
Bounty Hunter Rewards Dev Blog

Quick find code: 380-381-85-65461453



Posts: 31 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think EP boosting should be a ban-able offense. If you get caught boosting, there would be a report option for it. You mods would do your magic and investigate their points and such, and if they're found guilty, all points get wiped and they get a 24 hour ban. or even a temporary ban from the pvp worlds. i think that would allow us to use the old ep system, without the abuse.

23-Aug-2014 00:27:29

Non the Less

Non the Less

Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
dont worry i didnt forget PvP

PvP marks will be earned as stated in the dev blog however some rewards i thought of include-
Gem of the seven- a crystal purchased for marks that can upgrade one set of barrows equipment giving it an additional bonus.
-lowers opponents attack while boosting your own.
lower hp increases defense accordingly
chance to poison for 25% damage dealt.
chance to increase cast speed OR double cast not sure which would be more balanced.
chance to hit twice (i mean cmon two hammers, two hits right?)
chance to steal special attack.

okay next item-demonic chest
opening this item will give you one of 9 weapon shards. 3 shards will be specific to one of 3 new weapons a new level 75 crossbow which has ammo equal to rune bolts bound into it. a level 75 mace with a 90 str bonus. or a level 75 staff that has a random chance (1/8) to freeze/bind an enemy for 10 seconds with any spell with a damage boost. these items will each have a special attack that will increase attack speed by 1 tick for 5 attacks/casts. these weapons will be tradable and will be repaired after 5 hours of combat however the cost will either be in pvp marks or a large sum of cash.

cosmetic costumes-
i dunno a few costumes to say "hey i killed so many people i dont need that cool stuff anymore" would be awesome.

Grim reaper pet- similar to the above but a pet.

hybrid armours- level 45-60-80 hybrid armours
each armour will offer bonuses to all attack styles while sacrificing major defense boosts to each specific style.

range/mage boosting version of piety- pretty self explanatory

please give feedback and stuff for these ideas id like to see what others think.

23-Aug-2014 00:44:31

Dec Member 2021


Posts: 2,849 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think before you spend a lot of time sorting this out you should create a poll which will be between 2 aspects of pking

These 2 being Bounty Hunter (as in pvp worlds and the system) or Bounty Hunter Crater (which ive heard a lot more people be enthusiastic about in my experience)

23-Aug-2014 01:07:51

roid love

roid love

Posts: 14 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
some things id like to see:

brawlers (doesn't hurt economy, imo would make more people wanna bh)

teleport tablets , (teleport to target , maybe a couple others of some sort?)

special energy pots (can only be used outside wilderness though, so if u didn't wanna stand around waiting for spec, going duel arena etc for it)

ability to upgrade recoils (x2 as strong as ring of recoil)

just a couple things i though of quickly that imo dont seem OP

23-Aug-2014 01:10:06



Posts: 81 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like the idea of having bounty hunter worlds. I am concerned though because it sounds like this would be replacing the traditional pking. I think it would be better to have a separate world for bounty hunter. Traditional pking is almost the definition of 07 scape and bounty hunter is making it seem like it is not very 07 scape like. We don't want to stray away from the idea of 07 scape because then it wouldn't be 07 scape anymore. As far as adding items to the shop, if there were items to be added.. such as d claws, maybe they should only usable in the bounty hunting worlds. I am sure that is not a very popular idea but my goal here is to really make clear that these big changes could really mess up the idea of 07 scape. Thanks for your time!

23-Aug-2014 01:15:12



Posts: 56 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Having been a Pker for the last 8 years and seeing ALL forms bounty hunter took I'd like to say that yes, 76king was a problem of sorts, but was one of the most active times in PvP history. I think you need to add more incentive beyond the emblems, it just isn't enough. PKers want Money just like everyone else. You keep reiterating the point of unbalancing, the fact however is you can lose hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of GP pking unlike skilling. The high risk nature of Pking warrants a high reward.

23-Aug-2014 01:40:33

Hit A 99

Hit A 99

Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I agree. A big factor that made bounty hunter really fun and exciting was the random loot you received after killing an opponent. It is not very fun killing someone risking ~250k because you know you will only get 250k. Inb4 I killed someone risking 100m and got 50k loot; In all respect, if you know this is potentially going to happen why bother high risk PKing on a bounty hunter world, take it to a non-BH world.

The random loots were sometimes very underwhelming but when they weren'tm they made up for it.

23-Aug-2014 01:49:27

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