I'll keep this short, simple and in English: a clearly, demonstrable, retrograde step that is indicative of a number of negative changes that will no doubt occur further down the line such as you will ultimately destroy what there is of this game that makes it something that those who have played it for over a decade and reduce it to the mind and soul-numbing trash that is that preodominantly put out by those who follow the Hollywood mantra of "Slurm, slurm, slurm".
If you want to change the polling system or have people vote in this do it in different ways and perhaps stop quoting incessant realms of what is quite clearly flannel in an effort to make yourselves 'sound good'. More and more the reaction to you is one where the negative reaction is clearly that which is correct and the one that is instantly felt.
I'm now off to play RS (this game) while it still exists.
27-Oct-2022 18:00:28