Would you consider adding the emblems which can be exchanged for points to the various wildy bosses? Only in BH worlds of course. This way mid level pvmers who don't have the stats for pking (like an 80/80/80 account) have a reasonable way to get a dragon defender without just buying the spike from a PKer.
Also, while you're at reworking the MSB a bit, any chance of getting a more useful spec for the longbow? It's a mid-high tier weapon that is useful exclusively for alching, which is a sad thing to think about. Maybe a spec that gives an effect similar to a combination of a diamond (e) and ruby (e) bolt spec? Has a chance to hit through defence + can drain a % of the enemy's hp whilst also draining life from you? It'd still be a fairly useless weapon, but it'd be nice to see it used in some areas of the game as a spec weapon. Ranged weapons themselves (not including bolt effects which are random) are very limited as far as useful special attacks go.
06-Sep-2014 06:00:40