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How may I ask, would not having a quest giving combat exp promote 'dead content'
Those who currently can't access the existing courses with such requirements don't use those courses now, how would not using them in future change that?
It wouldn't.
All it would do is make any new courses just as unused by those same players as the old courses.
I don't need to do Legends for access to Ardougne so why should I need to do it to access an agility course there, now if that course was in the Legends guild I would indeed need legends quest under my belt and I would do the quest should I wish to train there.
The only new course that has a quest requirement for area access is Canifis.
I don't object to requirements for access to some of these courses but those requirements should not be quests with combat related requirements or rewards, agility is a non combat skill and combat should not be the limiting factor for access.
If you train agility, and are intending to get lets say 99. Let's say you have very little quest done. Firstly,
you wouldn't use barbarian course at all, or consider it. Bar Crawl? no thanks. I'll go to that city that is slightly less xp, but easier requirements.
Ahh, I've hit 50 agility. I should go to Wilderness Course for the best XP at this level. Wait no, it's too far and dangerous. I'll use the city where I will get slightly less xp, but have to do nothing to use it.
Yes!, finally! 75! Perhaps I should go to Ape Toll since I can no longer fail, and get one of the best agility XP rates in game. Wait... Monkey Madness. No thanks, too time consuming and hard. YUCK! I HATE QUEST! I'll just go to that town and get less XP that is a teleport away.
It creates dead content cause it doesn't only give the option to skillers to not use the other courses, but gives that option anyone. This is why some other reqs have to be added to unlock them.
How may I ask, would not having a quest giving combat exp promote 'dead content'
Those who currently can't access the existing courses with such requirements don't use those courses now, how would not using them in future change that?
It wouldn't.
All it would do is make any new courses just as unused by those same players as the old courses.
I don't need to do Legends for access to Ardougne so why should I need to do it to access an agility course there, now if that course was in the Legends guild I would indeed need legends quest under my belt and I would do the quest should I wish to train there.
The only new course that has a quest requirement for area access is Canifis.
I don't object to requirements for access to some of these courses but those requirements should not be quests with combat related requirements or rewards, agility is a non combat skill and combat should not be the limiting factor for access.
If you train agility, and are intending to get lets say 99. Let's say you have very little quest done. Firstly,
you wouldn't use barbarian course at all, or consider it. Bar Crawl? no thanks. I'll go to that city that is slightly less xp, but easier requirements.
Ahh, I've hit 50 agility. I should go to Wilderness Course for the best XP at this level. Wait no, it's too far and dangerous. I'll use the city where I will get slightly less xp, but have to do nothing to use it.
Yes!, finally! 75! Perhaps I should go to Ape Toll since I can no longer fail, and get one of the best agility XP rates in game. Wait... Monkey Madness. No thanks, too time consuming and hard. YUCK! I HATE QUEST! I'll just go to that town and get less XP that is a teleport away.
It creates dead content cause it doesn't only give the option to skillers to not use the other courses, but gives that option anyone. This is why some other reqs have to be added to unlock them.
29-Nov-2013 17:04:42 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2013 17:06:13 by Egoism