Coda 2:
** While PC may not, in itself be one of the Minigames absolutely requiring this, it would likely benefit minigames as a whole, if they all supported eachother in having similar links of effort to reward (with rewards being better, in general - People don't expect to be able to afk bosses, at the appropriate levels to fight them them, for loot.. and they certainly don't expect to be able to get more loot (either in direct terms, or on average) by doing so, than those who put all the effort in - let alone be able to do so while preventing anyone who goes there for fun, from being able to enjoy the content.).
This would prevent a resurfacing of the general consensus that minigames are to be reaped without participation.
The important thing to note about almost all the proposals for fixes, is that while they prevent afking and boosting without contribution, they
force people to play if they don't wish to - they must either not do the games, or pay to leech, like with Dunge, and thus support indirectly, rather than detract.
The amount they pay would depend on how much value they place upon afking it, or how fast the team they pay can boost them through. While I'm not a fan of boosting, I see that it's the only way to turn something negative into something positive, and is a
better situation than currently (I can't emphasise that enough - and no, I wouldn't be a direct beneficiary of this, as I'm not even close to a good player in any minigame, not by the standards of those who would be the alternative; I would, however, benefit from more lively Minigames).
A great thing about this aspect, is that it will create a self-balancing, constant reward incentive, one which can save extra dev time spent on dreaming up extra rewards (*to clarify: All minigames are in need of some extras (top-tier Invention components would help), but this would help with spreading them out).