travelling, attempting to open the world map can cause the app to freeze completely. This has happened at least once every day that I've played. On the other hand if I stay in one location for a large amount of time (around 2 hours) and then open the map, the map takes a little while to load and is quite laggy, but work fine otherwise.
Situations where this has occurred include:
- When travelling between the GE and Taverley for the Druidic Ritual quest.
- When travelling from the GE to Tree Gnome Stronghold for Agility training.
If I'm travelling somewhere and I'm able to get there without consulting the world map, because I know where it is, then I can always seem to do so without a problem. I don't rely on the world map very much, but when I do it crashes the game. Reloading the game allows the map to work properly again for a while.
11-Jul-2018 23:54:42