Have enjoyed the events I've attended so far, and been amazed at the extra length Mod Shauny has gone to to ensure everyone has fun. I understand a lot of behind the scenes work goes on in preperation for events, but definitely think Mod Shauny has been a great addition to the CM team!
My thoughts and inputs, in brief (thanks in advance if you manage to wade through reading it - there are fully-formed suggestions relating to this, many already posted elsewhere, this is just intended as a summary, to outline where it's comming from):
I'd also like to itterate support for F2P compatible events, along with wishsing to see more Gop ones. Some competition support for varuous minigames would also be wonderful, as many are in dire need of encouragement of experiencing play - often people turn out to enjoy playing, once they do play.. but the in-built currency allocation systems (with thaler system further compounding this) lead people to afk them from the start, and thus never even try them to find out if they like them.
This can be practically enforced, if there are encouragements in the system for experienced players to farm off anyone new (whether they realise it or not), rather than try to work together to play collectively better; such farming ends up with newer players feeling bullied, and put off from the games, turning to afk. Once there is one afker, often play becomes unenjoyable for all, in some minigames, so more afk.. and that snowballs into a situation where no one comming new even gets the chance to try playing something - minigames end up with the reputation of being not worth playing, being something to afk, and being 'joke-content' nobody should care about.
18-Jan-2016 14:16:38
- Last edited on
18-Jan-2016 14:37:54
Yusou Bhoroi