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You see, you have the problem right there, how do we make it so the pure skillers can still use them, quests like legends or Fremmy trials will get in the way of that.
We need some lengthy quest requirements so that they will be less populated with bots, I think you should not cater updates to skillers and pures.
I am in total agreement, the game should not revolve around skillers and pures, especially when they are in the minority now.
They chose to be level 3 skiller or pure knowing of the restrictions that would be placed upon them.
All you skiller hating noobs can shove it. I'm CB 120 and I still support my skiller friends. Game doesn't revolve around PKers either but they think they're the center of the world. Yeah.. skillets knew that these agi courses would come out.. RIIIIGHT
Skiller haters have existed forever but to bring it into 07 is silly. Most longterm rs3 players r now maxed accs and very few remained lvl 3\4. 07scape has given us all a chance to become maxed lvl 3's without making stupid mistakes. Some limitations make being a lvl 3 super fun, but dont limit us from a SKILL update.
30-Nov-2013 19:17:07