Well now Jagex, looks like your playing the Fool on this update.
What you have done was unnecessary and uncalled for this foolish of an update. Many players want content not changes to the OSRS game. Yeah I get the need for diversity but the way you approached was wrong.
Why changed recruitment drive? That made the quest interesting and allow us to be a part of interesting approach to questing. THAT was a part of OSRS history.
Thrones of Miscellania, I don't care about it but its still part of OSRS history.
The Feud was iconic quest for its goofy names .
OSRS had always been a diverse in its own way. This update is the most idiotic thing you have done, you should've created more quests with interesting characters or adding more islands to quest on with its own story or whatever. Instead you wasted our old memories of OSRS on silly nonsense stuff from reality.
You done goofed up now.
13-Nov-2022 03:43:40