
D&I and Quest Speedrunning

Quick find code: 380-381-850-66266263

Apr Member 2023


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...options besides marriage, here are the ways Kings and Queens became Kings and Queens.

For Kings: "Throughout the Middle Ages, kings had come to power through conquest, acclamation, election, or inheritance."

For Queens:
That's a link to a 297-page paper on how Queens became Queens.

A video game is meant to be a source of entertainment, which offers a way to escape the reality and struggles of real life. A successful and enjoyable game has the ability to do that. It's the same with films and theatre etc. Consistency is key, especially when worldbuilding. When you suddenly start making changes to an established world/ lore that make no sense in the context of the story, which is clearly a way to push political agendas, it becomes glaringly obvious and takes people out of that emersion.

So, before you start attacking the majority of your customer base, calling them every "ist" under the sun (like so many woke companies like to do today after churning out politically motivated low-quality content to a well-established franchise), and maybe take a minute to reflect "Is it our loyal, decades old customers that are the problem, or is it our lazy attempt to shoehorn in identity politics into our well established game?

I would advise players to be wary, as when companies start to become woke, it starts of subtle but then slowly snowballs into insanity, until the product that was once a fun, immersive and generally politically neutral video game becomes a platform to simply push political agendas.

Will Runescape be able to refrain from heading down that route, it's hard to say, but we should get a clearer picture of the path their taking when future Diversity and Inclusion updates are released.

10-Nov-2022 01:54:22

Jan Member 2024


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My existence is not political, it's your hatred of me that is political. RuneScape is the first place I felt comfortable exploring my gender identity. I remember nearly 20 years ago finding the makeover mage and gender-swapping for the first time. I felt so happy that this fantastical fantasy world even allowed such an option. Most games I played at the time forced you to be stuck with the same model you chose from beginning to end. In RuneScape, you can be whoever you want to be, whenever you want to be them. You don't have to create an entire new toon just to roleplay differently. Change your name, your gender, your skin and hair! When you can't be who you are in the real world without putting yourself in very real danger, fantasy is all you have.

The point is, RuneScape is a place where people should be able to feel safe, feel included, and feel able to express themselves without undue hate. For many people, feeling safe means not being forced to change their toon's gender to access specific content. For many people, feeling included means seeing positive representation of their demographic. For many people, being able to express themselves means being able to romance in a way that aligns with their own feelings.

For some people, feeling safe means being able to deny these wonderful feelings to others for the sake of preserving history. I am glad the OSRS team is not obligated to pander to these people.

10-Nov-2022 04:17:53

Apr Member 2023


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while my real life views and beliefs dont align with the "inclusion and diversity" group From what the article did say so far this seems to be a moderate approach to it all. Up untill recently I was playing wow where they literally subbed out "male/female" for "body1/body2".

Maybe the exception could be female guards which werent really a thing in times this game is themed upon. Yet so far it isnt inclusion via exclusion. When it hits that point you know it is just chasing points with the "in" crowd

ps - if my female character has already married the prince in that quest, can she dump him and go marry the girl? lol

10-Nov-2022 10:19:57

Cat Bus
Jun Member 2023

Cat Bus

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Changing iconic content without the consent of the players is exactly the type of horse that ruined RS2 and made us all quit. Jagex is doing it again but this time in the name of a MORAL imperative in which they will likely ignore all negative feedback and probably even BAN dissenters. We see evidence of that already on reddit in which ALL negative feedback is being deleted, users banned, and the ones who are left are buried by the armies of echo-chamber redditors who all happily agree with each other. Even the constructive criticism is sent death threats. It's SCARY that reddit is where the team goes to get ideas and address the community.

Like others, this is the only place I can get to you Jagex. This forum was the place I was told to go by your system when I unsubbed all of my accounts. Like many I have been playing OSRS since the beginning on many different accounts. But this change, small as it may seem to some, truly saps the soul of the game and I won't be resubbing unless your company changes directions with these updates. It isn't simply that iconic Runescape features are changed, such as the horrible draynor port update, but that the game has been made into a tool to twist it into a world that follows the Devs moral and political ideology (NOT that of the players, or it would be POLLED).

This brash flaunting of your power and twisting of the original game is sickening to me, and that is really why I am unsubbing all accounts after so many years. But I will tell you why most of these changes are trash in and of themselves, and not simply because they were force fed (like so many RS2 updates were).

First: Iconic content removal.

Almost enough said. It is quite literally not the same game it was anymore and not because of new additions, but because of changing and removing parts that consisted the game in the first place. The LOTR reference with "no man may defeat me" is, as many have pointed out, a cool mechanic. ....(continued)....

10-Nov-2022 18:53:38 - Last edited on 10-Nov-2022 18:54:25 by Cat Bus

Cat Bus
Jun Member 2023

Cat Bus

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…JRR Tolkien the creator of LOTR, as many do not know, is the father of modern fantasy as we know it. This game is heavily based off of the medieval fantasy and magic archetype that he helped to create and popularize.

Second: out of place additions.

The guards, Hero, Paladin and warrior women change was bad, ruins immersion, instead immerses you in what feels like a Disney pandering commercial. In the medieval fantasy setting, the races and sexes have certain roles to play and are loosely based on the timeframe. In that time, every society was homogenous with rare exceptions. OSRS fit that. OSRS was and is a diverse place with many species and races (karamjans, kharidians, etc) but they had their own towns. For those wanting to say Gielenor is fiction so the NPCs can be whatever we want, that is hugely disingenuous. Take Camelot for example. It’s supposed to be loosely based around those people. The game is based around the medieval fantasy setting—in Europe. Take the recent final fantasy where the JAPANESE dev said our cast will be white—because it’s based on Europe. The “white” world in 2022 has fewer and fewer homogenous white societies left; most of them are diversified and in the case of the US, are now pretty balanced out while in Africa, east asia and the middle east, these countries remain homogenous. This is the exact thing you have done to OSRS. Thus, you make it reflect the world in 2022 in a way that aligns with the values of those who are wanting the society this way. That is how this change is political. Why would an equal portion of dark skinned people suddenly work for the guard or become heroes or paladins? Wouldn’t you only expect it here or there such as with Bob in Lumbridge? Do women, even in first world countries where equality is gospel, work in guardsmen positions at the same rate as men? ...(continued)...

10-Nov-2022 18:54:53

Cat Bus
Jun Member 2023

Cat Bus

Posts: 1,292 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
No they don’t. And its not because society is sexist—we’ve been encouraging equality of outcome for decades and men still want to do the physical jobs at a much higher rate. And before anyone accuses me of racism for saying random dark guards and paladins are out of place. I can guarantee I am darker than 95% of anyone reading this comment and probably on the osrs dev team too. My grandparents hardly speak English, I was the token minority of all my friends growing up, and I, as a non-white person, feel insulted by this strange pandering and race swapping this company has decided to pursue.

Third: You have actually made the game LESS diverse.

By enforcing equality of outcome and a genderless society, you take away the wonderful differences that exist between us humans. Warrior women was such a cool NPC – one could theorize why there was a class of warrior women. Perhaps they felt close to each other as most guard positions were men? So they formed a troupe throughout the world where they all had the same armor and knew that they were the warrior women… No, now there are just bland “warriors”. Yawn.

There were classes of HAM member to steal from, now just one. There is now less variety, less diversity because, as you know, women and men must ALWAYS be the same, right?


10-Nov-2022 18:55:40 - Last edited on 10-Nov-2022 21:19:25 by Cat Bus

Cat Bus
Jun Member 2023

Cat Bus

Posts: 1,292 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The towns which were based on medieval Europe are now a bland mixture of peoples. What you have done is prefer a small scale diversity to a wide, rich, worldly diversity in which there is a place where every race and group can become what they want. Worse is that it reflects the 2022 society (emphasizes politics) by showing that only the European societies are diversified to any extent. And no I do NOT want a bunch of blondes in al kharid, karamja, and I do NOT want more men on lunar isle. Those places should remain as they were to PRESERVE DIVERSITY on a large scale. Not this stupid idea that every pocket and every city needs to have a mixture of peoples—this is frankly a MODERN Eurocentric idea. Isn’t that what you are trying to avoid?

Lastly I’ll just point out that Tolkien (without whom we would have NONE of this fantasy stuff) was a devout Catholic, did you know that? So he wouldn’t have agreed with the miscellania changes. But I get it—the demographic has changed. Most people would probably agree to the change with a poll. So poll it all, you cowards. Until then, I’m out. And if you read this and don’t want me here and say "go away" because I'm a bigot or intolerant, that’s fine, that would make two of us.

10-Nov-2022 18:56:05 - Last edited on 10-Nov-2022 18:58:08 by Cat Bus

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