
Jmod In-Game events

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, agreed. I'd like to see more f2p events as well, and the faction skirmish in Al Kharid actually could have been f2p, even though I do understand there are equipment and special abilities that you can use only in p2p.

Also, I just got the Skill and Chill reference. I didn't notice that it was a (possible) reference to Netflix and Chill, or maybe it's really just because Skill and Chill rhyme?

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Very Vera | Join Nomad ! | Inform Yourselves | Forum Help

16-Jan-2016 18:14:15 - Last edited on 16-Jan-2016 18:14:38 by Vera

Mod Shauny

Mod Shauny

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
HTML said :
I haven't actually participated in the KK event yesterday but i'd like to leave some feedback:
The JMod lodestone was placed just outside of the agility shortcut, which is fine but if you haven't done (a quest or something?) you cannot enter that shortcut, this means you have to walk all the way around which actually takes quite a bit of time.
When i asked why it was there you said due to limitations it couldn't be placed closer to the entrance. So what i would like to suggest is to ask the people responsible for where you can/cannot place the jmod lodestones to change it so it can be placed closer to the KK cave (if it's possible at all).

As i left the fc to make room for others to join i can't be sure about this one but when you started the event we could only join in on your instance, since there were quite a lot of people KK just melted, i would suggest: get a few more people (possibly ranks within the fc) to host with you, so people got a chance to actually do some KK instead of clicking and it dieing after 3 seconds.

As to events what i would like to see more in the future:
- Cwars (love this, great for people that might go for trimmed comp like myself)
- Hide 'n seek
- Fist of guthix
- Pest control

With the current "locs" this isn't really possible for KK, the Lode needs a sizable area just to be sure that when you spawn on it nothing funny happens, if it was possible I would of placed it closer.

Thanks for the post. :)

Turros said :
I'm sad I took the time to try playing.
Seems skewed towards players with better access to transportation.
As I am not, I couldn't even reach a few of the locations.

Which event was this?

All of the events I've done I've placed a Lode as close as I possibly can in locations so you can get there quicker via the Jmod Lode, but this is again useful feedback so thank you ^^
Mod Shauny - RuneScape Community Management - Goebies! - @JagexShauny
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17-Jan-2016 04:45:00

Dec Member 2007


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A few event ideas I have.

- Clan Wars purple portal: Mod Lee's friends chat vs Mod Shauny's friends chat
- Mobilizing Armies (I actually found this game fun back in the day lol)
- Fight Pits! Only one shall remain victorious!
- Skill n Chill with Mod Osborne telling us about various lore (possibly on stream?)
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17-Jan-2016 05:18:54

Yusou Bhoroi

Yusou Bhoroi

Posts: 8,551 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Shauny said :
HTML said :
I haven't actually participated in the KK event yesterday but i'd like to leave some feedback:
The JMod lodestone was placed just outside of the agility shortcut, which is fine but if you haven't done (a quest or something?) you cannot enter that shortcut, this means you have to walk all the way around which actually takes quite a bit of time.
When i asked why it was there you said due to limitations it couldn't be placed closer to the entrance. So what i would like to suggest is to ask the people responsible for where you can/cannot place the jmod lodestones to change it so it can be placed closer to the KK cave (if it's possible at all).

As i left the fc to make room for others to join i can't be sure about this one but when you started the event we could only join in on your instance, since there were quite a lot of people KK just melted, i would suggest: get a few more people (possibly ranks within the fc) to host with you, so people got a chance to actually do some KK instead of clicking and it dieing after 3 seconds.

As to events what i would like to see more in the future:
- Cwars (love this, great for people that might go for trimmed comp like myself)
- Hide 'n seek
- Fist of guthix
- Pest control

With the current "locs" this isn't really possible for KK, the Lode needs a sizable area just to be sure that when you spawn on it nothing funny happens, if it was possible I would of placed it closer.

Thanks for the post. :)

I would also like to add that it was easier for folks to get back to graves, where it was placed; whereas they'd have had to run a gauntlet to get there, unarmed, and likely die on the way, losing everything. As it was,there were 3 instances where people got there too late, even with grave blessing, and keeping the grave area clear of Guardians. I realise there are other options, but the balance was good, last time. :)

18-Jan-2016 13:59:49

Yusou Bhoroi

Yusou Bhoroi

Posts: 8,551 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Have enjoyed the events I've attended so far, and been amazed at the extra length Mod Shauny has gone to to ensure everyone has fun. I understand a lot of behind the scenes work goes on in preperation for events, but definitely think Mod Shauny has been a great addition to the CM team!

My thoughts and inputs, in brief (thanks in advance if you manage to wade through reading it - there are fully-formed suggestions relating to this, many already posted elsewhere, this is just intended as a summary, to outline where it's comming from):

I'd also like to itterate support for F2P compatible events, along with wishsing to see more Gop ones. Some competition support for varuous minigames would also be wonderful, as many are in dire need of encouragement of experiencing play - often people turn out to enjoy playing, once they do play.. but the in-built currency allocation systems (with thaler system further compounding this) lead people to afk them from the start, and thus never even try them to find out if they like them.

This can be practically enforced, if there are encouragements in the system for experienced players to farm off anyone new (whether they realise it or not), rather than try to work together to play collectively better; such farming ends up with newer players feeling bullied, and put off from the games, turning to afk. Once there is one afker, often play becomes unenjoyable for all, in some minigames, so more afk.. and that snowballs into a situation where no one comming new even gets the chance to try playing something - minigames end up with the reputation of being not worth playing, being something to afk, and being 'joke-content' nobody should care about.

18-Jan-2016 14:16:38 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2016 14:37:54 by Yusou Bhoroi

Yusou Bhoroi

Yusou Bhoroi

Posts: 8,551 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
While it'd be ideal if the problem was targeted at the source (currency systems based on effort and participation, so as to encourage and reward play, cooperation, and sharing of knowledge), this is likely outside the scope of the CM team (though I have noticed that some long (3+ Years in the constant asking for) awaited fixes for some content, albeit minor ones, have tended to be made in the wake of CM events, which suggests some influence), the encouragement of a value in playing, learning, and competing in Minigames seems something achievable.

As long as there's an emphasis on having fun, and not just aggressive competition, then it should hopefully bolster casual play and enjoyment, too (after all, competition best springs from a large pool of regular casual players, encouraged to try out things, rather than from a reward system which either ends up promoting aggression, complete afk farming, or a toxic mixture of both).

I know I tend to bash on a bit about this, but seeing it from the perspective of the chats dedicated to sharing enjoyment, participation, and teaching various minigames, the sutuation has become progressively worse, over the last few Years, with it being bad enough before the minigames mostly had little 'worthwhile' to go for. Most such chats would actually prefer that they weren't required to exist, let alone be fated to eventually die off through attrition, due to an emposed system of enforced non-play.

I'm hoping that some CM support and encouragement to such groups (alongside regular CM activities) may give minigames the boost they need to become something valued and played again, even if it's a slow process (think we've proved we can be patient with slow processes, given how long help groups have persisted against the odds), and while it makes many happy to see the activity CM currently enspires, we still have the sadness of knowing it ends up being a brief spark.

Will be looking forward to continuing events. :)

18-Jan-2016 14:34:06



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, in response to your main concern--my first game of Pest Control during the event, I went into the Veteran boat, and wasn't awarded any Void Knight points because I didn't contribute enough lol. I was distracted (had a lot of private messaging going on then), and all the pests I did try attacking were all far away, so they died before I really had a chance to deal damage. Knowing this, I was still genuinely surprised that I wasn't able to get away with it, and that was reassuring.

There's also an afk Castle Wars fc on world 24, the official cwars world. To be honest, I don't know how I feel about that, since most games are rigged, but at the same time they allow these games to actually happen. Without this afk fc, Castle Wars games otherwise never would have taken off the ground, and a result of Runescape's natural attrition, I can't really complain about them.
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Very Vera | Join Nomad ! | Inform Yourselves | Forum Help

18-Jan-2016 18:34:38

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